Who will be the next SH?

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Here, we can discuss this here.

(by the way
Just for you Sir Yasheen:

Hints towards Lucci as the next crew member:

So, first we have Oda’s interview in Saudi Arabia stating the following (I’m quoting Reborn now): “

“Question was asked on will we get new nakama?
Oda Said - Everyone who helped luffy are his nakamas but next arc will be important.(Egghead)”

If I am getting this right, Oda implicitly states that we might get a new crew member on Egghead - Why else should it be important?

This shrinks the circle of possible candidates to Bonney, Vegapunk and his Satellites, Kaku, Stussy and Lucci.

I am assuming that Oda is going to highlight the interactions the whole crew and Luffy have with the new crew member candidate. If we go by that it only leaves Kaku, Lucci, Stussy, Bonney and Vegapunk the Stellar, maybe even Shaka and Lilith.

Then let’s go to the first few hints – I have mostly copied some stuff I already wrote from here and there, then added some stuff that I could come up with:

Some people here and there on the internet have made a numerical/mathematical approach of predicting the last Straw hat member, seeing as Oda likes to work with those things in his manga as well (Source: https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/anim...-used-math-to-guess-the-next-straw-hat-pirate ). Up until now every Devil fruit-user on the Sunny has eaten a fruit that corresponded/sounds with/like two Japanese numbers from 1-10 (You are not able to do that with most other DF-names of other users – I have tried it. And the possibility of all DF-user of the Straw hats being able to do that with their DF-name is just too low to be a coincidence.):

Luffi: Gomu – 5 and 6

Robin: Hana – 8 and 7

Chopper: Hito – 1 and 10

Brook: Yomu – 4 and 3

That leaves 2 and 9.

With his Neko neko no mi Lucci comes very close to ni = 2 and Ko = 9. The difference is the `e´ in the `ne´ in “neko” in contrast to `ni´ in the number 2. However, what many people do not know is that the `ni´ sound of the number 2 is pronounced `ne´ in Japanese. That means the actual pronunciation of 2 and 9 together is `ne-ko´. So, there we go with the numerical approach – fits like a glove… .

And now we are getting to the yearly festa-letter from Oda from December 2022, which revealed that that person and that person are fighting. It was worded as if the fight would be a big surprise for us. If it’s a surprise, then we are not thinking of a clash between those persons in the least. And in my opinion, this could be a fight between two individuals who are on the same side, as of yet. In the letter Oda mentioned that this fight will have a backstory. So, going by how the volume of a backstory would be a little much for a side-plot of One Piece, I am betting the fight will happen in the main story line. And seeing as I can interpret some fissures are present within the WGs parties involved, my bet is, we will have at least one defector here – and it could be Lucci, because I doubt his priorities are still with the WG. Why I think that is because he is acting unlike we saw him act in Water 7 and Enies Lobby. Back then we could see him priorizing their mission and following their plans to the t. We saw him as the dutyfull CP9 agents always following the WG’s orders – or as you put it: Their dog. Now, with the start of the Egghead Arc, however, we see his priorities somehow shifting (starting a fight with Luffy, questioning their orders right there in the first few panels before they even arrive on Egghead, destroying the Lab, even if they had explicit orders not to). Sure is – he is seemingly still trying to kill Vegapunk as it is his order, but with his actions he is endangering their mission and the underlying factor as to why he does it remains a mystery. Is it his connection with Shaka? We definitely would need a larger explanation for that.

Because, in case you haven’t noticed and have not yet read some of my posts - Shaka and Lucci are depicted by Oda as twin-like counterparts (Both have the same posture [shoving constantly their hands into their pockets], gesticulation, eloquent language and both are very good strategists. Additionally, both have the same strong feeling towards their duty and are ready to make human sacrifices if necessary – read the last chapters if you want and you will find their similarities quite fast – or you can tell me if you need to see proof.) Theoretically you could cut out Lucci’s head and put it on Shaka’s body in any scene and it still would fit perfectly.

(Also, Shaka still has not taken off that helmet of his and we still don’t know what is under it, yet. Alone that indicates that the face underneath must have features similar to the ones of someone we know from the past, who we are able to recognize. It would fit very well, if it were someone currently on the island and we do see that Shaka behaves/thinks similar/almost identical to Lucci. I definitely can read a certain connection here.)

This mirroring is also reflected within their names: The name `Shaka` refers to Buddha Shaka Nyorai, who, in Japanese religion, is the personification of the `Good´. And since Shaka and Lucci are twins and need to reflect each other, Lucci’s name needs to refer to a god-like entity of a religious kind as well. And yes – it does perfectly: As a short form for `Lucifer´. That means while Shaka is the personification of `Good´, Lucci or `Lucifer´ is the personification of `Evil´.

And wouldn’t that fit perfectly with another small detail I have noticed?: Luffy never even once called Lucci by his name. Not even during their fight in Enies Lobby and not before that. Never! He was up until now always the `pigeon guy´.

Luffy always called every single one of his main antagonists during their final fights by their real name (Kaido, Doflamingo, Big Mom, Enel, Hody, Moria, etc.). Most times he screamed them out in a burst of emotional impulsiveness.

This detail makes me wonder why Luffy never did it in the first place. Lucci was an enemy and the significance of the fight in Enies Lobby must theoretically have triggered Luffy to scream his name – Like in every other arc and with every other boss so far – it is usually the pinnacle of the story. Why didn’t he?

Unless, the significance of their fight between them back then dims in comparison to an even bigger event that is yet to come in the near future and involves both. And in that event Luffy is going to scream Lucci’s name. And this will be happen on Egghead. And maybe Lucci is not even Lucci’s real name and Luffy will yell “Lucifer” instead – who knows … .

And as a possible theory which would explain that I have come up with something and even hints to back my theory up: Oda was bringing up Ace in Wano. He was confronting Luffy with his failure to safe his brother during his execution back then. Looking closer, you can see how Luffy turns sad, when he is reflecting what had happened, as Yamato tells her story with Ace, because he was not strong enough to safe him. He is still blaming himself for everything turning out so badly and we still have this loose strand of storyline waiting to be closed, yet.

By the way: Yamato was a red herring. She was there to bring the focus back to the last empty seat on the Sunny. We as the readers are now focussing on it.

Now Oda is finally bringing Ace back up and setting the stage for Luffy’s big chance to safe `his brother´ and finally succeeding. Because Egghead will be just a huge Marineford 2.0.

And look at the situation on Egghead again: It all as of now comes together perfectly. We have two brothers/brother-like figures – Shaka and Lucci, with the latter already bound with seastone through Stussy. An admiral is heading towards Egghead (Indicating a similarity to Akainu, who killed Ace in the end). Lucci is not obeying commands and acting strangely since coming to Egghead – unlike we knew him back in Water 7 and Enies Lobby.

By the way, also on Wano we have this little piece of conversation between Who’s Who and Jinbe:

“I have seen you when you were a warlord.” (Who’s Who)

“What?” (Jinbe)

“Sometimes people completely change their position. So, maybe I used to be on your side.” (Who’s Who)

This is not in the manga, but in the anime. Still, if I were Oda, I would put things and references I haven’t thought of while drawing the manga in the anime, since it comes out later.

And don’t those lines sound strange to you? Coming from a former CP9 agent – who has eaten a cat-cat-fruit and is now working for Kaido? I wonder why the producers under Oda made him say that. And so shortly before we see the actual other cat-cat-fruit user of CP0 now joining the main story line: It is – in my opinion – just a big hint.

His character:

Lucci was never portrayed as brutal and dark, nor is he a sadist. His sole priorities can be summarized in one word: Duty. In his mind, fulfilling his duty comes first before anything else. He always puts his orders/missions as a priority, towards which he works with precise accuracy. There is no place for empathy or warmth, nor for friendship (Pauli) and weakness (500 soldiers). It doesn’t make him brutal, but only cold.

The only times he diverted from missions was, when he wanted to have some fun (turning into a Leopard-human-form in Iceberg’s office; letting Chimney follow them) and was sure those slight hedonistic tendencies were not jeopardizing his missions. Because, in his thinking at that time, they did not contradict with his given orders (getting the pluton blueprints; protecting Spandam).

I think, it is a way to give himself the room for his own enjoyment, solely because he wants to have some fun fighting someone. It is also the same reason why he often times tries to incite his opponents to fight him (Sanji on the Puffing Tom; Pauli in Iceberg’s office). Lucci loves fighting! However, up until Egghead, he never had made a move to endanger their missions in any way through his own personal drives.

What is noteworthy however is that he is very curious regarding interpersonal relationships and emphatetical motivations. Even if he had his difficulties understanding emphatical drives, he is curious and tries to grasps the concept of it, when he comes across it in real life. That is, why he asked Franky why he was helping the Straw hats back on the sea train, but had his problems with grasping what the cyborg meant. It is also the reason why he wanted to know why Luffy was helping Pauli.

Then we have his motivation: During the Enies Lobby arc, Spandam asks CP9 what drives them, to which Lucci replies something along the line of “Blood perhaps, and as long as we are in CP9, we are even allowed to kill.”. The statement comes off as something Lucci is not quite sure about himself. Why else would he add the “perhaps” at the end? I wonder what takes him to the conclusion to say “blood”. Considering he loves fighting, it would be understandable for him to say that, but none the less it lets room for interpretation.

All in all his actions were always driven by his responsibility to fullfil his duty, rather than his own personal interests. Again, he is not that different from Kuma and even very similar to him.

Hints to Lucci’s actual goal – as some of you say that a crew member needs to have a goal: And yes – Lucci may even have a goal and Oda may have already hinted at it. We see it constantly, when Lucci is not fighting. Because, then it is comfortably perched on his shoulder. Oda even hinted at it in an SBS some time ago, when he did drew the CP9 members as children. Can you remember? You can see Lucci’s goal right there written on his T-shirt and indicated by him holding the olive tree branche.

Then we have the problem with Lucci’s position on the Sunny. But this is easily solved. As this arc already has hinted at it. We have more often situations on Egghead that required of the parties involved to think their next actions through before acting – they need to strategize. This is Lucci’s forte and this position is one that is maybe even needed on the Sunny in the very near future: Look at Elbaf and who is living on the island:


I bet Kid is already getting his ass strategically kicked because you cannot planlessly charge into a kingdom that is having a sly god of chaos as prince/king. And if Oda is going to follow Viking lore, than that is exactly what is going to happen with our impetuous friend. (This is just a theory – do not lay too much weight into it.)

If he will not get the position as strategist then he will become that of the quartermaster. Because Lucci is a broker and has networked his way into the underground’s black market. That means he can handle money and probably has much of it. It could solve the SHP problem with constantly being broke.

By the way: Oda has mentioned that the fight between that person and that person in his letter from December will have a backstory. And it could very well be a flashback of Lucci of what happened 20+ years ago with him and Shaka. It could solve the question why Vegapunk is now working for the WG and why Shaka is with Vegapunk now. It could probably also explain why Kuma has accepted to being modified to become a weapon. I hope all this will be one big chunk of flashback.

These are the bigger hints I have found. But I could go into detail and show you the smaller ones if you want. Takes time though.
Lucci is a murderer depicted as one and as something bad + a fascist enabler. NO theory will change that. Their is NO redemption for someone like him like I have already explained here:


(fifth rule) redemption must happen for a character like that and in the world of One Piece, such a redemption would need the entire story. So no. it won't happen.

Your arguments depended on Oda doing something he's never done before and just called it story telling.
No. Actually my argument relied mostly on things Oda had ALREADY done before. That's why I created those two article in the first place:



There are relying on previous observation made by me.. And they are crafted to the point that you can STILL use them today to see if there is another potential candidate.

ver character meant to be a SH has massive thematic importance and presence in their arc. Carrot never got that.
That's the point... in THEIR arc. This word is very important because it means that each character are indeed assigned to a specific arc or island. And that they only become TRUE strawhats AFTER this specific moment.
Zoro: Shell Town
Nami: Arlong Park
Usopp: Sirup Village
Sanji: Baratie
Chopper: Drum Island
Robin: Ennie Lobby
Franky: Water Seven
Brook: Thriller Bark
Jinbe: Fishmen Island/WC (its a bit complicated for him)

So the words "THEIR arc" are important. Why ? Because a future strawhat is not necessaraly introduced in THEIR arc. In fact, Robin, Nami and Jinbe were not introduced in their arc but before. So this specific words (that I kept trying to explain to you guys) permits us to say that a character doesn't necessaraly needs to be introduced in "their arc" but can be introduced much earlier.

Every SH had ties to a villain that Luffy had to defeat for them. Carrot never got that.
During THEIR arc. This is the same principle as above.

Every SH was directly involved in the central conflicts and battles and Carrot didn't get that. She was completely separated from the main battles in Wano and off screened. Even before that, Carrot was even removed from the main plotlines during the build up phase.
Not necessaraly. Go check up each strawhats place during all the conflict and you will see that either some of them are on the side or just not participating atall. Plus Carrot DID participated in this central conflict, she was just OFFSCREENED. Which is logical as the importance of this battle was the defeat.

Your argument was that Oda was setting Carrot up for something bigger, something Oda has never done before. He has never dismissed his main characters like that when they are supposed to join the SHs.
Indeed, In Wano Oda dismmised Carrot (mainly) which is why I thought that he was planning something different with her. But that's not the case of Whole cake. I think something changed between the two arcs in his desire for the narration of Carrot.


So no.. indeed, Carrot never had a thematic importance/villain ties/involve in central conflict like all the strawhat in THEIR arc. But she had OTHER THINGS. For example : she had MULTIPLE narrative introductions.

In fact Carrot had 4 NARRATIVE "introductions" pointing to 4 very different facets of her personnality:

- 804 - Her clash against Zoro. That is introducing the strenght of the minks and Carrot. This is her warrior Side

- 805- Carrot helping Wanda to check up on Luffy. This introduce us on a very specific ability of Carrot that will ties her to the post of Look-out later (note that the first panel of Carrot we see in the story is her with binoculars.) - This is her Lookout capacity.

823 - There is the introduction of Carrot on the Sunny and her love for adventure and wonder - This is her personnality


888 - The introduction of Carrot that - like the first introduction - act both as an introduction of the strenght of the Minks and the strong capabilities and Intelligence of Carrot in Sulong - This is her potential


In 4 different occurence, Oda choosed to NARRATIVELY reintroduce us Carrot. Meaning that he made us (re)discover her entire personna on 4 occasions. I can analyse those in details if you want to udnerstand why I call those "Narrative introductions" but that's not really the point here. The point is that 4 times Oda made us look more closely at Carrot and discover each time a different facets of herself:

- The Warrior
- The Lookout
- The Teenager
- The Mystical beast

So when we analyse the story and we look closer at Carrot's potential. We MUST NOT from a storytelling point of view stop to the fact that Carrot was just a secondary character..

In reality, Oda crafted Carrot very carefully to a point that is abnormal for a simple secondary character (and the narrative introduction are just ONE exemple of that strange creation surrounding Carrot)

So.. I know that most of you guy think that I don't understand what I'm talking about because I'm focusing on a secondary character.. but the reality is : I understand enough to tell you that their is something fishy here.

That's why I kept repeating that Carrot was promised to the strawhats : because this was the only reason that could explain why she was pushed in front line so much despite being a secondary character. And her absence on wano didn't change that, it only made me realize that their could be a second option..

The thing is, this option is still S.T.R.A.N.G.E from a characterization standpoint:

To this day, Carrot is still a teenager who experienced one of the most fabulous things in her life. Which means that looking at those panels:

.. We can tell that this adventure had a REAL effect on her in term of her enjoyment and desires.

But Oda choosed this:

Which would be LOGICAL for a normal secondary character PUSHED THIS MUCH in front line of the story (like I tried to explain earlier)...

But not for Carrot specifically.

Carrot's reaction to that last panel, should be a HUGE self questionning as this role that we have assigned to her is going AGAINST EVERYTHING she experienced:

- She lost so she should be self reflecting on her own capacities (even to the point of having a trauma)
- She took part in the best roller coaster there is.. so as a teenager, she should only have one wish: to get back on it.
- She experienced an amazing adventure and in One Piece.. if you are not a ruler like Vivi or Momo, there is NO GOING BACK from this.

So three explanations:

- Either Oda don't understand his own character but I doubt it.
- Either Oda is preparing something for her but I also doubt this looking at Wano.
- Either Oda had a sudden change of mind during the writing process.
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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Here, we can discuss this here.

(by the way

Lucci is a murderer depicted as one and as something bad + a fascist enabler. NO theory will change that. Their is NO redemption for someone like him like I have already explained here:


(fifth rule) redemption must happen for a character like that and in the world of One Piece, such a redemption would need the entire story. So no. it won't happen.

No. Actually my argument relied mostly on things Oda had ALREADY done before. That's why I created those two article in the first place:



There are relying on previous observation made by me.. And they are crafted to the point that you can STILL use them today to see if there is another potential candidate.

That's the point... in THEIR arc. This word is very important because it means that each character are indeed assigned to a specific arc or island. And that they only become TRUE strawhats AFTER this specific moment.
Zoro: Shell Town
Nami: Arlong Park
Usopp: Sirup Village
Sanji: Baratie
Chopper: Drum Island
Robin: Ennie Lobby
Franky: Water Seven
Brook: Thriller Bark
Jinbe: Fishmen Island/WC (its a bit complicated for him)

So the words "THEIR arc" are important. Why ? Because a future strawhat is not necessaraly introduced in THEIR arc. In fact, Robin, Nami and Jinbe were not introduced in their arc but before. So this specific words (that I kept trying to explain to you guys) permits us to say that a character doesn't necessaraly needs to be introduced in "their arc" but can be introduced much earlier.

During THEIR arc. This is the same principle as above.

Not necessaraly. Go check up each strawhats place during all the conflict and you will see that either some of them are on the side or just not participating atall. Plus Carrot DID participated in this central conflict, she was just OFFSCREENED. Which is logical as the importance of this battle was the defeat.

Indeed, In Wano Oda dismmised Carrot (mainly) which is why I thought that he was planning something different with her. But that's not the case of Whole cake. I think something changed between the two arcs in his desire for the narration of Carrot.


So no.. indeed, Carrot never had a thematic importance/villain ties/involve in central conflict like all the strawhat in THEIR arc. But she had OTHER THINGS. For example : she had MULTIPLE narrative introductions.

In fact Carrot had 4 NARRATIVE "introductions" pointing to 4 very different facets of her personnality:

- 804 - Her clash against Zoro. That is introducing the strenght of the minks and Carrot. This is her warrior Side

- 805- Carrot helping Wanda to check up on Luffy. This introduce us on a very specific ability of Carrot that will ties her to the post of Look-out later (note that the first panel of Carrot we see in the story is her with binoculars.) - This is her Lookout capacity.

823 - There is the introduction of Carrot on the Sunny and her love for adventure and wonder - This is her personnality


888 - The introduction of Carrot that - like the first introduction - act both as an introduction of the strenght of the Minks and the strong capabilities and Intelligence of Carrot in Sulong - This is her potential


In 4 different occurence, Oda choosed to NARRATIVELY reintroduce us Carrot. Meaning that he made us (re)discover her entire personna on 4 occasions. I can analyse those in details if you want to udnerstand why I call those "Narrative introductions" but that's not really the point here. The point is that 4 times Oda made us look more closely at Carrot and discover each time a different facets of herself:

- The Warrior
- The Lookout
- The Teenager
- The Mystical beast

So when we analyse the story and we look closer at Carrot's potential. We MUST NOT from a storytelling point of view stop to the fact that Carrot was just a secondary character..

In reality, Oda crafted Carrot very carefully to a point that is abnormal for a simple secondary character (and the narrative introduction are just ONE exemple of that strange creation surrounding Carrot)

So.. I know that most of you guy think that I don't understand what I'm talking about because I'm focusing on a secondary character.. but the reality is : I understand enough to tell you that their is something fishy here.

That's why I kept repeating that Carrot was promised to the strawhats : because this was the only reason that could explain why she was pushed in front line so much despite being a secondary character. And her absence on wano didn't change that, it only made me realize that their could be a second option..

The thing is, this option is still S.T.R.A.N.G.E from a characterization standpoint:

To this day, Carrot is still a teenager who experienced one of the most fabulous things in her life. Which means that looking at those panels:

.. We can tell that this adventure had a REAL effect on her in term of her enjoyment and desires.

But Oda choosed this:

Which would be LOGICAL for a normal secondary character PUSHED THIS MUCH in front line of the story (like I tried to explain earlier)...

But not for Carrot specifically.

Carrot's reaction to that last panel, should be a HUGE self questionning as this role that we have assigned to her is going AGAINST EVERYTHING she experienced:

- She lost so she should be self reflecting on her own capacities (even to the point of having a trauma)
- She took part in the best roller coaster there is.. so as a teenager, she should only have one wish: to get back on it.
- She experienced an amazing adventure and in One Piece.. if you are not a ruler like Vivi or Momo, there is NO GOING BACK from this.

So three explanations:

- Either Oda don't understand his own character but I doubt it.
- Either Oda is preparing something for her but I also doubt this looking at Wano.
- Either Oda had a sudden change of mind during the writing process.
Or 4: Carrot was never meant to be a SH and you should move on. Didn't read all that btw but I meant when Carrot joins before Wano ends. Also don't plan to respond anymore to this.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Is Naito still working for oda btw?
He got replaced early in Act 1. As soon as he left, Oda immediately pushed Carrot to the background which heavily implies Naito played a factor.
Post automatically merged:

I don't really see why on author would change his entire plan just because of an editor's comment.
It happens all the time even back to the DBZ days

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
I don't really see why on author would change his entire plan just because of an editor's comment.
Was referring to Carrot's involvement in WCI, I still don't think she was meant to be anything more than the white bunny from Alice in Wonderland. Naito probably asked Oda nicely to give her a little more screentime than intended.

It's likely why as soon as we reached Wano Carrot's relevancy tanked so hard as early as Act 1.

Ain't happening, I don't see Oda writing something this dark:endthis:
The Gorosei have a higher Seraphim command than Vegapunk, Oda told us this for a reason :handsup:

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Was referring to Carrot's involvement in WCI, I still don't think she was meant to be anything more than the white bunny from Alice in Wonderland. Naito probably asked Oda nicely to give her a little more screentime than intended.

It's likely why as soon as we reached Wano Carrot's relevancy tanked so hard as early as Act 1.

The Gorosei have a higher Seraphim command than Vegapunk, Oda told us this for a reason :handsup:
Naito in an interview about being Oda's editor said that he really likes Carrot and wants to have kids with her, along with saying that Oda should give Carrot more attention. Not too long after that we the dawn stuff and Sulong.
It happens all the time even back to the DBZ days
Is this sourced ? This is interesting

Was referring to Carrot's involvement in WCI, I still don't think she was meant to be anything more than the white bunny from Alice in Wonderland. Naito probably asked Oda nicely to give her a little more screentime than intended.

It's likely why as soon as we reached Wano Carrot's relevancy tanked so hard as early as Act 1.
The way she was portray was a setup for something more (at least in my humble opinion)

I tend to agree with carrot 4 nakama, carrot got retconned into oblivion to the point her character downright don't make sense anymore:endthis:
Careful, I don't say that her character doesn't make sence right now. What I am saying is that Carrot should not be really happy with the descision of the Duke to put her in the place of Ruler of Zou.

After all.. we didn't see her second reaction, but the first one was exactly what I am saying, a straight up refusal.

He got replaced early in Act 1. As soon as he left, Oda immediately pushed Carrot to the background which heavily implies Naito played a factor.
Hm.. Indeed...

I won't lie..

This is exactly the moment where I think something happened. because we can see that Carrot still has her logical characterization in chapter 910

Here.. she is really happy and act more or less as the leading factor in the Chopper/Carrot Duo, a bit like whole cake. At least it is drawn like this.

We could even say that she still has that "strawhat like" characterization in chapter 920:
- Big reaction
- Similarities with the strawhats (even in the anime)

But the NEXT chapter after that.. something strange happens:

1. Carrot is not depicted as the strong women character despite being present In the chapter and having one of the best moment in whole cake before that (compared to tashigi for example)

After that panel:

2. ... Carrot will be relegated to the background of Wano.

So.. What the F. happened ?

But that's not the only strange thing here. There are mixed message send by Oda during the next part of the arc:

YES.. I know.. Wanda is in the panel.

But the simple PRESENCE of Carrot on the ship is strange looking at the way she was treated.. but what is even stranger is the way this panel is structured.

You know the drill guys.. I have already deconstructed this panel here, you know what I mean:

Carrot is in a center of a panel she don't really belong to. A panel that is historically very important. (and Oda knows this I'm sure)

So.. WTF???

On one hand Oda is creating a character whose characterisation depict her like a sea person... On the other.. he "forget" about this..

.. but remind us in one fulgurus panel (and another couple) that this character is still relevant, not only as a single character but in relationship to the strawhats..

And he end that on putting the character in the place where she will most likely be the least happy and gave EVERYTHING to this character for her to get an existential crisis:
- Leader while being a teenager
- Leader while being the ONE OF THE ONLY real fleshed out character with some the Akazaya who lost a fight in the alliance.

If I'm the only one who find all of this strange.. I don't understand.


Naito in an interview about being Oda's editor said that he really likes Carrot and wants to have kids with her, along with saying that Oda should give Carrot more attention. Not too long after that we the dawn stuff and Sulong.
Ok.. I can see why you can fire someone for this. But shutting down the character ?

We could indeed think.. "Well Oda choosed to shut down the character so that no more people think that ..." which would be really creepy and weird by the way.. but ok.. why not..

But he did THE EXACT OPPOSITE during the battle !!

This are not the lines and the poses of someone who want to shut down weird furries here. This is a drawing of someone who actually cares about the "BADASSNESS" of his character.


As author.. we are used to say that the more you like a character, the more you are gonna make them suffer:

Now, looking at the conclusion of the arc of Carrot.. what appears is not a character who is being shutdown for pitiful reasons..


.. I don't Fudging know!

The only way I can rationnalize that without saying that either Oda has done a BIG narrative mistake or that he changed his plan.. is to say that he has a plan for her...
Just for you Sir Yasheen:

Hints towards Lucci as the next crew member:

So, first we have Oda’s interview in Saudi Arabia stating the following (I’m quoting Reborn now): “

“Question was asked on will we get new nakama?
Oda Said - Everyone who helped luffy are his nakamas but next arc will be important.(Egghead)”

If I am getting this right, Oda implicitly states that we might get a new crew member on Egghead - Why else should it be important?

This shrinks the circle of possible candidates to Bonney, Vegapunk and his Satellites, Kaku, Stussy and Lucci.

I am assuming that Oda is going to highlight the interactions the whole crew and Luffy have with the new crew member candidate. If we go by that it only leaves Kaku, Lucci, Stussy, Bonney and Vegapunk the Stellar, maybe even Shaka and Lilith.

Then let’s go to the first few hints – I have mostly copied some stuff I already wrote from here and there, then added some stuff that I could come up with:

Some people here and there on the internet have made a numerical/mathematical approach of predicting the last Straw hat member, seeing as Oda likes to work with those things in his manga as well (Source: https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/anim...-used-math-to-guess-the-next-straw-hat-pirate ). Up until now every Devil fruit-user on the Sunny has eaten a fruit that corresponded/sounds with/like two Japanese numbers from 1-10 (You are not able to do that with most other DF-names of other users – I have tried it. And the possibility of all DF-user of the Straw hats being able to do that with their DF-name is just too low to be a coincidence.):

Luffi: Gomu – 5 and 6

Robin: Hana – 8 and 7

Chopper: Hito – 1 and 10

Brook: Yomu – 4 and 3

That leaves 2 and 9.

With his Neko neko no mi Lucci comes very close to ni = 2 and Ko = 9. The difference is the `e´ in the `ne´ in “neko” in contrast to `ni´ in the number 2. However, what many people do not know is that the `ni´ sound of the number 2 is pronounced `ne´ in Japanese. That means the actual pronunciation of 2 and 9 together is `ne-ko´. So, there we go with the numerical approach – fits like a glove… .

And now we are getting to the yearly festa-letter from Oda from December 2022, which revealed that that person and that person are fighting. It was worded as if the fight would be a big surprise for us. If it’s a surprise, then we are not thinking of a clash between those persons in the least. And in my opinion, this could be a fight between two individuals who are on the same side, as of yet. In the letter Oda mentioned that this fight will have a backstory. So, going by how the volume of a backstory would be a little much for a side-plot of One Piece, I am betting the fight will happen in the main story line. And seeing as I can interpret some fissures are present within the WGs parties involved, my bet is, we will have at least one defector here – and it could be Lucci, because I doubt his priorities are still with the WG. Why I think that is because he is acting unlike we saw him act in Water 7 and Enies Lobby. Back then we could see him priorizing their mission and following their plans to the t. We saw him as the dutyfull CP9 agents always following the WG’s orders – or as you put it: Their dog. Now, with the start of the Egghead Arc, however, we see his priorities somehow shifting (starting a fight with Luffy, questioning their orders right there in the first few panels before they even arrive on Egghead, destroying the Lab, even if they had explicit orders not to). Sure is – he is seemingly still trying to kill Vegapunk as it is his order, but with his actions he is endangering their mission and the underlying factor as to why he does it remains a mystery. Is it his connection with Shaka? We definitely would need a larger explanation for that.

Because, in case you haven’t noticed and have not yet read some of my posts - Shaka and Lucci are depicted by Oda as twin-like counterparts (Both have the same posture [shoving constantly their hands into their pockets], gesticulation, eloquent language and both are very good strategists. Additionally, both have the same strong feeling towards their duty and are ready to make human sacrifices if necessary – read the last chapters if you want and you will find their similarities quite fast – or you can tell me if you need to see proof.) Theoretically you could cut out Lucci’s head and put it on Shaka’s body in any scene and it still would fit perfectly.

(Also, Shaka still has not taken off that helmet of his and we still don’t know what is under it, yet. Alone that indicates that the face underneath must have features similar to the ones of someone we know from the past, who we are able to recognize. It would fit very well, if it were someone currently on the island and we do see that Shaka behaves/thinks similar/almost identical to Lucci. I definitely can read a certain connection here.)

This mirroring is also reflected within their names: The name `Shaka` refers to Buddha Shaka Nyorai, who, in Japanese religion, is the personification of the `Good´. And since Shaka and Lucci are twins and need to reflect each other, Lucci’s name needs to refer to a god-like entity of a religious kind as well. And yes – it does perfectly: As a short form for `Lucifer´. That means while Shaka is the personification of `Good´, Lucci or `Lucifer´ is the personification of `Evil´.

And wouldn’t that fit perfectly with another small detail I have noticed?: Luffy never even once called Lucci by his name. Not even during their fight in Enies Lobby and not before that. Never! He was up until now always the `pigeon guy´.

Luffy always called every single one of his main antagonists during their final fights by their real name (Kaido, Doflamingo, Big Mom, Enel, Hody, Moria, etc.). Most times he screamed them out in a burst of emotional impulsiveness.

Except Lucci’s.

This detail makes me wonder why Luffy never did it in the first place. Lucci was an enemy and the significance of the fight in Enies Lobby must theoretically have triggered Luffy to scream his name – Like in every other arc and with every other boss so far – it is usually the pinnacle of the story. Why didn’t he?

Unless, the significance of their fight between them back then dims in comparison to an even bigger event that is yet to come in the near future and involves both. And in that event Luffy is going to scream Lucci’s name. And this will be happen on Egghead. And maybe Lucci is not even Lucci’s real name and Luffy will yell “Lucifer” instead – who knows … .

And as a possible theory which would explain that I have come up with something and even hints to back my theory up: Oda was bringing up Ace in Wano. He was confronting Luffy with his failure to safe his brother during his execution back then. Looking closer, you can see how Luffy turns sad, when he is reflecting what had happened, as Yamato tells her story with Ace, because he was not strong enough to safe him. He is still blaming himself for everything turning out so badly and we still have this loose strand of storyline waiting to be closed, yet.

By the way: Yamato was a red herring. She was there to bring the focus back to the last empty seat on the Sunny. We as the readers are now focussing on it.

Now Oda is finally bringing Ace back up and setting the stage for Luffy’s big chance to safe `his brother´ and finally succeeding. Because Egghead will be just a huge Marineford 2.0.

And look at the situation on Egghead again: It all as of now comes together perfectly. We have two brothers/brother-like figures – Shaka and Lucci, with the latter already bound with seastone through Stussy. An admiral is heading towards Egghead (Indicating a similarity to Akainu, who killed Ace in the end). Lucci is not obeying commands and acting strangely since coming to Egghead – unlike we knew him back in Water 7 and Enies Lobby.

By the way, also on Wano we have this little piece of conversation between Who’s Who and Jinbe:

“I have seen you when you were a warlord.” (Who’s Who)

“What?” (Jinbe)

“Sometimes people completely change their position. So, maybe I used to be on your side.” (Who’s Who)

This is not in the manga, but in the anime. Still, if I were Oda, I would put things and references I haven’t thought of while drawing the manga in the anime, since it comes out later.

And don’t those lines sound strange to you? Coming from a former CP9 agent – who has eaten a cat-cat-fruit and is now working for Kaido? I wonder why the producers under Oda made him say that. And so shortly before we see the actual other cat-cat-fruit user of CP0 now joining the main story line: It is – in my opinion – just a big hint.

His character:

Lucci was never portrayed as brutal and dark, nor is he a sadist. His sole priorities can be summarized in one word: Duty. In his mind, fulfilling his duty comes first before anything else. He always puts his orders/missions as a priority, towards which he works with precise accuracy. There is no place for empathy or warmth, nor for friendship (Pauli) and weakness (500 soldiers). It doesn’t make him brutal, but only cold.

The only times he diverted from missions was, when he wanted to have some fun (turning into a Leopard-human-form in Iceberg’s office; letting Chimney follow them) and was sure those slight hedonistic tendencies were not jeopardizing his missions. Because, in his thinking at that time, they did not contradict with his given orders (getting the pluton blueprints; protecting Spandam).

I think, it is a way to give himself the room for his own enjoyment, solely because he wants to have some fun fighting someone. It is also the same reason why he often times tries to incite his opponents to fight him (Sanji on the Puffing Tom; Pauli in Iceberg’s office). Lucci loves fighting! However, up until Egghead, he never had made a move to endanger their missions in any way through his own personal drives.

What is noteworthy however is that he is very curious regarding interpersonal relationships and emphatetical motivations. Even if he had his difficulties understanding emphatical drives, he is curious and tries to grasps the concept of it, when he comes across it in real life. That is, why he asked Franky why he was helping the Straw hats back on the sea train, but had his problems with grasping what the cyborg meant. It is also the reason why he wanted to know why Luffy was helping Pauli.

Then we have his motivation: During the Enies Lobby arc, Spandam asks CP9 what drives them, to which Lucci replies something along the line of “Blood perhaps, and as long as we are in CP9, we are even allowed to kill.”. The statement comes off as something Lucci is not quite sure about himself. Why else would he add the “perhaps” at the end? I wonder what takes him to the conclusion to say “blood”. Considering he loves fighting, it would be understandable for him to say that, but none the less it lets room for interpretation.

All in all his actions were always driven by his responsibility to fullfil his duty, rather than his own personal interests. Again, he is not that different from Kuma and even very similar to him.

Hints to Lucci’s actual goal – as some of you say that a crew member needs to have a goal: And yes – Lucci may even have a goal and Oda may have already hinted at it. We see it constantly, when Lucci is not fighting. Because, then it is comfortably perched on his shoulder. Oda even hinted at it in an SBS some time ago, when he did drew the CP9 members as children. Can you remember? You can see Lucci’s goal right there written on his T-shirt and indicated by him holding the olive tree branche.

Then we have the problem with Lucci’s position on the Sunny. But this is easily solved. As this arc already has hinted at it. We have more often situations on Egghead that required of the parties involved to think their next actions through before acting – they need to strategize. This is Lucci’s forte and this position is one that is maybe even needed on the Sunny in the very near future: Look at Elbaf and who is living on the island:


I bet Kid is already getting his ass strategically kicked because you cannot planlessly charge into a kingdom that is having a sly god of chaos as prince/king. And if Oda is going to follow Viking lore, than that is exactly what is going to happen with our impetuous friend. (This is just a theory – do not lay too much weight into it.)

If he will not get the position as strategist then he will become that of the quartermaster. Because Lucci is a broker and has networked his way into the underground’s black market. That means he can handle money and probably has much of it. It could solve the SHP problem with constantly being broke.

By the way: Oda has mentioned that the fight between that person and that person in his letter from December will have a backstory. And it could very well be a flashback of Lucci of what happened 20+ years ago with him and Shaka. It could solve the question why Vegapunk is now working for the WG and why Shaka is with Vegapunk now. It could probably also explain why Kuma has accepted to being modified to become a weapon. I hope all this will be one big chunk of flashback.

These are the bigger hints I have found. But I could go into detail and show you the smaller ones if you want. Takes time though.
This would’ve been better as a thread :kobeha: