Yeah he did, thats why he got attacked so hard lately too. I think he was misled by his source unfortunately. Given his (apparently self admitted) autism (which I have too so I could relate to him showing symptoms of it too or at least anxiety too), it would have been easy for him to be tricked too if it came to that.
Oh yeah true! That aligns even better for what I have planned too! I have two things I have planned for here, big things and it all depends on whether the admins, especially Bogard naturally agree too and its also how to make it happen too.
One of them is irrelevant to this situation and I want to keep it a secret for now but the other I was thinking, what if we had a new tribute forum theme made for Kiri and now Jmena too? A combined theme for both of them, paying tribute to both of them and such? A Tashigi and Carrot one then?
They're definitely a cool, unique and interesting band! About 4 minutes into Let It Happen is really taking me to another place right now and nostalgic for some songs I used to listen to as well!
That's one of their best songs too, I found it on Twitter from this meme, seems like I just can't stop finding more bangers from them.
Also Tame Impala plays all of it him self, he's really skilled with instruments and vocals as you can tell, though he does indeed perform with friends if playing for an event.
Yeah he did, thats why he got attacked so hard lately too. I think he was misled by his source unfortunately. Given his (apparently self admitted) autism (which I have too so I could relate to him showing symptoms of it too or at least anxiety too), it would have been easy for him to be tricked too if it came to that.
That's one of their best songs too, I found it on Twitter from this meme, seems like I just can't stop finding more bangers from them.
Also Tame Impala plays all of it him self, he's really skilled with instruments and vocals as you can tell, though he does indeed perform with friends if playing for an event.
This is the newest one I've found.
Post automatically merged:
Holy shit.
I actually have Autism and ADHD as well.
Poor guy..
Ahhh hes one of those kind of artists?! Multi talented and thus does a lot of the music production and instrumentation themselves? Like a one man/person band kind of thing? I always find that very inspiring! I definitely have more respect for him now then and Tame Impala is a cool name too to be fair!
Those American Psycho memes are so on point too lol.
Oh wait you have them too as well man? Same here, I have both the Will of ADHD and Autism too. I only got diagnosed at 22 after finding out about it by chance from a teacher who had it and recognised it in me too. Cannot even describe how much of a LIFECHANGER it was finding out about it and how it EXPLAINED all the mysteries I could NEVER find answers to growing up and thus in so much vain!
Jmena was a good person at least, a great one even. God rest his soul.
This is really terrible and unexpected news.
Rest in peace, Jorge. I am glad we shared our passion here on Worstgen.
My sincere condolences to the family.
is there a person in your life you think has suicidal ideation? or you already know because they've already told you about it?
don't go talk to them and try to give life advice, don't say things like "Suicide isn't the answer for your problems" or "Suicide is a permanent solution for temporary problems"
You will only be making things worse. What a person that suffers from suicidal ideation hears when you say that to them is that you think they are weak and their suffering is nothing, that they should be able to handle it
Wanna help them? ask them to play a game, ask them to go to the movies, ask them to talk about random shit and go for a walk. You can suggest them to professional help and as a friend or family all you can do is be there for them, don't try to tell them what they should do, because you have no idea how the mind of a person like that works
It's not working logically and rationally. Sometimes the most random things can trigger extreme depressive episodes and make the most simple of tasks impossible. So to tell someone like that to "just do something" or to just "deal with it", you're basically fucking this person over even more, even if you don't want to
is there a person in your life you think has suicidal ideation? or you already know because they've already told you about it
don't go talk to them and try to give life advice, don't say things like "Suicide isn't the answer for your problems" or "Suicide is a permanent solution for temporary problems"
You will only be making things worse. What a person that suffers from suicidal ideation hears when you say that to them is that you think they are weak and their suffering is nothing, that they should be able to handle it
Wanna help them? ask them to play a game, ask them to go to the movies, ask them to talk about random shit and go for a walk. You can suggest them to professional help and as a friend or family all you can do is be there for them, don't try to tell them what they should do, because you have no idea how the mind of a person like that works
It's working logically and rationally. Sometimes the most random things can trigger extreme depressive episodes and make the most simple of tasks impossible. So to tell someone like that to "just do something" or to just "deal with it", you're basically fuck this person over even more, even if you don't want to
Well I understand that some people work different... but as I've been in the crosshairs of a few insufferable people before, I feel that I can usually somewhat relate to those people.
We've all gone through different troubles in life, and sometimes just being that one flashlight in a world of darkness can really help a person.
Remember people, if you're mentally struggling in life with whatever reasons, don't hesistate to seek help; whether it is to seek help by professionals or by closest relatives. And try to find something valuable in life. Try making goals. Exercising is a good start to feel better. It spreads positive hormones during activity and you feel physically and mentally better. Life is hard but don't lose hope.
That being said, Jmena was a very good and kind person. It's utterly shocking hearing these heartbreaking news. No human deserves to go through so much pain. My condolences to the entire family.
Rest in piece, Jmena. I hope you found your piece at last.
Also relating to what you said there, this is a MASSIVE spoiler for the X-Files but its a scene I extremely relate with somehow and took to heart extremely emotionally/personally:
I thought of it when you said that and I feel it fits Jmena as well as Kiri too. We knew Kiri was suffering physically in horrific ways at least, beyond what any person should have to, especially such a beautiful, wonderful, sincerely kind person like her and now we know Jmena was clearly tormented and suffering internally/mentally/emotionally etc too and also undeserved ofc.
In this scene, Mulder finds his missing sister who he has been searching for DECADES now IIRC, he joined the X-Files to try and find answers to the impossible mystery of her disappearance that seemed to be paranormal and was led on so many wild good chases and thus frrustrating, heartbreaking fakeouts too.
This episode was the much needed, eventual closure to the storyline and his character arc regarding her especially, when Mulders character finally got what he was agonisingly searching for.
His sister was dead all along and he finds her ghost here, leading to one of the most emotional scenes I've ever seen in any medium.
The amazing music by Moby really added to this scene too and it felt like Mulder was finally being set free from his lifelong obsession and never being able to move on from his sisters vanishing. He was being relieved of his duty finally, to finally complete the jigsaw puzzle and put his soul at ease.
He even says "I'm fine, I'm free." which if you know the context of the line especially, the spoiler I mentioned, it makes it all the more hauntingly bittersweet and haunting is quite the word to use there too lol.
I chose my nickname Ghostly because of this scene, this storyline as well as other personal reasons and I like to think, maybe Jmena is still out there somewhere, theres some spirital remnant of him out there, much like how Simba met the ghost of his father in Lion King, maybe there's still something left of Jmena in this world or he will find a way to reach out to us via the ethereal realm from wherever he is now, especially Heaven hopefully!
I've seen a lot of death since childhood and the one thing that always hurts the most is, realising that person is gone and you're never gonna be able to see them again, to hear their voice, to talk to them, to touch and hold them etc. The obvious stuff. But when it sinks in, when you truly realise it thats it. Thats why I try to believe in ghosts regardless like many do. So that our memories and their/our shared posessions are not the only things reminding us of them, not the only remaining connections we have of them.
If I ever get a chance to speak to him again somehow, if there is a ghost of him out there or I see him again in another life/in Heaven or w/e, I'm gonna tell him we're so grateful for what he did for us and we were glad to have known him, that he was part of our lives. I really hope somehow, there is a way out there, no matter how long it takes to find it. If there is one impossible thing I wish humanity could accomplish, is to contact the dead and let us speak to them again, even if its just the one time. One last time to say goodbye, one last time to mend bridges/bonds and make peace, one last time to tell them what you needed to tell them and couldn't in time.
I think you guys can guess now that I take death very seriously too, in the sense that it affects me deeply and I hate speaking ill of the dead (at least generally) and believing in the impossible, things beyond our mortal, physical to metaphysical, whatever realm.
Like Mulder anyway, I like to think Jmena is finally "free" now of what burdened him and thus despite how he has left this world and how prematurely, he's at peace somehow and he won't suffer anymore.
X-Files is a hell of a fantastic show btw, some truly emotional, heavy writing and acting in places, absolutely masterful stuff. Much like Scrubs, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul and anything else.
And try to find something valuable in life. Try making goals. Exercising is a good start to feel better. It spreads positive hormones during activity and you feel physically and mentally better.
This is so absolutely true too. My therapist was trying to drum this into my head yesterday too.
When I was happiest in life, I had goals, I had ambitions and I was exercising a LOT, its definitely not coindidence. When you take care of yourself, when you care about yourself, when you respect yourself, you will be happier for sure. Self care is extremely crucial for all of us.
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