Which character is stronger ?

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Lucci is not making shit
He didnt ordered kaku once
If u go by leadership
Spandam was the leader of the the CP9 organization and Luffy was the leader of the CP9 group.
I never said Lucci wasn't stronger. He has superior portrayal. I said they're relative, and that nothing suggests Lucci remains levels above Kaku anymore.
You mean nothing suggests that Kaku is relative to Lucci.

They had same powerup pretime skip, yet still ucci was stronger. Both gets the same powerup post time skip, Lucci is still stronger.
What? What does having same design in awakening got to do with powerlevel?
Since when design changes based on powerlevel?

Momo's design is the same as Kaido's.
Momo's human design is the same as Oden's.

...and Luffy couldn't shake him off by using his arm to punch, meaning he got overpowered....

I don't care for your headcanon rankings.

That's just a shitty call back to Ennies Lobby with the exact same panels.
Robin overpowered Big Mom, what does that supposed to mean?
Lmfao funnily enough, Momo has the potential to be relative to both Kaido and Oden and if he were as old as his body is, he would be. So thank you for providing evidence that design is influenced by power-level.

Bruh, re-read the chapter - you've created some strange headcanon. Luffy didn't even try to shake him off, he was too busy wondering wtf was happening and then he got hit.

Ah, hiding feats behind "it was a callback bro!1!1!". Callback or not, it still happened. Mr Go could never hope to replicate either Lucci or Kaku's feats in a million years, because he's too weak. He's so far down the power-scale that Luffy and Zoro can barely see him - that's probably why Luffy never noticed him vs Kaido. Do you notice every ant around you?
2v7? Bruh
Seraphim just arrived and they’re targeting the facility, Lucci is ordering them around and Stussy joined the SHs.
Brook is standing there next to Zoro with his sword unsheathed, can’t be more clear than this
Here is the lastest translation. Stop the headcannon. You look foolish.

The Seraphim are also setting foot here!
It's 2 vs. 7! The enemies are all elites!
Usopp: Damn it! So they called them over during that short malfunction in the barrier...
...No, if it were up to CP0, then they'd be unlikely to bring the Seraphim with them.

[text covered by watermark]
blank panels]

This was most likely also outside of CP0's calculations...! On this Phase where we hold higher authority precedence...
...The Seraphim can be an advantage for us!

[blank panel]

Edison: That is, if the orders can go through! Until then, problems don't get worse than this! I'll be right back!
Edison: It'd be great if the two in front can hold up, though!
Lilith: Whoa! I'll go too! Hehehe!

Shaka: I'm counting on you, Edison and Lilith!
Lilith: Shut up! Acting like a bigshot!
Sanji: So you'll die in the line of duty with One Piece right before our eyes, Marimo-kun...
Nami: You go too! This is also dangerous for our crew, you know?!

[blank panels]

Lucci: What are you doing...?!

Stussy: What, you say? I just put him to sleep.
Stussy: I'd appreciate it, Lucci... If you sleep too.
(Clone of Miss Buckingham Stussy, of the Rocks Pirates) //TN: Bucking is spelled the same as Bakkin//
(MADS clone experiments, success #1 - Stussy)


Lazy is the way
He's probably very strong, but shown nothing so far putting him above an average commander. Maybe stronger than even King/Marco/Katakuri but yet to be seen.

People tend to forget the global hype commander levels had, prior to the good guys reaching/surpassing that level. Pretty much similar to Shichibukai. Bege shat his pants at presence of base Cat, who was Jack tier. Soul trees shuddered and shriveled at the presence of Cracker. Etc
Kuma was always special

- the nothing happened moment
- the sabaody crew dispatch

two insane moments

Then the sunny protection for 2 years
Him knowing Luffy was Dragon son
The pacifists project

The guy always has insane portrayal story wise
Much higher than most commanders
Could things to take from this.

1. Luffy needs stuccy to help him knock out Lucci since Lucci was not knocked out via panel.

2. Zoro literally used what looks to be a pound cannon to over power an awakened zoan casually.

3..he then stands back up like nothing happened
4. Is Lucci also scolding him from losing that clash?
5. Lucci about to looks even worse since he left seems terrified of stuccy
It's more of a shocked reaction rather than terrified:suresure:

People in this forums literally have a reading comprehension of an elementary schooler

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
If we're going with the potential, Kaku's fruit should logically give him a bigger physical boost than Lucci's. So even if Lucci is physically stronger than Kaku, the DF closes the gap at least to a degree because Kaku'd DF should be massively superior to Lucci's in the physical department.
How a fucking giraffe is superior to leopard???
I swear ZoLoboiz are the most deluded fanbase smh
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