General Political Discussion

- General Definition: affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread.
- Political Defintion: relating to the government or the public affairs of a country.
- Discussion Definition: the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.

A thread discussing involving most/all political topics.
How can people discuss a dozen different topics in a single thread? That's what the separate threads are for.
They should make a politics section instead and, as @Phoenix D. King suggested, shadow ban it from 'what's new'

What's better
Abortion or infanticide?
Fuck, that got dark quickly. I don't even joke about killing kids, once children are born they are the world's most precious resource and deserve far better than they are currently recieving from humanity, but before they're born they're not people and don't have to become people, it's more like they're applying for the job but there aren't currently any open positions since we're overstaffed. Honestly being aborted is more merciful than what most children go through.
Since when is being a shitty parent a human right?
It's not like we're in need of more children, the population is growing exponentially and the earth doesn't have the resources to sustain.
Dude this will be exploited

Don't want specific groups/races/ethnicities etc to vote and to reproduce?
Just convict them under false accusations. Easiest way to make these groups go extinct

That would be a horrible idea
And what if a person turns out to be innocent AFTER they were sterilized? !
That idea of yours is even worse than execution