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Another argument on how the Gorosei might be strong unlike their lower counterparts unlike them I think they will more than enough be able to resist CoC, while there's two of them in Egghead.
Gorosei being strong makes no sense. Maybe they were when they were younger, but the Admirals are clearly the Navy's main power.

Otherwise the balance of power makes no sense.
There is 0 reason why Lucci should be below Marco or King. They're all trash power level wise, but at least Lucci can fight a Top Tier and is awakened.

I'd compare Kaku to King at this point. Zoro needs to go all out to beat him (or at least use ACoC).
I think Lucci>King/Kata on the basis of their top-tier encounters is fine. I don't agree but that initial G5 clash was impressive and his resilience is crazy but Kaku hasn't really done much aside from awaken so why would he be above Marco or King?
Gorosei being strong makes no sense. Maybe they were when they were younger, but the Admirals are clearly the Navy's main power.

Otherwise the balance of power makes no sense.
Maybe, but maybe the balance of power exists for one reason - generate money, generate villains so the WG plays the "hero" card when super convenient, Doffy might have given us a small glimpse of the bigger picture with how the WG operates.

Sasaki Kojirō

I was quite disappointed with the way the admirals of the Marine were portrayed in One Piece. They were presented as characters who appeared to be powerful, but unfortunately were not developed satisfactorily in the story. They did not have the depth and complexity I expected and ended up being little more than caricatures of villains. I hope the series can better explore these characters in the future.

While the admirals of the Marine are presented as empty shells and somewhat powerful, I find the characters known as yonko to be much more interesting and well-developed. They have fascinating stories, rich personalities, and complex motivations that make them more memorable and captivating characters. I prefer to follow the adventures and conflicts of the yonko rather than the admirals of the Marine.
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