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In your wet dreams maybe? Stussy had to use a named never before seen ability just to then get the chance to weaken Lucci just so she could actually tag him, mean whilst Stussy ezpz one shotted Kaku who is a equal of Zoro. LUL. Cope harder XD
Lowering the bar with those burns... :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

Talk about basic logic. Cant sneak attack the 2nd person who saw the first person get bitten Lul. Even though Lucci also got negged by Stussy... CoPe HaRdEr


In your copium infused dreams. Stussy is stronger then Kaku and his equal Zoro. But Stussy, knowing Lucci would still low diff her (despite being weakened by Luffy already), had to weaken him further just to beat him XD.
Lucci>Zoro. Cope zorotard cope XD
Lmao Zoro saved the trouble for stussy by overpowering him already and kaku had no idea what stussy was upto until she bite him. Whereas Lucci even after knowing can't do shit.
The fact she had to sneak attack kaku and face Lucci head on explains a lot of stuff.
Thanks @Redon for the summary. From the summary: When it comes to one-on-one, bet on Stussy. She gets things done. Two, props to GB capturing Weevil. Next, Marco and Bakkin talking about getting Weevil back then that is then tied back to Vegapunk. Vegapunk is with the SHS. So, Bakkin for nakama and then adding Weevil to SHs after the SHs free him? Hmmmmm... A gorosei coming with Kizaru? Interesting.
Stussy’s lipstick weakens Luffy and she sleep blitzes him. Cry. :suresure:
LUL. Stussy's lipstick weakens and speed blitz one shots Zoro ez more like. As she already did with Zoros equal.
Mean whilst, Stussy had to trick + weaken a already weakened and injured Lucci to stand a chance against Lucci, who got clowned by Luffy. Get clowned XD.
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