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Deleted member 83

I wonder if all the other Gorosei are named after planets. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are already taken, so that just leaves Mercury, Venus, Terra, Mars, and Jupiter. The other 4 Gorosei can be Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. Imu will be Terra
Yeah and it seems like they’re based on Five Phases of Asian culture, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth/Soil
It probably doesn’t make sense to western readers but that’s how we name the planets(and the days of the week), Saturn is 土星(Star of Soil), Mercury is water, Jupiter is Wood, Venus is Metal and Mars is fire
Makes sense why they’re called the Five Elderly Stars


Yeah, he's by far the most competent top-tier. He has multiple high-level defeats under his belt and he has the least panel time out of all admirals. People shit on him over dumb reasons.
I tried explaining people taking on a yonkou crew alone is not possible for any Top tier.
They asked me to keep coping.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars

Wow, did not expect this lmfaooo.

You know, I predicted Ryokugyu would actually capture Kid on my profile but Weevil is also acceptable. I just knew Oda wasn’t going to let the collective shitfest after 1055 stand.

Fucking Wyokugyu dude. My guy can’t stop soloing everyone. First King and Queen and now a prime Whitebeard level Pirate negged by Aramaki.

Man, Akainu sure has a powerful fanboy.

@King7 @MarineHQ @EmperorKinyagi @God Buggy @SakazOuki @ShishioIsBack @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @kurwa @Extravlad
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The gorosei are going to be hype AF. I'm sure that for most of this arc, Saturn will just leave things to Kizaru and do nothing apart from command the seraphim. But I think its extremely likely that he's going to clown Luffy once things start to get really serious.

I mean look at it thematically.

Luffy = Sun God
Gorosei = Planets

Among the planets in the solar system, 3 parallel the ancient weapons:
  • Uranus
  • Neptune(the Roman name of the Greek God Poseidon)
  • Pluto
Outside of those 3, that leaves 6 planets left.
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
6 planets = Imu + the 5 Gorosei

My guess is that the stronger the Gorosei, the closer they are to the Sun. Saturn is the Weakest, Venus is the strongest, Mercury is Imu. Alternatively, given how special Earth is, the Gorosei might just be: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, with Earth being Imu.

One point towards this theory is that many have speculated that Imu's name comes from the Norse giant Ymir.

And apparently in the legend of Ymir, earth was created from his body.

Wow, did not expect this lmfaooo.

You know, I predicted Ryokugyu would actually capture Kid on my profile but Weevil is also acceptable. I just knew Oda wasn’t going to land the collective shitfesf after 1055 stand.

Fucking Wyokugyu dude. My guy can’t stop soloing everyone. First King and Queen and now a prime Whitebeard level Pirate negged by Aramaki.

Man, Akainu sure has a powerful fanboy.

@King7 @MarineHQ @EmperorKinyagi @God Buggy @SakazOuki @ShishioIsBack @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @kurwa @Extravlad
Definitely one of Lanji's top opponents!! :steef::steef:
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