I feel like saying "preventing a life" is just a use of languague to comfort yourself from that act.

you believe it should be legal and okay to do it, but you want to change the language of what it is so it doesn't sound as bad.

If somebody is dying and they need some type of medicine, and you have the power to give it to them, but you don't or you prevent them from getting it, then you're killing that person in my opinion.

It doesn't matter if this person was gonna die from a car crash or a random event before that happens, you still took action to prevent a life from continuing, and to me that's killing someone.

Same thing with abortion.
I can understand why you see it that way, I just don't, I don't see a fetus as a living being until it is capable of self-sustaining life. Now saying that I don't mean it needs to be able to take care of itself fix itself a sandwich or whatever lol, but the ability to breathe on its own is a pretty good place to start. Killing is the act of taking away one's life, you can't take something they didn't have to begin with, if they weren't yet alive as their own being you can't take their life.

Referring to abortion as killing is just another way of shaming people into carrying out a pregnancy when we as a species have evolved past that point.
I understand what @Cross_Marian meant to way and I also understand your response.
I think the two of you have fundamentally different approaches to spiritually in general
I just fucked up and couldn’t explain it well
My entire Religion is based on the belief that we need to get to know God and to built a relationship with him.
Knowledge and questioning are one of the highest deeds for us.
There’s a famous quote of one of our saints who said: "a life without knowledge leads to darkness."
there is just a difference between understanding God and his teachings and solving his entire being I guess

Nah imho that whole thing about determining when a fetus starts to be alive is just a sweet little cope people like to tell themselves to make it easier for themselves
If that's how you want to look at it, I don't think it's ever easy regardless of how you phrase it. But there's no reason to try and make it harder on people than it already is.

Either way I see no reason to consider a fetus a person until after it is born