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Love Oda for this Saturn reveal. Little research and you can spin so many interesting theories together. What i've found so far is that Shani refers to the divine personification of the planet Saturn in Hinduism, and is one of the nine heavenly objects. in Hindu astrology. Shani is also a male Hindu deity in the Puranas, whose iconography consists of a black figure carrying a sword or danda (sceptre) and sitting on a crow.

Now of course there are many other mythologies that associate with Saturn like in Roman Religion, even the Ancient Egypt had their own concept of Saturn. But the Hinduism one caught my eye because it's the only one so specific with the characteristics. Like holding something called a danda (scepter). Which we can clearly see. I was too lazy to look deeper into, though. I am sure by next week, we will have tons of theories. Can't wait to read them all.
@Tejas please educate this man
Always thought Weevil was a low top tier, which is how I see a pre-illness Whitebeard without Gura and adCOC. (if Weevil has adCOC he's mid top tier, nearing high top tier)
VC says Weevil strenght is comparable to pre-illness WB(aka primebeard), and while Young Whitebeard can mean a lot of things, it makes more sense for Kizaru to talk in an era where WB was already a huge deal for it to be hype.
And I had that stance before this chapter. No agenda here.
I think a Weevil vs Yamato could be an interesting fight
That whole thing disproves your point. Rayleigh is a "Low Top Tier" or whatever. He's not on par with Admirals. And he escape unscathed, and SHs got saved from Kizaru.

Rayleigh ain't getting defeated by Kizaru without Kizaru taking heavy damage and the island being destroyed.
It proves that BB looked like shit in comparison to Kizaru fighting the same oponnent. Old Ray's level is irrelevant but given the fact that Teach neg diffed Boa and then ran when Ray came we can safely conclude that Ray is far above any commander since you'd put Boa roughly at Kat level who you personally see as above King and Marco the strongest commanders.

Kizaru/Fuji or Ryo are all equals.
Also, I think people have a wrong interpretation.

The 1055 scene is not meant to make Ryokugyu look weak.

It's meant to make Shanks look strong.

My fellow admiral bros won't agree with my Shanks wank, but imo the fact that he's confirmed to be Oda's self insert is too much to ignore.
Shanks is strong no one is denying that but it’s not an L for Aramaki either

I have Dragon, Mihawk and Akainu as my top 3 in no particular order
Shanks is my number 4 and after that I have Kuzan, the rest of the Admirals and Ben Beckmann
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Where's the theory tho?
In my head
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