General & Others How disappointed would you be if the M3 didn’t fight Calamities?

How disappointed would you be?

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The Road To Harmony
It depends what Oda has them do in place of facing Calamities. They are the main protagonists, therefore they should play some substantial role in this war.

If it's to beat F6, then what is the point? They are likely Zoans, therefore objectively inferior to the Calamities. Because they weren't strong enough for the Calamities? The last thing needed to be heard is "not strong enough" at this stage of the story. Luffy and Shank's time to meet is soon. Luffy can't begin to suggest his crew is equal, let alone, better than Shank's when his strongest fighters are still below other Emperor's commanders.

What's worse is that it reflects even poorer on all their training. 2 years, power ups, last minute preparations, and they are still too weak for the tasks that naturally fit them.
Hell fight sanji but the fight will stop before theres a winner
The theme for sanji post timeskip is hes not allowed to take any W on or off panel
Tbh idk but id love to see them fight not gonna lie
Both are from the north blue
They already clashed before
Drake seems to have some interest in germa
Drakes them seems to be he wants to be like a super hero
Drake is a marine too
Germa were villains back in the comics and sanji as a pirate and stelth black still kinda is

Idk it sounds cool
tbh i want them to team up more than fight
If Oda truly wants Zoro and Sanji to beat King and Queen, imo he's dealt with these characters incredibly poorly.

Given that Zoro and Sanji are supposedly going to be beating people who were low-mid diffing Luffy in WCI, it would have been nice for them to at least have some fights that would indicate they are ready to take out calamities.

it would have been really nice if, for example, Sanji defeated Drake or Page one with relative ease. Or if we could have seen Zoro fighting against hybrid Jack for a brief period of time.

also,I will be utterly disappointed if Sanji gets a 1v1 but Eustass Kidd doesn't. Kidd deserves a proper 1v1 against a high tier and he deserves it more than Sanji imo.
How has he dealt with Zoro poorly lol?
It is absolutely weird to lump in Zoro with Sanji when the there is a massive gap between their presentation.

Zoro pulled off feats against Pica that dwarfs anything any Yonko commander has done offensively, like its even close. Also CoA wise he was able to completely run through one of the only two confirmed Full Body Haki users in the series and Pica even received same hype regarding his Haki in Vivre Card that Vergo did and there is no real basis to his Haki being all that much weaker than Vergo at all. While Sabo had an actual Haki battle with someone weaker than Pica with no CoA hype in Jesus Burgess

So based off of his Pica feats alone his Haki is around high high tier and his offense surpasses any high tier besides Bound man because Luffy has King Kong Gun which is (maybe) superior to ISDS.

Physically he was able to overpower a ground busting attack from Fujitora 1000s of times stronger than the one he used on Law that Law was unable to get out of. And he was able to stop a charge of a moving dragon nearly twice as big as Moby Dick a battle ship while same Dragon launches Luffy just by flipping his tail. Those are two of the best physical strength feats we have seen post TS from any high tier

And that Fujitora feat counts as durability as well because he was getting squeezed by massive gravity and after overpowering it he was fine seconds later and then later on shown clashing with Fujitora.

Speed which is apparently his worst stat is still at least on high tier caliber when he has shown attack power feat that put Gear 2nd to shame and has shown at least Gear 2nd level mobility.

While not having his strongest weapon and main fighting style, in a 2v1 situation he mid diffed a supernova who can easily be a low high tier.
As far as portrayal and

-And don't even get me started on Hawkins. A massively holding back Zoro who was just defending against Hawkins managed to kill him twice and Hawkins died third time trying to pull out his trump card that was supposedly enough to fight both Luffy and Zoro. Where as Hawkins was only able to do minor damage to Zoro due to distraction. Zoro literally embarrassed Hawkins.

As far as hype and portrayal is concered
-Zoro was able to fight Denjiro, someone on same level as Ashura Doji and Jack while brutally injured and again not using his strongest weapon. Sure Denjiro was holding back but so was Zoro. We don't know how much Denjiro held back but we do know Zoro held back on his CoA which by portrayal should be above Denjiro's, he held back on his named attacks in their actual clash (that 720 PC was aimed at Orohci) and he held back on his special moves like Lai that is his maximum speed and gorilla that is his maximum strength. Yet Denjiro's own men were saying Zoro and Denjiro are having an equal clash and clash was intense enough for them to produce big shock waves.

-Zoro was portrayed as only samurai in Wano who managed to Tame Enma which is used to Haki from Kozuki Oden, someone who was able to scar Kaido. Something that resulted in Kawamatsu, someone who initially didn't even trust him quickly become his fan boy. And Zoro is even projected to take his Haki beyond what even Oden did by turning Enma permanently black.

-He is trained by an absolute high top tier and it is virtually impossible for Zoro to find a better teacher.

I have hardly made any post like this since my return but it ridiculous when someone randomly places Zoro and Sanji on same caliber. Their feats, portrayal, presentation are worlds apart post TS. Zoro hasn't lost a single fight, the only time he has been shown in vulnerable position (passing out) is also riddled with PIS and is no different than Luffy nearly dying from Hody's bite. He has shown better feats than most high tiers and now he has gotten even stronger by training with Enma.

So while it doesn't make any sense for Sanji (currently) to defeat Queen, Zoro has more than shown in the new world that he is capable of taking down any calamity at this point. And regarding Sanji, quite frankly I don't give a fuck. I'd rather have Kidd fight Queen because Queen seems to have that mechanical arm, he tortured him in Udon etc. While Zoro should obviously fight King or who ever is the second strongest antagonist on Kaido/Orochi side.

Sanji neither needs to be on calamity level nor has he shown qualities yet to be on that. Zoro has both need (because by EoS he has to dwarf that level) and qualities (He has been presented as an absolute unstoppable force in the new world).
Also my thing is i don't think this is the last yonko level crew the strawhats will face. Theyre definitely gonna fight the black beard pirates and potentially even the red haired or big mom pirates at elbaf

Even eos the crew likely won't be far off in strength compared to the yonko crews. They definitely gonna be stronger and surpass them tho.
Like the whitebeard and roger pirates were stronger than the other yonko too but the gap wasn't that that big overall
luffy is already getting called 5th yonko and bigmom and kaido are supposed to go down this arc if luffy need have crew members that are good enough to be at that level
Luffy and the alliance will be lucky to be able to beat kaidos crew
Adding big moms fat ass into this they definitely fucked

Well unless some outside force aka the marines are able to arrive and keep her busy.
If not...


Lead them to paradise.
Law was in Punk hazard and Dressrosa and Sabo who was stronger than luffy and law was in Dressrosa. And yet Zoro fights the second strongest subordinate of the arc villain because PLOT. THE PLOT DECIDES THIS SHIT. NOT YOUR POWER SCALING
vergo was stronger than pica change my mind. And youre right law didnt fight pica because he was fighting doffy :), oh and fuji to an extent.


Lead them to paradise.
Luffy and the alliance will be lucky to be able to beat kaidos crew
Adding big moms fat ass into this they definitely fucked

Well unless some outside force aka the marines are able to arrive and keep her busy.
If not...
Some people around here are delluding themselves into thinking that the alliance will be fine after luffy lifted some rocks and "learned'' advanced coa, while most of the rest trained for shit. And apparently this makes them now ready to not even take on one but two yonko crews.
vergo was stronger than pica change my mind. And youre right law didnt fight pica because he was fighting doffy :), oh and fuji to an extent.
Pica would honestly low or mid diff Vergo.
Mid diff because I am giving Vergo benefit of the doubt that he can momentarily evade Pica's attacks.

Pica has far superior attack power in the Golem, his punch looked stronger than any thing even Gear 4th Luffy showed power wise besides King Kong Gun.

He was able to casually one shot Don Chinjao, although Chinjao was roughed up at that time, just how much did that really weaken him when we have people like Zoro winning fights at the brink of death.

Golem Pica in Dressrosa absolutely destroy Vergo.
Now Base Pica without his Golem vs Vergo is a different story and I think Vergo would high diff due to his superior skill and maybe slightly superior CoA but there is no indication.

Anyways yes version of Pica that Zoro defeated >>> Vergo (low or mid diff)
Well let's divide Yonko officers into different tiers
Yonko commanders:
Ppl like Perospero, Snack, Cracker, Smoothie and Katakuri
Kaido has his Son, King, queen and Jack
Jinbei, Doffy and Luffy (Kidd too)are on this level

Vets/ powerful supernova:
Daifuku, Oven, Tamago, Bege, Compote
F6 and Apoo on this level
Zoro and Sanji are on this level
Also Law, Denjiro, the Dukes and Ashura are on this level

Weaker vets/supernova
Mont d' or, Amande, Pekoms, Galette
On this level we have ppl like Vergo Cavendish, Bartolomeo and Sai and Pedro, Killer, Kinemon too


It doesn't affect me in a negative way.....on contrary, I will be disappointed if they don't face commanders solo, if Luffy takes Kaido solo......we know that the probability of group fight against Kaido is 99% ......
Oh yeah, I don't think anyone will mind if ZSJ tag teams commanders and that way Oda can do justice to all fandom
Zoro should fight Who's who and King and Sanji should fight Page One and Queen.
I dont see any reason why all the straw hats cant have two major fights with the amount of enemies we have there's plenty to go around.
13 Oniwabanshu, 5 Mimawarigumi, about 14 of Big Mom's kids, 10 numbers? Kanjuro, the flying 6, big mom, kaidou, king, queen, jack, smoothie

thats about 55 opponents minimum, 22 of the can be dished out to the straw hats with no problem there's still enough for Law, Kid, killer and the scabbards all to fight 2 as well
I think that Zoro and Sanji's clashes in act 2 pretty much set up how their final fights should be

Zoro beat Killer and then fought Denjiro. The clear connection between both of these characters is that they are members of Orochi's crew.
Sanji fought Page one and then fought drake. The connection here is that he fought the tobi roppo.
Hence, Zoro's final fight before Kaido should be the strongest member of Orochi's crew, whereas Sanji should fight the strongest tobi roppo.

Zoro vs Kanjuro
Sanji vs Who's Who.


I think that Zoro and Sanji's clashes in act 2 pretty much set up how their final fights should be

Zoro beat Killer and then fought Denjiro. The clear connection between both of these characters is that they are members of Orochi's crew.
Sanji fought Page one and then fought drake. The connection here is that he fought the tobi roppo.
Hence, Zoro's final fight before Kaido should be the strongest member of Orochi's crew, whereas Sanji should fight the strongest tobi roppo.

Zoro vs Kanjuro
Sanji vs Who's Who.
Well....this is just an opinion

Zoro ain't gonna fight Kanjuro....
Kinemon vs Kanjuro it is