You are Brynn!
[Passive - Strange Body] You possess a strange body, capable of taking a beating. You will tank the first kill on you or that you redirect towards yourself.
[Passive - Unusual Behavior] Brynn behaves in a very odd way in general, bystanders find him strange. Thus he cannot receive help from outsiders and is immune to control abilities.
[Passive - Logia but not really] Brynns fruit allows him to sustain serious damage, especially against devil fruit abilities. He will vote drain any fruit user targetting him the following day phase.
[Active - Kurouzu ] Brynn extends his arms towards an opponent and brings them towards him using his powers of darkness, forcefully redicting all their actions that phase towards Brynn.
[Active - Dark World ] Brynn may create a dark world around him, protecting him against harmful actions except kills for a phase. However whoever targets him is also protected. ( 3 shot)
[Active - Black Hole ] Brynn may create a black hole to absorb everything around him, this will absorb the first 2 votes that arent part of the main wagon that phase. He will then store them within this ability. (1 shot)
--- Release--- Brynn may choose to release those votes whenever he wants the following days, they will automatically be added to the main wagon at the time. (1 shot)
[Active - Dark End ] Target a player and RPS them, if you win Ultra Kill them. If you lose you become vanilla for 2 cycles. Usable Day 4 or later. ( 1 shot)
Funds: 2000 Berries
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town but beware not to get greedy for more power.