Who will be the next SH?

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And? so does that mean that Inu, Neko and Wanda will also be Straw Hats?
No. Carrot like we have already established has a specific set of parameters that ties her not only to the strawhats but to a post as well. Carrot is on top of that characterized in the way that permits her to have a great character arc (things have been put in motion here and there).

Now, it seems Oda has no intention to follow it up. But that could change. There is still a very slight chances for Carrot.
No. Carrot like we have already established has a specific set of parameters that ties her not only to the strawhats but to a post as well. Carrot is on top of that characterized in the way that permits her to have a great character arc (things have been put in motion here and there).

Now, it seems Oda has no intention to follow it up. But that could change. There is still a very slight chances for Carrot.
Things have been put in motion for Lucci as well... . :myman:
i still think Yamato is the most likely to join
Yamato's arc is over, she had her journey. We might see her in the future war but that would be as an ally, Oda left no opening for a character arc..

For Carrot on the other hand... :wellwell:

Anyway, right now, there is no real potential candidate, it's too soon.. and/or too late now.
Im more of a Carrotstan than remotely a Yamabro, i jsut think based on how the writing has gone, that that's whats most likely, the arcs are mostly irrelevant, because i don't even except that level of writing possibly.

It's more the fact that 80% of Yamato's existance seems to be fixating in joining the crew and it's not played off as a joke
Stussy is a nakama candidate now? How low will the bar go man....

Yamato definitely felt like an editor's push. Problably had something to do with chapter 1000. Oda had other plans and he the captain decides who join not the guy who'll be replaced in 2 - 5 years tops.