My man, literally every sperm you ever jizzed held a code to be a person, and you like all of us cycled through them like madman
Now women discard their eggs via menstruation which they can't choose to do or not to do
We men can choose whether to discard or keep and we discard
Except, that is not the point of contention. Having the genetic material and that genetic material being activated is not the same.
Once the genetic material in a sperm (and an supporting ovum) is activated, only then can a baby be made. Your argument is absolutely not good.
I am absolutely for family planning (we have too many people as it is) and I don't feel any ethical issue because family planning is meant to stop the sperm from ever uniting with an ovum to produce a zygote. Once a zygote is formed, it does everything in its power to produce a baby.
Ultimately it boils down to values. Where do you draw your line? A zygote will form a baby (most of the time). So, do we stop that? Why would we stop that?
"Because there is a risk to the mother?" IMO Absolutely.
"Because it is a product of rape and we shouldn't let a woman who already suffered trauma continue to suffer more trauma?" Go ahead. I have no objection.
"Because they didn’t know what they were doing when they were having sex?" This is where I draw the line.
People must accept responsibility for their actions.