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I know the same way kaido in hybrid was also using multiple advanced coc attacks when he was clashing with zoros ahura attack.

Thing is though kaido only did that to people worthy or whom was strong. Not people that were weak like Rob lucci.

There was zero reason for oda to write luffy using g5 on lucci
Oda wanted to show us that Luffy has some mastery over Gear 5
Yeah and it seems like they’re based on Five Phases of Asian culture, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth/Soil
It probably doesn’t make sense to western readers but that’s how we name the planets(and the days of the week), Saturn is 土星(Star of Soil), Mercury is water, Jupiter is Wood, Venus is Metal and Mars is fire
Makes sense why they’re called the Five Elderly Stars
currently there is no star in the sky in the world of one piece!

That's crazy then since she tricked him and got the drop on him in a 1v1 which means she had to outpace and outspeed him. Amazing.

To bad she had to wait until Kaku was already on the ground about to attack someone to get him unlike lucci
Lul nah she had to further weaken a already Luffy weakened Lucci AFTER tricking him, meanwhilst she ezpz tricked and got the drop on Zoros equal kaku who ezpz tanked Zoros attacks, ez blitzed and one shotted the fodder before Zoro himself could even react. That's whats amazing XP.
Too bad she had to badly weaken a already weakened Lucci using tricks even though she ez blitzed one shotted zoros equal, something zoro himself couldn't do XD.
Its stated that he was losing consciousness with him fading to black. Not juts that but Lucci was never hit with any advanced haki and it was only 1 fist clash.

He hit Lucci without using any haki. There was no haki in the mogura pistol, nor was their haki in the dawn rocket.
Crazy since one does not have a dialogue withones self if they have already LOST consciousness.

Losing something and having lost it are two different things..

Lucci was losing consciousness but was still able to articulate etc which means he hadn't lost it yet lol

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
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