I've listened to it on car rides while looking at the sunrise
It's very peaceful, honestly. It empowers me, to leave my troubles behind and to grow stronger mentally and physically.
And BTW, that was the first Lana song I've heard, or actually listened to fully at least. It's a great introduction to her music.
One day, if I find my self liking more of her music, I'll sit and listen to her full albums like I've done with a few other artists.
Yeah definitely! Its got that ambient, sort of soulful, chill vibe to it, especially by the end, I can see what you mean! It reminds me of some Moby songs too which I adore. Music like that is very uplifting and soul healing indeed. I can understand exactly why it impacts you like that too!
Oh damn! Imo its her best song too, so thats even better then! I've not listened to a lot of her music, she has a lot more songs and thus albums than I realised and I prefer to "happen" across new music or "let it find me" when the time is right and such, I'm quite the fatalist like that so I don't go out listening to most artists full albums/discographies and such.
I do love her style though, shes very poetic, especially when shes not doing her more "ridiculous" stuff too. That sounds great though man, I'm so happy you enjoyed that Ride song by her so much and thus enjoying discovering her music too! Thank you for the Impala suggestion too! Let It Happen by them is playing now and its a nice song too!
They covered a famous song that I loved, Confide In Me by Kylie Minogue which is probably her best song and definitely her best era aside from her Abbey Road orchestral era much later imo, so thats pretty cool too!
They're definitely a cool, unique and interesting band! About 4 minutes into Let It Happen is really taking me to another place right now and nostalgic for some songs I used to listen to as well!
This is all offtopic though and I should stop here, we should probs discuss this elsewhere ofc., I'm getting carried away here lol.
In retrospect, i can say that it changed me in a positive way (i know that sounds bad) - but since that incident - every time something bad happens in my life, i think back to that day and i'm like - damn , it's definitely not
that bad, far from it - compared to that person, it's probably a joke, life goes on and so do i.

Nah thats understandable! Its kinda like realising what really matters in life, in a brutal way, when you realise how insignificant your worries are in the grand scheme of the universe and the world keeps on turning, regardless of what we're going through and we're just specks of dust in the infinite cosmos (this is getting borderline nihilistic though ironically lol).
I just wish Jmena had enough strength to keep going. His problems must have been severe for him to do this but I wonder, if enough time would have passed, would he have felt better generally? My suicidal tendencies are MUCH less worse than they used to be, I'm a LOT less worse than I used to be, especially thanks to years of therapy now and I really wonder, if he just had more time, would he have felt better and found some happiness, some strength to keep going in time?
As long as he's not suffering now though, if hes resting in peace as he should be, thats all we can hope for now ofc.
I'm really gonna miss him in hindsight now too, its so easy to take people for granted until they're gone. Then you realise how emptier it feels without them around anymore.