As a Ukrainian living in Ukraine, I'm 100% biased though...
To put it mildly, it's a horrible experience, even though I currently live in the western part (moved to Lviv due to work about 3 years ago). We don't have air alarms too often, but I will never forget two explosions I heard while waiting for a bus on the railway station... you don't get used to it. You are swept with adrenaline, and you don't know whether the worst is over or if it's coming. Ruscists don't care about civilians, from what I saw in their social media, most of them cheer on and want more deaths.
My mother and my brother live in Dnipro, it's central Ukraine, alarmingly close to the frontlines in my opinion. I couldn't bring myself to visit my hometown for almost a year, because I was afraid, especially after reading the news about the explosions on the railway not far from Dnipro. When I finally did get to Dnipro, I understood how actually peaceful Lviv is compared to Dnipro, as air alarms are very frequent (5-10 times per day) and often followed by the explosions (and sometimes you hear an explosion first, then you hear the alarm). I remember laying at home, in the dark, as it was night, no electricity, no warmth, and there was yet another drone attack for about 2 hours, 10 of them eliminated in our region, half of them in the city. Heard every explosion in the city, couldn't sleep, couldn't do anything really, luckily the connection was there so I could track what happened. I have friends in the military, and they created "alerts" kinda channel for friends where they explain what to expect (based on what they could share, ofc). Today everyone in Ukraine has either friends, family or beloved ones serving in our armed forces. I consider myself lucky as I haven't lost anyone close to me.
No electricity sucks. Sometimes I don't have any electricity for hours, luckily my office runs on generators and I can work from there. It's not just inconvenient, everything runs on electricity and I don't have heating, hot water and network connection when the lights are off - and you won't believe it, but losing the connection feels the worst. Knowing that there's an air alarm covering whole country, and not knowing what happens to your family is horrible. Especially after attacks like on 14 January in Dnipro, where the missile hit the civilian building, many dead, many injured, and you actually know people from that building...
To sum up, war is horrible even if you are lucky enough not to live in the occupied cities. I blame both Russian government and Russian people. Maybe there's 0.00001% of those who don't want war, but the longer it lasts, the less I believe it. My friend in military is ethnically Russian and he stopped speaking to his family living in Russia, just because how crazy brainwashed they are, and they would rather believe the telly and not their own kin. I have another friend who lost everything he had in Bucha, he just moved in there before the war, luckily he evacuated with his family before Bucha slaughters started, he has the same experience with his brother living in Russia - he just sadly told me "well, I have no brother anymore, because this brainwashed creature who does not hear me cannot be my brother".
I can go on, you get the drill. I'm trying to show how it looks to me via my own experience, of course I'm biased, but in this war Ukrainians are heroes, and I believe in our victory. After the victory we will have a lot of work in cleansing the corruption in our own government, so we're definitely not saints, but this unjust war is caused by Russians, and I won't feel safe as long as it stands.