Professor was supposed to be Pro-Town. The "balance" of the game, or whatever little of that existed, relied on him playing to the benefit of the town. I had no way to anticipate that he would look to find a way to become scum, and I certainly had no way of anticipating the host would allow it for some inexplicable reason. I have no issue with trusting the word on that, because when someone is Pro-Town, you expect them to play to their wincon, not try and find a way to break the game, and then be allowed to do it. As for Flower, I figured out fairly early on that she was likely Milim with her asking for claims, though she has forever lost the "I am trustworthy when I claim indie card", not because of her actions up to then, but because she revealed that her intent was to scum side anyway. I don't really mind how the Indie claims were treated, but as usual, a few players spoil the whole point of having Indies claim for everyone else, which is what we see here. The loss for town really comes down to this utter stupidity of having the Pro-Town Indie get to create his own faction. This was not present in Date a Live, it will not be present in Valentine's Mafia (yet to decide on what I want to do with that, in light of this one), I have no idea where it comes from or why it's even here. It literally swung like 5 players (because they were able to add to it for some reason, too) away, it astounds me how anyone can think it's a good idea. If it were a Cult faction from the start, then sure, but that's not how the balance was defended in the shitty dead chat either. The Pro-Town indie was defended to us as being part of town's resources, so allowing them to take 25% of the town away might be one of the worst examples of SRM I've ever seen employed.