Like Stalin,Hitler,Mao and co.

Funny how the left want socialism but ally themself with their greatest Leftist enemy to reach this goal. I don't think thats not what Marx wanted in his book "The Capital".

So you could say they are weak people. In nature,the weak always die first,its a naturell selection. I knwo that we live in a society where the laws of nature not count anymore and in many cases thats a good thing. But these people will always drive us into bad times.

Psssst,there is nothing wrong in China. China is the best state of them all. Long live our TikTok Chinese Overlords.:kuzanshut:

Guten Morgen.^^
Mate,communists love money!The problem is:They want it all to themselves.The average joe can't own any.Marx's Utopia will always end in dictatorship,the only way possible for someone to abolish capitalism,which is free trade of services and goods,is to have some kind of superpower that will be above all other institutions.Historically,all economical-political-military power got concentrated at the hands of higher ranking government members in such systems.Communism was always a farse meant to put psycho's in power.It should be abolished like nazism was.The poles did it.The rest of the world should too.
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I tried to put it the most neutral way.

From page 20 to 120 it's a discussion about transgender-identity and its implication in accordance with the progress of science.
tell him the truth,its just c4n shitposting and going into a back and forth with like a dozen people.
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Wait for my abortion thread.
don't do it,plz
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I use men’s all the time to avoid the women’s queues :usoprice:
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If our government agrees to give up, the people will riot. Ukrainians typically have "live and let live" mentality until someone messes with their personal stuff. With Crimea, it was too difficult, because there were over 70% ethnical Russians + most of Ukrainians who wanted to live in Ukraine, moved while they could. So to avoid bloodshed, the government did not escalate this (and also we didn't have means to repel that attack, and while the annexation was as unjust as the war, we knew we would win nothing at that point). With eastern regions it's like your neighbor goes in your flat and says "ok, this room is close to my flat, so I make a hole in the wall and this room is now belongs to me". And then proceeds to ruin it, beat anyone there, and on 24.02.2022 you see that fucker with more wall-shatterring stuff, so one room wasn't enough, he wants all of your flat and you and your family dead.
I agree with you 100%. I hope you guys get to keep your country together without having to concede to Russia. They are the aggressors and you shouldn't have to give anything up. Unfortunatley, war is much crueler than that. Regardless, I wish you guys the best.
Sadly, that's how the world works. You have things that you have no control over, but you have to deal with it. An individual personal choice should never trespass the moral of the community.

A psycopath having a habit of killing people isnt justified just because the psycopath want to
An ordinary man having high level of testosterone showing agression isnt justified just because he has high level of testosterone
Someone young identifying himself to be older than 35 yo so he can elect to be a president isnt justified just because he feels like he was born in the wrong time

You want a solution? Then build toilets made for yourselves, you have a community. Also, maybe stop having outrageous thought so you can stop getting ridiculed, the leftists here literally think that simply feeling uncomfortable that your mother/sister be in a changing-room with a random who identify themselves as a woman with XY chromosome is a bad thing lol
Your "morals of the community" are going out of style and becoming fringe thinking. It used to be that a black person could not dine in the same restaurants that white people do. That was once "the moral of the community." As that has passed into the realm of the unacceptable, so too will your position on this.