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He defeated Weevil too, and he didn’t struggle against Momo lol. That’s just dishonesty right there.
The thing with GB is that his feats are offscreen so it’s hard for people to buy his strength. Kizaru was getting kicked around by Marco, GB is clear of him in feats so far.
Through feats and portrayal though GB is Yamato level which by itself is impressive but he’s far below Yonkos thats for sure.
Saturn have the supreme command tho
for the moment they are neutraliced let see what Loda has planned.
Loda is clearly not making s-hawk someone that will hold Zoro for long by just a few panel in which clearly he is inferior to Zoro (and this aint Pica which would run for an enterly arc) so Zoro could start clashing with Kirazu.
it is relative

there are things zoro can not do and sanji is better at it and there are things zoro will do much better than sanji

overall they are equal as wings should be

i took some time to accept that because i kept placing sanji over zoro but now im in peace with zoro=sanji

they are not that far from luffy though.. otherwise there would be no reason for oda to call these 3 monsters i guess, time will show
They were never equal lol
99% Sanji fans even admitted that.
Because stussy felt the need to captilize on Kaku being distracted while she was 100 percent confident besting Lucci 1v1
But Kaku being distracted occurred before she made her reveal so isn't that simply taking advantage of the situation? Can't really wait for the same for Lucci if he isn't even fighting. She was confident in besting Lucci, not Lucci+Kaku. No scenario involves besting Kaku alone whilst taking out distracted Lucci so the comparison doesn't really work. Kaku's not above Lucci and honestly doesn't have the showings to really gauge Jim relative to Kaku.
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