Theory My "Theories"

a one piece prophet
the little I have read sounds dope Hermano.
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Nothing can be deleted from the internet.

A little bit more on what happened to the Ancient Kingdom.
Uranus is a spaceship capable of travelling to the moon. However, it is a weaponised spaceship capable of mass destruction and it uses electricity as the main energy source (Vegapunk's current technology uses only heat energy).
Uranus was used on the ancient kingdom 900 years ago. It was not enough to destroy the ancient kingdom although the kingdom got fragmented. However, the impact destroyed the frozen ice (which was like a dam holding on to an immense amount of fresh water). The destroyed ice led to this fresh water being released and water level rose drastically. Many fragmented parts of the ancient kingdom drifted apart and many sank.
This is the start of an ice age beginning 900 years ago. Abrupt seasons across the one piece world started too.
Part 8 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger13 points3 weeks ago
Part 8:-
The impact of Uranus together with the great flood led led to earth materials being ejected to the sky, covering much of the sunlight. The world subsequently experienced a 100 years of winter in darkness.
With the help of Agashi (Poseidon from 900 years ago), Noah carrying important relics from the ancient kingdom were taken away to be hidden to the Fishman island.
One of items is the Apology Letter from Dyras for being unable to keep his promise to Agashi. He speaks to Agashi and that he is sorry, and to let her know that in 900 years, a man will appear and fulfil that promise. The promise to let her people see and feel the warmth of the sun.
Part 9 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger15 points3 weeks ago
Part 9:-
Zunisha is 100 years old now. He is one of the guardians of the Ancient Kingdom. His master is the Kozuki Clan. He is ordered to protect something but he failed to do so. It indirectly led to (... PM me if wanna know, coz I think it is a big spoiler). A devil fruit power was used on Zunisha which caused him to fail.
The head of the Kozuki Clan ordered Zunisha to never return to Wano. Not for another thousand years (more like 900 years?). Wano closed its border about 100 years later, after having settled some important events and after being forced to.
Part 10 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger11 points3 weeks ago
Part 10:-
Around middle of the void century, Im got the immortal operation performed on him but after de-aging himself.
Joyboy is defeated.
Words begin to spread that in 800+ years, Nika will re-emerge.
The Great Cleansing begins for the next few decades.
Ponegliffs begin to spread across the world. Wano is closed.
World government is formed.
Uranus is kept hidden. Poseidon is no longer around. Pluton went missing after being sank.
Part 11 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger17 points3 weeks ago
Part 11:-
Creation of the first Log Pose. This is explained by Vegapunk.
Even though the Ancient Kingdom was a massive supercontinent, different parts of the supercontinent have their own unique earth materials (I think this meant the unique magnetic materials or something, not entirely sure).
The area that has the highest density of magnetic material is Road Star island. In the past, when water flows downstream from Road Star, some of the materials flow downstream as well. The landarea of the supercontinent nearest to Road Star thus received the highest deposit/density of the material earth materials while the farthest end of the supercontinent has the lowest deposit/density.
One day, a geographer proposed that by using a magnet, the magnet will always point in the direction of the lower density to the higher density. People will be able to travel the whole place without getting lost!
Thus the first Log Pose is formed.
Part 12 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger15 points3 weeks ago
Part 12:-
(Add on one more info to Part 11: This is why the islands furthest away from Road Star island only need 1 compass to travel to the next island while the islands nearer and nearer to Road Star need 3 compasses.)
The Hidden Treasure at Mariejois. But let's go back to the dark winter that lasted 100 years, 900 years ago.
During the 100 years, many allies of Dyras were hunted down and eliminated across the different fragmented lands. Similarly, many allies of the 20 nations were eliminated too. There were too many dead casualties on both sides of the war. The bodies were buried but due to the 100 years of cold winter, the bodies did not decompose. They froze.
The bodies of certain individuals were honoured in secret and words start to travel. Words reached the ears of Im and The Great Cleansing lasting almost half a century started.
The bodies of these individuals were stolen and stored in the current ice chamber in Mariejois.
BUT. The real secret of Mariejois is actually a man made energy source. Something like a battery, but more advanced kind. This energy source is able to generate electricity on its own and is the only way Uranus is able to function.
Part 13 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger15 points3 weeks ago
Part 13:-
When not in used, the energy source is stored in the ice chamber as well because the coldness helps with preserving the lifespan of the energy source.
However, over the millennium, temperature of one piece world is slowly recovering and is much higher than during the void century.
The power of the energy source is slowly experiencing power leakage. The last time the ice chamber is "re-frozen/restored" again, was by the previous user of the Hie Hie no Mi.
Just when the world government is about to ask Kuzan to freeze the ice chamber (Kuzan is unaware of the energy source but he is aware of the frozen bodies), Kuzan deflected to the world of pirates. 😂 This is probably one of the funniest side story.
Donflamingo is aware of both the frozen bodies and the purpose of the energy source.
The world government now is panicking because the energy source may get depleted over time if the chamber does not get restored soon.
Vegapunk is not made aware of this energy source. This knowledge was explicitly kept away from him.
The situation at Mariejois was made worse by Sabo, whose flame at the recent Reverly war hastened the melting process. They deemed Sabo as one of the critical individuals that must be eliminated at all cost.
The Gorousei felt relieved that Sabo is dead at Lulusia (spoiler: Sabo lives on)
Part 14 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger16 points3 weeks ago
Part 14:-
Short narrative on the origin of Road Star Island.
Road Star Island originates from the heavens. It is a celestial body with composition vastly different from those in the one piece world. (Read more in Part 11)
The Beginning of the Final War.
The beginning of the final war in One Piece is triggered by the clash between two yonkos - All fruit users BB Crew Vs No fruit users Red Hair Crew.
(I was writing the full spoiler for the war between the two crews. But I deleted it after thinking about it. Because I feel it will be a disservice to all fans by spoiling it right now. It will be much better to actually watch or read it. Trust me.) (PM me if you want to be spoilt early and risk not enjoying this manga as it slowly develops every week...)
So the below will be all that I am willing to spoil:
There will be a somewhat unexpected ally fighting alongside RH crew midway.
There will be deaths.
There is something that Shanks said to Buggy a long time ago - it will come true.
Immediately after the clash between BB and RH, we will finally know the lineage of Shanks. And his ancestors' role 900 years ago.
Note: The clash between BB and RH is in parallel with other clashes as well. It doesn't mean other clashes only start after BB and RH finishes.
Part 15 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger16 points3 weeks ago
Part 15:-
The Final War Pt. 2
The time to open Wano's border is finally here. Under the command of Momonosuke, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi set sail to Zou. An relic from the past was shown to Zunisha. A flashback to the history 900 years ago is shown. It revolves around Joyboy, Kozuki Headmaster, Zunisha, and the relic itself. There will be a touching love story involved. (spoiler: prepare some tissues, you will cry). (spoiler2: no, the love story is not between Joyboy and Kozuki Head).
Back to present. Zunisha arrives back at Wano and opens the border. His trunk was used the smash the rocks/bounders that surrounds the whole of Wano. Rainwater came pouring down onto the sea below. The Wano from 900 years ago is revealed in all its majestic.
Momonosuke addresses his people. The whole history of Wano is revealed, which is recorded in Oden's notebook. With the help of Zunisha, citizens started to head down to the Wano below.
Pluton is revealed a few chapters later. It is a majestic warship of mass destruction and it is half buried. Carved onto one side of the warship is a letter written by the Kozuki Clan Head nearly 900 years ago. Pluton is sank by the Kozuki Clan.
There are three ponegliffs beside Pluton.
Part 16 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger15 points3 weeks ago
Part 16:-
The Final War Pt. 3
Blackbeard arrives at Wano. His plan is to steal Pluton for his own use.
Pluton cannot be absorbed by Blackbeard's body. Pluton is coated with condensed Kairoseki.
Navy arrives with Seraphim Kuma (not sure if is the only Seraphim). It is led by Fujitora. Coby and Helmeppo are present as well.
Samurai + Mink Vs BB crew Vs Navy
Fujitora has spoken to Kuzan recently.
Back to Mariejois-
Im is speaking to a man and a woman. They are from the Figarland family.
900 years ago, the Figarlands were the ones who initiated Im to crown himself as the king of the world.
Part 17 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger15 points3 weeks ago
Part 17:-
Vegapunk joins the Revolutionary Army.
Vegapunk needs Dragon to provide him with some White Den Den Mushi. He is going to create a special breed of Grey Den Den Mushi that is able to sync up with his brainwaves. The grey Den Den Mushis will be able to transmit waves to many other Den Den Mushis. Vegapunk has something important to share with the rest of the world.
Part 18 to be continued
[−]gohdroger14 points3 weeks ago
Part 18:-
Uranus is a ship that sails the sky.
More than 900 years ago, a group of space people sailed down to the Blue Sea below. Sharing the same descent is another specie from the Fairy Vearth. The space people had shared very close bonds with this specie - the specie is the ancestor of the people in One Piece we now know as Minks. Minks originate from Fairy Vearth.
Before descending, the King of Minks told the leader of the minks travelling down to never forget the help they received from the space people. The gift of electricity that saved their whole specie. Most importantly, to never forget they have families back here waiting for their return. No matter how long it takes. If they (the minks travelling down) ever miss them, look up to the night sky on a blue moon - that's where their families are, that's where their loved ones are, and that's where their roots began.
As a parting gift, a baby Zunisha was given to them to bring down below.
Uranus does not originate from Blue Sea - it originates from Fairy Vearth.
Part 19 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger17 points3 weeks ago
Part 19:-
Fast forward a few hundred years later.
The minks escaped and has been hiding/living on Zunisha ever since the fall of the ancient kingdom.
Uranus was stolen by Im and the 20 nations. They call themselves the Gods. To symbolise their status, they started wearing air masks (those bubbly thingy they always wear around their body suit) and ascent to the top of the Red Line. Gods always ascent. (This is after the ancient war is over.)
Mariejois is built. Uranus is hidden in it and only taken out to used when necessary.
The Lunarians were once part of the space people who travelled down to Blue Sea. Lunarians are like a branch family as opposed to the main family. An incident caused them to leave and settle on top of the Red Line.
Dyras had previously travelled to Red Line to persuade the Lunarians to return. They are all friends afterall.
Back to present. King finally understood something he heard his family once mentioned when he was young.
Part 20 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger21 points3 weeks ago
Part 20:-
A really short spoiler just for fun:
Enel returns.
Part 21 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger14 points3 weeks ago
Part 21:-
The Many Theories of Vegapunk
Long time ago, Reverse Mountain did not exist. However, what lies beneath the current Reverse Mountain is a really large sea volcano.
Due to the usage of Uranus subsequently during the ancient war, the impact of the bombardment resulted in the sea volcano erupting for many many years. Over the years, especially coz of the winter, the lava that splurt out cooled rapidly and a "mountain" made of lava rocks formed.
Panel shifts to the 3D model of the One Piece world as envisioned by Dr. Clover.
The 3D model of the world by Clover shows One Piece world as being the largest celestial body with many "moons" revolving around OP world. We finally get to see the other side of the model: there lies the sun. Based on Dr Clover's theory, not only does the many "moons" revolve around OP world, the sun itself revolves around OP world too.
Vegapunk explained that over the years, he has reached a conclusion different than the one arrived by Dr Clover: All celestial bodies revolve around the sun! He proudly shows his new 3D model of the One Piece world - the sun being the biggest body now with various other celestial bodies revolving around the sun. He goes on to explain that perhaps without the sun, there could be no hope for us. The sun is what we see the first thing we wake up to see everyday - the sun brings hope!
Part 22 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger8 points3 weeks ago
Part 22:-
Panel shifts back to "Lava Rock Mountain"
Because of the impact of the bombardment, the One Piece world axis tilted ever so slightly.
The tilted world resulted in a "force" being more concentrated in the middle of the lava rock mountain.
Over the next few decades, the "force" resulted in water from all four seas flowing towards (and upwards) the lava rock mountain. The paths taken by the water erode parts of the lava rock mountain and flow down from a 5th pathway (this is the pathway the Strawhat crew took to enter grandline).
Over time, this area is known throughout as The Reverse Mountain.
As more and more water flows down this 5th pathway, this consistent gust of water pushes aside the surrounding. Calm belts are thus formed due to the equilibrium reached between the "forward" flow of this water brushing/pushing against the "backward" flow of the water from the other four seas. (Not sure if I make sense - sorry I'm not Vegapunk, please wait for him to explain, it will be much clearer 😂)
To travel around the world, people no longer can simply cross from one sea to another. They have to make the perilous journey down the grandline/new world.
Part 23 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger11 points2 weeks ago
Part 23:-
Another real short spoiler:
At the end of one piece, there will no longer be any fruit user.
Part 24 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger13 points2 weeks ago
Part 24:-
The Final War Pt. 4
Fujitora makes a decision.
Prior to arriving at Wano, Issho is contacted by Kuzan. Kuzan questions the good and evil of this world. If the Marines and even the World Government truly represent all the "good" that are of this world.
In his time away from the Marines, he has travelled to many places and spoke to many people for the past two years, something that he was unable to do so when he was a Marine Admiral.
Start of one of Kuzan's 3 flashbacks-
It seems that there are some "truths" of this world that the world government is desperately trying to cover up.
Kuzan met up with Dragon and learnt some of the history of the world.
Dragon's tattoos represent events important in his life. Each of the inner squares represent a "core", and the outer square represents his conviction to protect the "core". The first "core" is the Ohara incident.
End of Kuzan's 3 flashbacks-
Kuzan told Issho to always question the world. The worst form of blindness is blindness of the heart, not the eyes.
Back to present-
Issho questions why the World Government decreed that they have to do everything in their power to obtain Pluton. Shichibukai has already been demolished. The strongest legends of the older generation - Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom are long gone (this is before Kaido and Big Mom reappears in later chapters). The Seraphims are under their control. The research results of the SSG are in their hands. WHY does the world government continuously seek power and leaving deaths everywhere they go?
Issho thinks back to the report he heard about Wano and the alliance led by Luffy. He thinks back about Luffy and Dressrosa.
Issho decided to protect Pluton and not let the world government get their hands on it.
Part 25 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger13 points2 weeks ago
thanks bro
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Part 25:-

Part 27 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger12 points2 weeks ago
Part 27:-
The Final War Pt. 6
(I contemplated revealing the full backstory of this character. This is just the gist/short summary of the backstory but sources tell me that Oda has plans to make some more tweaks to it. Do not read it if you wish to continue enjoying One Piece.)
The Man Who Does Not Believe In God
Narrator: 55 years ago, somewhere in West Blue
A kid is born in a war torn country. Due to the war, the country is left in poverty with not much resources, financially and militarily. The kid's father had died just one day before he was born. There were lots of pillages and murders were rampant around the country.
Growing up, the kid is raised by his single mother. Regardless all that is happening, the single mum never fails to do one thing: telling her baby that she loves him and then rocking him to bed/sleep every single night. This continues as the kid grew older... 3yo.. 4yo.. 5yo.. and so on.
The kid grew up being bullied and having his things taken by other people. Over time, anger welled up in him. Together with some of the other kids, they started strategizing on how to retaliate and fights ensued for quite a while.
The kid and his gang began pillaging from those who once stole from them. Food and water were then shared with people who needed them. The kid believes that justice and kindness should and will always exist in this world. Just as his own mum believed in. And if there is no God who can serve justice, then he himself will serve justice instead.
Part 28 to be continued.
[−]gohdroger10 points2 weeks ago

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Well in no way did I read everything but bm and kaido gives me hope for the return of zkk 😂😂😂 thanks for the share from what I did read it looks like the story of gonna get chaotic rather quickly
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I do love the fact that sanji will get coc I’ve always thought he would have the basoc version at the very least
I just thought of something, they said franky would get kumas df in 10-15 chapters and guess where kuma is, Not near us, so i think its a gg for your “credibility”
The statement was made like only 5 chapters ago (if even that, forgot what chapter it was made). With the way Oda does things, I still say we wait and see before pointing accusations. None of us were expecting Kuma to go straight to MJ. and depending how his powers work, he could do what he's trying to do and warp again. I'm giving it till the alloted 10-15 chapters before passing judgment.
I just thought of something, they said franky would get kumas df in 10-15 chapters and guess where kuma is, Not near us, so i think its a gg for your “credibility”
He posted about 4 weeks ago, so that's only 2-3 chapters so far. The only gg so far is your ability to determine how many chapters have passed 🤣

15 chapters, assuming the usual 3 chapters every month/4weeks, would mean a total of roughly 5 months / 20 weeks
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@Gohdroger why dont you ever leak recent events eg the guy vegapunk thinks can beat cp0
I recall he did. Someone asked him what will happen in the upcoming chapters (recall it was about 1067/1068, and he said origin of devil fruit among a few other points. Around 1069/1070 Vegapunk talked about exactly that
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Rofl someone else posted something similar, although the way this person writes is horrendous 🤣
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