That's not justice
It doesn't bring the dead back, no?
My point stands, vile murderers don't deserve to take up any space. Just remove them and end their life. If the do it themselves that's welcomed
Once one kills more than one person, their own death isn't justice. Unless they died as many times as the number of lives they've taken, there wouldn't be justice.

That's why life sentences exist - give them a life behind walls, preferably in solitary confinement and let them rot and luve with what they've done
Once one kills more than one person, their own death isn't justice. Unless they died as many times as the number of lives they've taken, there wouldn't be justice.
That's why life sentences exist - give them a life behind walls, preferably in solitary confinement and let them rot and luve with what they've done
Ok let's end this discussion here.

I think evil people receive justice after death.
The way of thinking of y'all ''modern'' people is so weird to me sometimes