Which character is stronger ?

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@Mr. Reloaded

When Nami joined she was a part of Arlong Pirates but betrayed them
When Robin joined she was a part of BW but betrayed them
Now we have Stussy, a part of CP0 who just betrayed them.

Someone needs to carry on Vegapunks Will of finding the answers he wants at Raftel, and Stussy is basically confirmed to be his daughter.

Now we just need to see if she could have a role on the ship beyond Scientist.

Story hasn't moved at all. Kuma is in the exact same position as last chapter. We still don't know anything about Kuma's backstory. Bonney doing nothing but saying the same things to Vegapunk "why did you do that to Kuma blah blah". Lucci still not defeated, like why do you need Stussy to defeat him instead of just letting Luffy do it two chapters ago and save yourself multiple pages of content. Stussy was just introduced a few chapters ago and now we are supposed to act shocked that she is a double agent who is a clone from the "rocks pirates". Oda knows all he needs to do to hype up the fanbase is to mention "rocks" and the fanbase will eat it up. I hate Rocks subplot more than I do Oden.

And this whole sci-fi subplot of souls and grams and memories is so lame lmfao. Oda doesn't explain things, as he always keeps everything so vague and yet for him to dive into this sci-fi nonsense only shows how much he has completely lost the plot. Isn't the plot supposed to be finding the One Piece? What does this sci-fi nonsense have anything to do with that. Just creating random vague new ideas to the story doesn't make it good.
I wont be surprised if all of this leads to Sword Art Online like world.
Imagine the Ancient Kingdom exists on a game console, it was never destroyed, Imu just turned off the switch. 🤣
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