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The End and the Beginning
can you even call it pressure tho

the argument may or may not be pointless but it shouldn't bother you
It's not about "bothering me", I feel like you're approaching this disingenuously. You *know* Flower claims easily, even with soft pressure, and more to the point you haven't really presented how this angle leads to Scum Flower either way? If she's lying about her claim she's lynched, lol. That's the whole point.

AL sama

Red Haired
It's not about "bothering me", I feel like you're approaching this disingenuously. You *know* Flower claims easily, even with soft pressure, and more to the point you haven't really presented how this angle leads to Scum Flower either way? If she's lying about her claim she's lynched, lol. That's the whole point.
nah I m not trying to go anywhere with it

I m just ranting cause I didn't like how easily she did it


The End and the Beginning
Probably will just vote Flower to make sure she's the top wagon.

Vote: Flower

Remember, the second highest wagon is the true lynch, so that's the person we want to flip.

3 or 4 votes being enough to lynch Day 1 is terrible.
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