Actuallly, people usually agree with me in real life.. But hey.. I'm not surrounding myself with fascists.. so what do I know..
They don't have a choice in the matter ;)
Didn't take long for the psychophobia to kick in.
Your humor is too good for me..
The soviet union was never communist it was an authoritarian regim
Indeed. No one wants to reproduce that here.
My goal is to 'cook' you and let you soak in a pool of actual leftist beliefs in order for you to normalize inconsciously those beliefs.
100 pages.. it's working pretty well and you are still here hehe
Your only way to avoid leftist radicalisation is to quit the thread as I won't go anywhere.
It's all about getting the right temperature. To let the ideas .. flow into your mind. Even when you think you are not accepting them
*cooking cooking*