Future Events The Blackbeard Pirates are done for


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Ace - luffy's brother - captured and executed

Dragon - Luffy's dad - ran away from his Island

Law - Luffy's cheerleader - about to get negged

Koby - Luffy's biggest fan - captured

We all know what will happen to garp if.. .if he dares to face BB:myman:
Garp is going to unleash Bogard on them!
Garp could've been assisting Saturn-sama in his glorious Egghead expedition, but no.

Treacherous old basterd that tried to backstab Akainu must go to save a Marine twink that interfered with Akainu's job at Marineford.

@Le Fishe D. Tomdou this time wanking the BBP over the "marines" is completely justifiable, in the name of absolute justice.