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That kaido is at least oden level bro lol wym
Rayleigh even tried to assist Oden in defeating Kaido since there was chance oden not being able to do it alone
Yes the rodoger pirates wanted to assist since that kaido had an army.

Let's go done the list.

This kaido was 20 years younger and confirmed much weaker.

This kaido also never once sought the need to use hybrid on Oden.

Nothing indicates Oden nor kaido 20 years ago being more than yc1 level
Yeah and it seems like they’re based on Five Phases of Asian culture, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth/Soil
It probably doesn’t make sense to western readers but that’s how we name the planets(and the days of the week), Saturn is 土星(Star of Soil), Mercury is water, Jupiter is Wood, Venus is Metal and Mars is fire
Makes sense why they’re called the Five Elderly Stars
How didn't we know this sooner lmao
This is free real estate for theories:hope:
Lowering the bar with those burns... :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

Talk about basic logic. Cant sneak attack the 2nd person who saw the first person get bitten Lul. Even though Lucci also got negged by Stussy... CoPe HaRdEr
Lul in your wet dreams keep on coping XD. First person was just that weak and fodder (who is also equal to Zoro) that she could ezpz speedblitz (and would be able to fodder Zoro himself as well) but she had to further weaken the already weakened and damaged first person, use tricks on him to even weaken him XD. Keep up the cope XD. In your wet dreams maybe XD. Stussy had to try so hard just to have a chance at a already weakened and beat down person XD.


The Sol King
yeah, but Weevil isn't that

Weevil doesn't have Whitebeard's ambition / haki

Weevil doesn't have Gura Gura no Mi

Weevil doesn't have years of practice fighting against the likes of Rocks, Roger, Garp, Kaido, Big Mom, Shiki and so on
He was still compared to that Whitebeard, to serve as hype for him. Weevil is one of the strongest Warlords, otherwise Marco and the remnants of WB pirates would've done something about him.
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