
Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I thought we had a religion thread already

We need a dedicated thread like this one where civilised people like in this community belonging to different religions can share their views..... chaotically *cough* I mean peacefully


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
you can maybe say that is a bad analogy, but in no way i portrayed the trans as bad as murderers lmao, i also gave two ordinary examples.

But yea i do get your point, these kind of people like to strawman
I know what you said and you didn't mean to call trans as killers

But as I said, don't expect people to make sense here lol
you are using the scenario
just say your argument is invalid because i have shown 2 counter points and you refuse to answers
The scenario is you KNOW someone with XY chromosome is going to enter a changing room with my sister/mother

You : "How do you know that someone have XY chromosome?"

I said, its literally a hypothethical question, its not relevant to know how do i know they have XY chromosome. The question is set in a scenario where you know they have XY chromosome

You : "Your argument is invalid"

And since when is a scenario is an argument LOL, its simply a setting of the event

We need a dedicated thread like this one where civilised people like in this community belonging to different religions can share their views..... chaotically *cough* I mean peacefully
This would never work
I mean we’re fighting over fictional characters in this forum
Do you really think that it could work?
Religion is something personal and a huge part of the identity

We need a dedicated thread like this one where civilised people like in this community belonging to different religions can share their views..... chaotically *cough* I mean peacefully
Thats almost impossible. Every thread would go on whose God is real to burden on proof to prove God lies on whoever makes the claim that God exists. :kobeha: I have been on many such and stopped debating entirely.