I support trans but it is a bit idiotic to pander to one group so much. Sometimes they just have to suck it up and accept things won't always go their way
Translated "I support trans people but they have to suck it up if necessary."

So no, you don't support trans people. And that's okay if that's what you think is good for you.

Buy Hogward Legacy, don't mind me, it looks like a cool game, I completely understand that choice. But at least now - if you read the thread - you will have the tools to understand the context behind your choice.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Translated "I support trans people but they have to suck it up if necessary."
Yes. Because literally all other groups of people operate that way in life

You have a phone, right? Laptop and a PC too?
You obv don't support human rights in Africa where slave labour mines the cobalt used to build things you use

So don't preach some moral high ground cause you don't have any,
You have a phone, right? Laptop and a PC too?
You obv don't support human rights in Africa where slave labour mines the cobalt used to build things you use
That's a fallacious comparison. I don't have the choice to work without those devices in our society without being broken or cast out. But you completely have the choice not to buy this game.

Again, I'm not here to culpabilize you. You do what you want. Just never say "I support trans people" if you buy this game :cheers: Because I proved in that thread how hutfull it was to finance those ideologies. (check the link where the videos are not showing, they are as important as the others.)

So don't preach some moral high ground cause you don't have any,
I don't, you do what you want. I won't come at you if you do.

I've written this thread for those who don't have the context and might really want to help the trans community. If you don't want to do that, it's completely valid. Your choices are yours.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
That's a fallacious comparison. I don't have the choice to work without those devices in our society without being broken or cast out. But you completely have the choice not to buy this game.
Oh it is perfectly doable to be in society without those devices - it is just easier for you to have them. It is a matter of personal convenience

Because it is convenient for you suddenly you prolly do care some child in Africa slaves his life away for your phone, but you need and want the phone for your personal convenience so you turn your head away.

And that's perfectly fine. Sometimes you can't pander everyone and a certain group needs to suck it up for you, that is just how the world works.

So why should anyone that supports trans people and believe they should be same legal level as everyone else sacrifice something trivial as a video game to get some sympathy tokens?

You can't preach equal rights and then expect the said group to have more privileges than everyone else
Oh it is perfectly doable to be in society without those devices - it is just easier for you to have them. It is a matter of personal convenience
Not in a society or in an environment where everything is connected and where your incomes are here because of that technology.

And that's perfectly fine. Sometimes you can't pander everyone and a certain group needs to suck it up for you, that is just how the world works.
That's a terrible and quite a fatalist vision..

You can't preach equal rights and then expect the said group to have more privileges than everyone else
What are you takling about here ?

So why should anyone that supports trans people and believe they should be same legal level as everyone else sacrifice something trivial as a video game to get some sympathy tokens?
Because you have the possibility to do that choice without economical and social repercussion :yodaswag:
So this is the ethical thing to do.

But again, you do what you want, your choice is made, that might not be the case of others so please, move aside.
I have been wondering lately.

Is there an objective yardstick to gauge political extremes and medians when it comes to the left and right wings given that they are comprisesd of defining attributes like conservatives value tradition.. And liberals advocate progression.

Or is it just people's speculations
I have been wondering lately.

Is there an objective yardstick to gauge political extremes and medians when it comes to the left and right wings given that they are comprisesd of defining attributes like conservatives value tradition.. And liberals advocate progression.

Or is it just people's speculations
If you define the extrem left as liberal, you won't understand the political spectrum. Liberals are in the center at least right now. They are what the entry right should be and was until a few years ago. Leftist are anti-liberal which is a soft libertarianism.

The right is basically advocating for the status co while the left thinks that there needs to be deep structural changes.
There is nothing heart-breaking about it. I'm gonna get it if it is good

I support trans but it is a bit idiotic to pander to one group so much. Sometimes they just have to suck it up and accept things won't always go their way
One famous German streamer said that he doesn’t care about this Rowling topic and just wants to play the game BUT he will do a charity stream and give the money to trans organisations etc.
Guess what the hardcore leftists etc. did
They cut out the part about the charity stream and uploaded the rest on twitter
The streamer got a huge shit storm
Many people corrected this situation and uploaded the full clip
After that the hardcore leftist were like: "Oh but he’s still a hypocrite. He can do a charity stream without this game."

I’m gonna 100% buy it now
If you define the extrem left as liberal, you won't understand the political spectrum. Liberals are in the center at least right now. They are what the entry right should be and was until a few years ago. Leftist are anti-liberal which is a soft libertarianism.

The right is basically advocating for the status co while the left thinks that there needs to be deep structural changes.
Well my understanding is the left's main advocates are liberals..

In that sense left and right seen a spectrum of liberalism and conservatism accordingly

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
One famous German streamer said that he doesn’t care about this Rowling topic and just wants to play the game BUT he will do a charity stream and give the money to trans organisations etc.
Guess what the hardcore leftists etc. did
They cut out the part about the charity stream and uploaded the rest on twitter
The streamer got a huge shit storm
Many people corrected this situation and uploaded the full clip
After that the hardcore leftist were like: "Oh but he’s still a hypocrite. He can do a charity stream without this game."

I’m gonna 100% buy it now
Trans people are a bit out of control atm with their demands
One famous German streamer said that he doesn’t care about this Rowling topic and just wants to play the game BUT he will do a charity stream and give the money to trans organisations etc.
Guess what the hardcore leftists etc. did
They cut out the part about the charity stream and uploaded the rest on twitter
The streamer got a huge shit storm
Many people corrected this situation and uploaded the full clip
After that the hardcore leftist were like: "Oh but he’s still a hypocrite. He can do a charity stream without this game."

I’m gonna 100% buy it now
See, and that's why I don't like people
It's all about clout and agenda at this point
Well my understanding is the left's main advocates are liberals..

In that sense left and right seen a spectrum of liberalism and conservatism accordingly
The liberals you see on TV: Obama/Biden/Macron/etc. those are not leftist, they are the enter point to the right. (I say that especially because I think that centrist does not exist). They are accaparating the space so you will only see from the left those who are - like me - really angry. But most leftist are just Sanders/melenchon's advocate, they simply share an antiliberalistic viewpoint.

The right is right now reduced to conservatists and altrighters and that in a lot of countries as the alt right won the space and the internet.

But this is about to change. Liberals like Macron are slowly moving to the right again where they belong. For biden its uncertain but it doesn't look like the democrate are ready to let capitalism go.

Trans people are a bit out of control atm with their demands

One famous German streamer said that he doesn’t care about this Rowling topic and just wants to play the game BUT he will do a charity stream and give the money to trans organisations etc.
Guess what the hardcore leftists etc. did
They cut out the part about the charity stream and uploaded the rest on twitter
The streamer got a huge shit storm
Many people corrected this situation and uploaded the full clip
After that the hardcore leftist were like: "Oh but he’s still a hypocrite. He can do a charity stream without this game."

I’m gonna 100% buy it now
While I condoumn the cut out of context. This case is pretty telling. If you want to buy the game, fine, buy it. But you don't get to say "I will be fighting for trans people" after that.

The simple fact of buying the game and advertising it finance the alt right and terf and therefore put trans people in danger. The financing and the advertizing won't go away because you are doing a charity. That's pure hypocrisy.

Again.. buy the game if you want to. But don't say "I'm supporting trans people" after everything I explained here

As no one is talking, let me grab the conversation for a moment.

So you all know that "Hogwarts Legacy" (the Harry Potter Universe's game) is coming up soon on february 10.

While I won't say to you "do not buy the game" (for reasons I will developp later) as you are all entitle to your opinions and choices of freetime, I think it's important to replace this game into its context.

First you must know one thing: People who worked on the game have already been paid. What you might not know on the other hand is that some people will receive money from copyright ownership. In short, the more the game will be sold, the more the money going to them. And among those people is - you guessed it - J K Rowling. Now I will talk about J K Rowling later but I want to talk about another subject first as I will try to be as inclusive as I can on this subject I will start at the basics:

Do you know who Transgender people are ?

It's okay if you don't, until a few years ago, I was completely oblivious to them and their struggles. First, a bit of basic:

As you may have understood here. It's important to separate sex and gender as those notion are scientifically and sociologically different.

Now, what being a Transgender really means ? I won't explain it to you, I will let Trans people tell you all about it:

From a science approach:

To a sociological approach:

It's important to understand that being Transgender is NOT a mental illness.

Therefore, all transgender people are VALID. They ALL deserve the same rights as Cisgender People. They deserve the same right as you and me.


What is important here, is to understand that Trans people are DISCRIMINATED and OPPRESSED by our differents societies:

For diverse act of violence against trans people:

To people who are trying to criminilize Trans communities or those who help them through moral panics:





This is where we need to talk about J K Rowling.

You see J K Rowling is now an well know anti Trans activist. She is what we call a "TERF", "a Trans-exclusionary radical feminist". "A person whose views on gender identity are considered hostile to transgender people, or who opposes social and political policies designed to be inclusive of transgender people."


Terf are known to be transphobe, this is not a news. But what is starting to become more concerning is the fact that this transphobe ideology (and JK Rowling as well as her followers) is starting to flirt with really DARK movements: the alt-right and fascist kinds.

(This following one is actually quite horrific)




This is where WE can have an influence:

You see, by refusing to finance those people, we are actually lessening the probabilities of those dark transphobes ideology to be shared. That's why it's important to understand where your money will go once you buy property owned by those type of people.


This is not a thread meant to culpabilize you. You would be completely legitimate to buy a game like Hogward Legacy, after all it looks like a cool game and I would LOVE to play it also.. but...

At least, you have the context.

While it might be the best Harry Potter game. Buying that game, is beneficial to the anti trans politics.

Now, You have all the informations to make a good choice.
The liberals you see on TV: Obama/Biden/Macron/etc. those are not leftist, they are the enter point to the right. (I say that especially because I think that centrist does not exist). They are accaparating the space so you will only see from the left those who are - like me - really angry. But most leftist are just Sanders/melenchon's advocate, they simply share an antiliberalistic viewpoint.

The right is right now reduced to conservatists and altrighters and that in a lot of countries as the alt right won the space and the internet.

But this is about to change. Liberals like Macron are slowly moving to the right again where they belong. For biden its uncertain but it doesn't look like the democrate are ready to let capitalism go.


While I condoumn the cut out of context. This case is pretty telling. If you want to buy the game, fine, buy it. But you don't get to say "I will be fighting for trans people" after that.

The simple fact of buying the game and advertising it finance the alt right and terf and therefore put trans people in danger. The financing and the advertizing won't go away because you are doing a charity. That's pure hypocrisy.

Again.. buy the game if you want to. But don't say "I supporting trans people" after everything I explained here
You guys always see everything in black and white am I right?
Yes, then I don’t support trans people if you say so
I don’t care about this topic and about this woke shit
If someone’s nice and respectful to me, then I’m also nice and respectful to the person regardless of their ethnicity, religion and gender
That’s it
This case is pretty telling. If you want to buy the game, fine, buy it. But you don't get to say "I will be fighting for trans people" after that.
Why not? It's a way to make up for the support he gives Rowling by buying the game.

The simple fact of buying the game and advertising it finance the alt right and terf and therefore put trans people in danger. The financing and the advertizing won't go away because you are doing a charity. That's pure hypocrisy.

Again.. buy the game if you want to. But don't say "I'm supporting trans people" after everything I explained here
So you rather want the 'bad guys' to be 100% evil instead of balanced human beings who take responsibility for their actions?

Why not? It's a way to make up for the support he gives Rowling by buying the game.

So you rather want the 'bad guys' to be 100% evil instead of balanced human beings who take responsibility for their actions?
The streamer does more for trans rights with his charity stream than the self proclaimed twitter police
but hey he’s a hypocrite