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AL sama

Red Haired
alright, i should say *reliability*

there's no trust there for most players - you being the prime example of one showing distrust - which is why in theory if she and i rolled scum, it wouldn't matter how many actions we used well, what we did, or how we did it because any reliability that people see (in someone like odd for instance) would be non-existent

i personally don't think if flower didn't lie and compose herself in a more detached manner when pressed by you or anyone that she'd have any real chance of being a "guiding voice" in the way other players are, especially if she rolled scum

does that make any sense?
she can lead very well trust me on this


The End and the Beginning
I was just about to say that once Pot and Charlie die, i could start the detective game, because Fuji will be able to play that and host the rest of this game just fine at that point

but now JG is also joining? lmao
I don't know if it's too late now by the way, but I'd like to be included in detective games like this going forward, if at all possible.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
End Game

The Mafia have killed @Naomi / Tiny Bird

Thunder Bagua was to super kill @oddoddfruit / Flappy Flaps

Bastard Sword was used to kill @Reborn / The Hunter

Silent Guardian was used on ???
Black Knight was used on ???
Water Prison was used on ???
Counter Shock was used on ???
Room was used on ??? and ???​

Having reached parity with town the Mafia have won!

Congratulations to @Ekkologix , @Ratchet , @Worst , @Juliet , @AL sama , @Sallucion , @Vanellope Lhea , @Rej , @TheAncientCenturion , @Pot Goblin and @Peroroncino !

Town MVPs for me would be : @Dr_Professor83 , @MUUGEN and honorary townie @Indigo ! @Apollo would've been here too if he didn't get culted.

Scum MVPs would go to : @Ratchet and @AL sama for threadplay and @Juliet for organizing and helping her team out with actions.

Indie MVP would go to: @Mashiro Blue dono who managed to secure his wincon and become the 1%!

Thanks to everyone for playing this long game and I hope you had fun!

1- @Dr_Professor83 Killed Day 5 Revived Day 5 Taylor Killed Day 6
2- @Pot Goblin
3- @Charlie
4- @RayanOO Replaced by @MUUGEN Killed Night 6 The Lurking Legend
5- @Lord Melkor Lynched Day 3 Eiglaf Revived as a Zombie Day 4 Died Day 6
6- @ConquistadoR
7- @Peroroncino Killed Day 6 Gondor
8- @Flower Modkilled Day 3 Erika The Bounty Hunter
9- @Indigo Killed Night 5 Yoshitsune
10- @AL sama
11- @TAC Lynched Night 5 Admiral Katayude
12- @Dr. Watson
13- @Rej
14- @Mashiro Blue Killed Night 5 Stilton Winner
15- @Ratchet
16- @Tobra Replaced by @master V
17- @Apollo
18- @MangoSenpai
19- @Ekkologix Lynched Day 2 Ben Richter
20- @MitchMatch Killed Day 3 Bonebreaker
21- @Alwaysmind Replaced by @Grammaton Killed Night 6 Brynn
22- @Sallucion Died day 4 Revived Day 5 ??? Lynched Day 6 Sloan
23- @T-Pein™ Killed Day 5 John Cena
24- @Ariess
25- @Vanellope Lhea Replaced by @Worst Game Removed Day 5 ???
26- @Midnight Delight Lynched Day 5 Warden Klaus
27- @MonochromeYoru Killed Night 1 Quentin
28- @MUUGEN Killed Day 4 Commodore Tennet
29- @oddoddfruit
30- @Meeyori
31- @BakiDou Replaced by @Reborn
32- @Juliet
33- @Kurozumi Seven7 Killed Night 1 Vice-Admiral Tokito
34- @Yo Tan Wa
35- @Kerkovian Killed Day 2 Scholazar
36- @Naomi
37- @Mr. Reloaded Killed Night 6 Mathias
38- @Destroya
Congratulations to winners,✌️

Thank you fooj for the game


Lead them to paradise.
wtf was the one piece btw? @Fujishiro
What the One Piece is depends on which faction finds it, for Mafia the One Piece grants their whole team protection against anything but lynches for a cycle. For Town its a buff to all towns abilities for a cycle. For Indies its a full refill to their actions + double action for a cycle and finally for cult its an unstopable conversion + extra vote power during the day phase they find it.

So far no one found it, Naomi will be transported to where the One Piece is and she may find it.

Interestingly enough the Blue Team made a wish to teleport to Raftel during Night 5 and I allowed it, under the condition that they cannot use kills for a cycle which they didnt. Hence why there was no faction kill last night from them.

They found some stuff, namely a legendary blade that superkills anyone that targets the user upon activation and Kaidos fruit. But no One Piece.
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