Speculations Aokiji will fight Garp to prove his loyalty to BB

When Blackbeard captured Koby after the Amazon Lily incident, I've always thought it was a random plot choice... WHY was it Koby specifically of all people? he's just a regular Marine Captain... he could have captured Helmeppo instead, or EVEN BETTER, Vice Admiral Yamakiji, whos higher ranked and is worth more to the WG/Navy than Koby...

What links both BB and Koby together for him to choose kidnapping him? this:

Blackbeard is a calculative man who researches his opponents before engaging them and plans ahead before making any move.

He knew about the strongest logia fruit, so he decided to join a Yonko's crew to increase his chance of getting it
He knew about Magellan's poison so he resorted to recruiting Shiryu and getting the antidote first.
He knew a war would break out if Ace was captured and WB tried to save him, so he used it as a distraction to get the fruit he wants.
He knew about one of the Wano Supernovas making their way to Winner island and made sure to prepare an ambush for them.

so would it be far fetched to say BB also researched Koby's background after the Rocky Port incident and found out his mentor is Garp the marine hero?

probably not.

what would this info accomplish though? if anything, kidnapping Koby is more of a liability because that makes you a target of Roger's rival and one of the strongest navy soldiers

but its not about himself, its about his newest crewmate: Aokiji.

we have seen before in Chapter 0 that Aokiji greatly respects Garp and looks up to him

he also respects him enough to take a backseat when hes present and not interfere with his family DESPITE being HIGHER RANKED than him (admiral > vice admiral)

so back to my previous point from above: Blackbeard is a calculative man who researches his opponents before engaging them and plans ahead before making any move.

would it be far fetched to say he doubts the loyalty of his newest crewmate who is literally a former marine admiral?


so how would he make sure this former marine is 100% on his side and not a backstabber? by having him fight ANOTHER marine and beating him.

and what better target is there to accomplish this task other than the MARINE HERO himself who all marine soldiers look up to?

Koby is just a key. He himself is not important, but his relationship to Garp is, because BB can lure Garp with Koby and have Aokiji fight him to prove his loyalty to the crew.

The timing is also perfect, because BB knows the WG/marines are busy dealing with the reverie mess, revolutionaries, new yonkos, cross guild, and now SHs in egghead (he knew about wano so no doubt he knows about this one too), meaning their mannpower is low, so Garp would arrive without much force backing him or a fleet, making him an easier target to tackle, ESPECIALLY because hes literally stepping into BB's home turf and HQ...

narratively speaking, the story will also gain more from Garp losing rather than him winning:

1- re-establishing the old gen vs new gen plotline, by having an old legend like Garp defeated by a new yonko's crew
2- giving more hype to BB and his crew, who are literally future endgame villains
3- exploring aokiji's currently mysterious character and affirming whose side hes truly on (justice? just-ice? we'll see...)
4- giving more incentive for Luffy to fight BB (his brother and his grandpa fell to him)

the true question is whether Aokiji would actually kill Garp like BB would want or just freezes him like he did with Saul (another friend he respected enough to let him live) but i believe its the latter (because of Oda's fake-out death fetish)

Eitherway, BB stands to gain from all of this chaos.

TL;DR: BB captured Koby to lure Garp so Aokiji can beat him and prove his loyalty.

@SakazOuki @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @MarineHQ @Santoryu D Bazooka @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Jailer @EmperorKinyagi @SakazukiTheFist @haxxor @kratosś
P.S all Garp beating Akainu in Marineford debates will end after this :myman:
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When Blackbeard captured Koby after the Amazon Lily incident, I've always thought it was a random plot choice... WHY was it Koby specifically of all people? he's just a regular Marine Captain... he could have captured Helmeppo instead, or EVEN BETTER, Vice Admiral Yamakiji, whos higher ranked and is worth more to the WG/Navy than Koby...

What links both BB and Koby together for him to choose kidnapping him? this:

Blackbeard is a calculative man who researches his opponents before engaging them and plans ahead before making any move.

He knew about the strongest logia fruit, so he decided to join a Yonko's crew to increase his chance of getting it
He knew about Magellan's poison so he resorted to recruiting Shiryu and getting the antidote first.
He knew a war would break out if Ace was captured and WB tried to save him, so he used it as a distraction to get the fruit he wants.
He knew about one of the Wano Supernovas making their way to Winner island and made sure to prepare an ambush for them.

so would it be far fetched to say BB also researched Koby's background after the Rocky Port incident and found out his mentor is Garp the marine hero?

probably not.

what would this info accomplish though? if anything, kidnapping Koby is more of a liability because that makes you a target of Roger's rival and one of the strongest navy soldiers

but its not about himself, its about his newest crewmate: Aokiji.

we have seen before in Chapter 0 that Aokiji greatly respects Garp and looks up to him

he also respects him enough to take a backseat when hes present and not interfere with his family DESPITE being HIGHER RANKED than him (admiral > vice admiral)

so back to my previous point from above: Blackbeard is a calculative man who researches his opponents before engaging them and plans ahead before making any move.

would it be far fetched to say he doubts the loyalty of his newest crewmate who is literally a former marine admiral?


so how would he make sure this former marine is 100% on his side and not a backstabber? by having him fight ANOTHER marine and beating him.

and what better target is there to accomplish this task other than the MARINE HERO himself who all marine soldiers look up to?

Koby is just a key. He himself is not important, but his relationship to Garp is, because BB can lure Garp with Koby and have Aokiji fight him to prove his loyalty to the crew.

The timing is also perfect, because BB knows the WG/marines are busy dealing with the reverie mess, revolutionaries, new yonkos, cross guild, and now SHs in egghead (he knew about wano so no doubt he knows about this one too), meaning their mannpower is low, so Garp would arrive without much force backing him or a fleet, making him an easier target to tackle, ESPECIALLY because hes literally stepping into BB's home turf and HQ...

narratively speaking, the story will also gain more from Garp losing rather than him winning:

1- re-establishing the old gen vs new gen plotline, by having an old legend like Garp defeated by a new yonko's crew
2- giving more hype to BB and his crew, who are literally future endgame villains
3- exploring aokiji's currently mysterious character and affirming whose side hes truly on (justice? just-ice? we'll see...)
4- giving more incentive for Luffy to fight BB (his brother and his grandpa fell to him)

the true question is whether Aokiji would actually kill Garp like BB would want or just freezes him like he did with Saul (another friend he respected enough to let him live) but i believe its the latter (because of Oda's fake-out death fetish)

Eitherway, BB stands to gain from all of this chaos.

TL;DR: BB captured Koby to lure Garp so Aokiji can beat him and prove his loyalty.

@SakazOuki @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @MarineHQ @Santoryu D Bazooka @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Jailer @EmperorKinyagi @SakazukiTheFist @haxxor @kratosś
P.S all Garp beating Akainu in Marineford debates will end after this :myman:
I guess too aokiji vs garp, BB vs law let the battle royal begin
I’ve been feeling like this is the case and it’s such a tragic situation because we know Kuzan’s nature but we also know he has something he’s passionate about accomplishing with the BB pirates, taking out the man he looks up too is so cruel.
WHY was it Koby specifically of all people? he's just a regular Marine Captain...
He isn't a regular Captain, Koby is probably stronger than some Vice-admirals, Black Beard easily senses that via CoO Haki.


- Cross Guild put a bounty on ''Hero'' Koby, he didn't want to leave Amazon Lily empty handed, but Cross Guild putting bounties could be more recent so he invaded Amazon Lily weeks earlier.
- Or it has something to do with Aokiji telling him that Koby might know something that they want to learn, or they learned Koby is from SWORD so probably they want to learn about that or use that to their advantage somehow, X-Drake is missing as well, another SWORD member.

We will see.