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NOTICE: Nowhere is it said yet that Green Bull has defeated Weevil. It is said that he was captured. Two different things.
Admiralbros can take a W here or another L. Where will fate take yall? :gouno:
the amount of COPE you need lmao yonko fans are desespearate and crying everyday .
Im legit scared.
I mean I never buy the Shichibukai hype at maximum, they are strong no doubt, but Mihawk kinda carried the hype and I had high hopes for Weevil but he end as hypetool too...
So many shichibukai end the past 20chapters as hypetool...
Boa neg diffed,Kuma about to end dead, Weevil end as hypetool, hope Oda don´t continue this shit with Mihawk and Crocodile.

Weevil is still my rank second strongest Shichibukai, perhaps a top tier but still hype for Aramaki..
We never even saw Weevil's combat style. XD
I wouldn't take the word of Admiral "shall I go to solo BM and Kaido alliance" Kizaru seriously though. He is always a lost cause.
Kizaru wanted to stop the meeting iirc. I think his words to Weevil's power can be trusted, why not? It's no shame losing against an admiral. The same guy destroyed King and Queen after all.
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Kurozumi Wiwi @MarineHQ

1053 - Aramaki stomps on King and Queen
1063 - Kuzan fodderizes Cracker
1073 - Aramaki puts Weevil in a spliff

Oda has started a trend of admirals packing up people in chapters that end in 3.

Probably just a coincidence, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict Kizaru wank in chapter 1083.
Who going to get packed? I think Zoro, a reality check is needed.
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