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Even the Seraphims can tell the difference between a true powerhouse and a fat bitch

Marco regen from attacks the same whether or not haki is being used
Haki doesn't stop his regen or effect it in any way

Marco clashed with Prometheus/big mom's attack with his own. He wasnt letting them hit him

Kings normal fire isn't anything special
King destroyed Marco, weeks later and the man is still recovering from their fight! We already knew that Leanbull couldn't beat a fresh King.
So how can you block Stussy sucking ability? Stronger Haki? Lucci already seen her use it on Kaku so it was no surprise attack.
Does the seastone lipstick also affect haki?
Tbf haki probably gets affected by df users too whem seastone gets applied.

Otherwise simply use strong enough CoA to not let her bite pierce you. Tho she might be well versed in haki too seeing at different application of rokushiki from her.
Even tho luffy vs kizaru is definitely most likely
Im starting to think zoro's and sanji vs kizaru would also be a really interesting possibility. We saw ryokugyu solo both king and queen so seeing zosan fight an admiral instead would be cool

As for luffy the only person above kizaru is saturn so...🤔
Idk if Saturn can actually fight especially with his current body but maybe it won't be the usual 1v1 fight. Saturn maybe using all 7 seraphim to control to fight for him.

So basically
Zoro and sanji vs kizaru
Luffy vs seraphim with Saturn controlling them


Mysteries sell is the motto of One Piece.
If you answer all questions, there'd be no more mysteries to sell.

Just take the devil fruit's explanation for example... that shit gave us more questions than answers lmao.

One Piece is gonna go down the Bleach TYBW or Naruto Fourth Ninja War route and it's obvious lol.
Oda Will pay respect to his fellow BIG 3 mangakas and butcher the story at the final arc.
that first line would make no sense because you can not compare lunarian mihawk with mihawk

but you can compare enhanced lunarian jinbe with jinbe

and he is much stronger without a doubt, feats can tell

sanji apparently just hit the seraphim so he can not feel intimidated when he does not even know what the hell just hit him

see, sanji hit lunarian jinbe and apparently made him spit blood, blackbeard did no damage to a seraphim, why did not anyone pointed that out...
Spit blood huh?
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