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Troll Lizaru's statement about Hawkins being scary prove you wrong.

Lizaru is currently being a waiter for a Celestial Dragon.
ANyone is a waiter for the celestial draogn remember you attack 1 admirals pull up ? They always was shown to be under them in rank but that don't make them weaker .
You guys suck yonko ***** so hard you are in denial .
Kizaru trolling hawkins saying h eis scary have nothing to do to Kizaru reporting Weevil strenght to the navy .
Weevil got compared to young WB now nam eme 1 commander that have this comparaison ??
Still wounded after 7 days of recovery king is weak as hell then .
Not worthy of being a zoan .

He wat at 80% at worst and aramaki soloed him and queen at the same time . You realise Law and KId who were not at 100% defeated bm ?
CAP more its funny .
He had lost a wing, his fire was not turn on and had no sword in his hand. Aramaki ambushed him this state. Not fair at all.
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