If its money gained from an investment, trade or lottery, the government will still ask for the tax money which can greatly damage your credit. I know you're joking but still.
And then people wonder why there's so many depressed and suicidal people
Don't blame them ,don't shame them, understand the root causes and do something about it
Main reason many are broke is because public schools aren't allowed to teach about finances. The purpose of school is to make you into a good employee, college is supposed to put you in debt, and credit is a scam to keep you in debt.
The "woke" stuff is more concerning in environmental issues when people criticize you for things they're doing themselves. Like taking the plane once a year. Or not recycling. I was even told that we should stop making films because all of them are bad for the environment.
Good point. The fact that they're consuming or fabricating the same things they're accusing you off only makes them creditless hypocrites as well. That's why I usually laugh at them and mind my own business.
Good point. The fact that they're consuming or fabricating the same things they're accusing you off only makes them creditless hypocrites as well. That's why I usually laugh at them and mind my own business.
Biologically you are born with a penis or vagina. You can't biologically fix that or change it. You can only go thru process of modification that can or not mirror something of the biological gender you are born with. Still it doesn't achieve much.
Not really about avoiding being broke. Many are in situations they can't control. More so about how to lessen the load and show there's hope.
If its money gained from an investment, trade or lottery, the government will still ask for the tax money which can greatly damage your credit. I know you're joking but still.
Main reason many are broke is because public schools aren't allowed to teach about finances. The purpose of school is to make you into a good employee, college is supposed to put you in debt, and credit is a scam to keep you in debt.
You can't imagine all the oil, electricity and un-recycled sets (and whatnot) going to garbage during months and months just for a 2h movie.
I really strongly disagree with the take that we should stop making movies though. Why not stop living ? On the other hand, shit films and TVseries should be stopped from being produced.
Calm down bubba. Your mention of "sexual minorities" really gave away your game. I'm not here to change minds (since I know I won't) but I do find it extremely goofy.
The system in Germany is different from Murica, it's not as bad because general education doesn't cost a fortune
But it's similar with school.
Creativity and free thought are being oppressed, the goal is to mold young minds into whatever the establishment has decided to be right .
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