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Final vote count of Day 6


Lead them to paradise.
Final Vote Count

Sallucion - 12
MangoSenpai - 3
Meeyori - 1

MUUGEN: Sallucion
Naomi: Sallucion
Destroya: Sallucion
ConquistadoR: Sallucion
Apollo: Sallucion
Ratchet: Sallucion
Juliet: Sallucion
Lord Evil: Sallucion
Charlie: MUUGEN -> Sallucion
Mr. Reloaded: Sallucion
oddoddfruit: Sallucion
Reborn: MangoSenpai
Grammaton: MnagoSenpai
Rej: MangoSenpai
Pot Goblin: Sallucion
MangoSenpai: Meeyori

Votes may not reflect their actual values.
Day 6 ends


Lead them to paradise.
End of Day 6

@Sallucion / Sloan has been lynched!

You are Sloan!
[Passive - Kami Kami No Mi, Model : Eldritch God ] As the owner of the Elder God Zoan, Sloan's presence alone prevents any tampering from happening to him, he will also affect the first player targetting him every 2 cycles with a permanent guilty status.
---Awakened Fruit--- Awakening the God God Fruit allows Sloan to transcend death by normal means, in the events of his death he will be janitored and slowly regenerate his body over the course of a cycle.

[Passive - Hallucinogenic Nightmare] Sloan can passively alter the minds of the people around him, the first player who mentions one of his abilities each phase will become addled with visions of a future that may or may not past, atlering their actions for a phase. Causing them to target at random.

[Passive - Mind Flaying Tendrils ] Sloan is able to alter the very psyche of the first person targetting him every cycle, removing any defenses they have against him. Exceptions may apply.

[Passive - Death Siphon ] Sloan's special ability is to feed off the deaths surrounding him, everytime an ally of his dies he will gain double actions to all of his abilities.
---Join in death--- If Sloan is part of the last 2 remaining members of the hopeful mafia he will gain a 1 shot ability from each of its members, dead or alive.

[Active - Tentacle Smash] Sloan transforms one of his limbs into a gigantic tentacle and brings it down onto a target, roleblocking them for a phase but also knocking off any items they may have gained and taking them for his own.

[Active - Maddening Flurry] During the night Sloan may target 3 players and mess with their minds, causing their actions to fire randomly at anyone but his team. Exceptions apply. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Beware His Words] Day 2 or later Sloan can target a player of his choice and offer him a double action buff to all their abilities, however they will lose control of their role afterwards and relinquish it to the hopeful mafia for a cycle.( 2 shot) This ability not refillable.

[Active - Prayer to the Deep] Sloan fully transforms into his full Elder God form and is able to grant his team a wish, however he is unable to use any other action for a cycle. This will be done under host supervision. Day 4 or later. (1 shot)

[Active - The Eye] Locked.

Current Funds : 5000 Berries.

Primary Wincon: Eliminate All threats to the hopeful mafia.

Day 6 Ends Night 6 begins

You have until tomorrow 4 PM EST to send out your actions.

1- @Dr_Professor83 Killed Day 5 Revived Day 5 Taylor Killed Day 6
2- @Pot Goblin
3- @Charlie
4- @RayanOO Replaced by @MUUGEN
5- @Lord Melkor Lynched Day 3 Eiglaf Revived as a Zombie Day 4
6- @ConquistadoR
7- @Peroroncino Killed Day 6 Gondor
8- @Flower Modkilled Day 3 Erika The Bounty Hunter
9- @Indigo Killed Night 5 Yoshitsune
10- @AL sama
11- @TAC Lynched Night 5 Admiral Katayude
12- @Dr. Watson
13- @Rej
14- @Mashiro Blue Killed Night 5 Stilton Winner
15- @Ratchet
16- @Tobra Replaced by @master V
17- @Apollo
18- @MangoSenpai
19- @Ekkologix Lynched Day 2 Ben Richter
20- @MitchMatch Killed Day 3 Bonebreaker
21- @Alwaysmind Replaced by @Grammaton
22- @Sallucion Died day 4 Revived Day 5 ???
23- @T-Pein™ Killed Day 5 John Cena
24- @Ariess
25- @Vanellope Lhea Replaced by @Worst Game Removed Day 5 ???
26- @Midnight Delight Lynched Day 5 Warden Klaus
27- @MonochromeYoru Killed Night 1 Quentin
28- @MUUGEN Killed Day 4 Commodore Tennet
29- @oddoddfruit
30- @Meeyori
31- @BakiDou Replaced by @Reborn
32- @Juliet
33- @Kurozumi Seven7 Killed Night 1 Vice-Admiral Tokito
34- @Yo Tan Wa
35- @Kerkovian Killed Day 2 Scholazar
36- @Naomi
37- @Mr. Reloaded
38- @Destroya

I will also fully update the player list with the remaining players alive at the bottom of it in about 5 minutes.​
Day 7 start


Lead them to paradise.
Day 7 start

The mafia have killed @Grammaton / Brynn

You are Brynn!​

[Passive - Strange Body] You possess a strange body, capable of taking a beating. You will tank the first kill on you or that you redirect towards yourself.

[Passive - Unusual Behavior] Brynn behaves in a very odd way in general, bystanders find him strange. Thus he cannot receive help from outsiders and is immune to control abilities.

[Passive - Logia but not really] Brynns fruit allows him to sustain serious damage, especially against devil fruit abilities. He will vote drain any fruit user targetting him the following day phase.

[Active - Kurouzu ] Brynn extends his arms towards an opponent and brings them towards him using his powers of darkness, forcefully redicting all their actions that phase towards Brynn.

[Active - Dark World ] Brynn may create a dark world around him, protecting him against harmful actions except kills for a phase. However whoever targets him is also protected. ( 3 shot)

[Active - Black Hole ] Brynn may create a black hole to absorb everything around him, this will absorb the first 2 votes that arent part of the main wagon that phase. He will then store them within this ability. (1 shot)
--- Release--- Brynn may choose to release those votes whenever he wants the following days, they will automatically be added to the main wagon at the time. (1 shot)
[Active - Dark End ] Target a player and RPS them, if you win Ultra Kill them. If you lose you become vanilla for 2 cycles. Usable Day 4 or later. ( 1 shot)

Funds: 2000 Berries
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town but beware not to get greedy for more power.
Magma Tunnel was activated
Kibi Dango was used on ???
Dango Wave was used on ??? and ???
Blazing Fist was used on ???
Fog Prison was used on ???
Dinner Time was used on ???
True Pirate was used to kill ??? but it failed
Gamma Knife was used on ???
Room was used on ??? and ???
Silent Guardian was used on ???
Bastard Sword was used to kill @Mr. Reloaded / Mathias

You are Mathias!​

[Passive - Marine Veteran] This man has seen it all and has the scars to prove it, he is known across the world for his deeds. His vote power counts for 2.

[Passive - Hakiman] Mathias can do it all with haki, he is a jack of all trades! However since he is old now he can only use two abilities per cycle.

[Active - Soru] Target a player and teleport to them, he will hide behind them for a phase. After the phase is over he will learn their alignment. ( 3 shot)

[Active - Shigan] Target a player and roleblock them for a phase.

[Active - Cannonball Throw] Target a player and throw a huge canon ball on their ship, sinking them and preventing them from traveling that night, if they are a devil fruit user they will be rolecrushed for a cycle.

[Active - Rankyaku] On Even Nights target a player with a kill.

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
Thunder Bagua was used to superkill @Naomi / Tiny Bird as well as @MUUGEN / The Lurking Legend which freed @Worst / ???

You are The Lurking Legend!
[Passive - Lurking Legend] The Lurking Legend has seen much during his time, his presence in the game can be felt. His vote power counts for 2 unless in Mylo/Lylo situations and he will prevent any vote tampering ( vote drains,silences) from happening as long as he is alive.

[Passive - Man of Legends] You are a man of legendary status, you cannot be killed by normal means. You are super bulletproof.

[Passive - Veteran of the seas] You've seen it all, and there is nothing that will surprise you. You are immune to harmfull actions except rolecrushes and ability destruction. Your actions also cannot be tampered.

[Active - Tales of the past] You may bring out tales of your past in the form of a message sent to the thread, at the end of the day any person that quotes it will become elligible for this next ability.

[Active - Passage of the torch] You possess great power and knowledge, you may target a player that quoted your tales of the past message and buff them with double actions for a cycle or refill all their abilities.

[Active - You are not the one] Target a player and remove them from the game for as long as you are alive.(1 shot) Non refillable.

[Active - Legendary Frenzy] If a town player gets killed you may activate this that phase to retaliate and target a player, if they are mafia superkill them through immunities. If they are town you wil be roleblocked for the following phase, bypassing the Veteran of the seas passive.

[Active - True Pirate] Every night target a player and they are not a pirate kill them.

[Active - Bloody Duel] Target a player and challenge them to an RPS duel, if you win Ultra Kill them through immunities. If you lose you become permanently vanilla. (1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town
Funds: 5000 berries

You are Tiny Bird!
[Passive - Goro Goro No Mi] One day Tiny Bird was going around trying to find flower nectar or fruits to eat and she accidentally ate the Lightning Lightning Fruit, she is now a Lightning Logia Bird. This grants him extreme speed and maneuverability. Her actions always go first.

[Passive - Heart Restart] Tiny Bird will tank the first kill thrown at her in the game and revive from it, she will however become completely vanilla.

[Active - Curious Bird] Tiny Bird has always been curious by nature so whenever she sees a person she will follow them to see what happens! She may target a player and learn who they visited that night.

[Active - Lightning Speed] Tiny Bird may travel at great speeds so she is able to get to islands twice as fast.

[Active - Very Curious Bird] Tiny Bird really is curious isnt she, during the day she may target a player and learn of the first person who visits them afterwards!

[Active - Light it Up] Day 3 or later, Tiny bird may target a ??? and reveal it.( 1 shot)
---Lightning Pulse--- Tiny Bird may sit on someones shoulder and discharge lightning into their body, this will make them say anything to make the pain stop. She will be able to lie detect a post day 2 or later. (1 shot)

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

However Heart Restart was triggered

Bringing her back to life but completely vanilla.

Day 7 starts
You have 24 hours to discuss
You may choose to Vote End Phase if you wish, if the majority wants it the phase will end prematurely.

1- @Dr_Professor83 Killed Day 5 Revived Day 5 Taylor Killed Day 6
2- @Pot Goblin
3- @Charlie
4- @RayanOO Replaced by @MUUGEN
5- @Lord Melkor Lynched Day 3 Eiglaf Revived as a Zombie Day 4
6- @ConquistadoR
7- @Peroroncino Killed Day 6 Gondor
8- @Flower Modkilled Day 3 Erika The Bounty Hunter
9- @Indigo Killed Night 5 Yoshitsune
10- @AL sama
11- @TAC Lynched Night 5 Admiral Katayude
12- @Dr. Watson
13- @Rej
14- @Mashiro Blue Killed Night 5 Stilton Winner
15- @Ratchet
16- @Tobra Replaced by @master V
17- @Apollo
18- @MangoSenpai
19- @Ekkologix Lynched Day 2 Ben Richter
20- @MitchMatch Killed Day 3 Bonebreaker
21- @Alwaysmind Replaced by @Grammaton
22- @Sallucion Died day 4 Revived Day 5 ???
23- @T-Pein™ Killed Day 5 John Cena
24- @Ariess
25- @Vanellope Lhea Replaced by @Worst Game Removed Day 5 ???
26- @Midnight Delight Lynched Day 5 Warden Klaus
27- @MonochromeYoru Killed Night 1 Quentin
28- @MUUGEN Killed Day 4 Commodore Tennet
29- @oddoddfruit
30- @Meeyori
31- @BakiDou Replaced by @Reborn
32- @Juliet
33- @Kurozumi Seven7 Killed Night 1 Vice-Admiral Tokito
34- @Yo Tan Wa
35- @Kerkovian Killed Day 2 Scholazar
36- @Naomi
37- @Mr. Reloaded
38- @Destroya
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