As many other members of WG have suggested, there needs to be a dedicated thread to supporting, uplifting, providing positive feedback and advice, and offering general guidance to forum members who may not know where else to turn. You can talk about what is going on in your life with people who understand what it's like to face mental health difficulties and everything that goes alongside them. We have professionals on this forum, such as
@Fleet Leader Fenaker @Kerkovian @Tejas and
@Psychiatrist, who are qualified to discuss serious issues such as thoughts of suicide and other forms of self-harm with individuals needing an outlet. Having an open dialogue may prove effective and therapeutic to people who may not have any other options. I'm also a mental health advocate and have known many people who have taken their lives during my time in the military; I can also offer assistance.
This thread is meant to be a safe place and a judgment-free zone. Keep all politics, shit posts, trolling, and other negative posts far from here.
I have no problem with that kind of threads but beware.
People here can tell us their problems, can seek advice or just share experience. It's obviously possible. If someone life is better sharing stuff here and talking, we would be glad to help him.
But the forum and the mod team disagree about the professional part of the deal :
- You cannot, and we are not saying it lightly, use your titles, jobs, expertise, or anything to give advice, give "answers" or guide people.
If you are a medecine student, a real doctor, a psychologist, psychiatrist etc you cant use that to "practice" here.
I don't want to see someone saying stuff like : if you have that problem take that drug it will help you.
I don't want to see someone saying : I am a psychologist, i know your problem, so do that or that, or make that work on yourself etc.
We are in forum, there is no contracts here, no responsabilities, anonymity, no real proof that you have indeed the expertise you're saying you have, people here are often youngs and impressionable etc.
Helping people as an expert needs a real focus, time, responsability etc. It's not something you're doing browsing WG on the cabinets.
So i'm really asking you to be cautious with this kind of thing.
Sorry to ruin the mood and once again helping people is not a bad thing.
If you have a question and if you're not sure of something you can obviously ask the team anything.