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I've always had a thought that Gear 5 might have different forms like 4, but the forms would be tied to emotion. So like if Luffy manages to get pissed off in Gear 5 it'll be something crazy
Yea this could for sure be a route... the way i could also see it is like basically luffy laughter goes away,we get him mad and then he is just relentless with his attacks (akin to sanji how he combos to ko
) would be crazy to see different attacks each page overwhelming a enemy with adv coc and no laughter just pure rage...but maybe im jumping the gun this could be used on bb :milaugh::milaugh::milaugh: Chapter just got me hyped af.
Couldnt even handle lucci
Needed stussy saving
1 bite
Luffy after g5 against lucci=old man
Lucci after g5=a cheek bandage
Zorotard copium method.
Stussy saved Zoro from getting neg diffed by Kaku.
1 bite to one shot Zoro's equal/superior
Lul 1050 confirmed as gag.
Luffy=ezpz fodders Lucci like nothing.
Zoro=Gets ezpz foddered by Kaku until stussy saved him.
Get clowned LUL
Maybe the Five Elders' names are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Which are the 5 planets of the Solar System (without Earth), the last ones being the 3 Ancient Weapons : Uranus, Pluton and Neptune (Poseidon because Neptune has been given to the father of Shirahoshi who actually is Poseidon in fact !)

Sasaki Kojirō

Do I need to remind you how 2 Emperors lost with ridculous number adavandge of 6 to 1? :gokulaugh:
Is it the protagonist of the series? And also, I love how you ignore the way the Beast Pirates were approached.

I still don't understand why you connected my comment about Green Bull needing numerical advantages to defeat Weevil to the Beast Pirates, to be honest.
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