Who is the toughest person here you are sure you can take in a fight and win?

I was an all state wrestler in middleschool and high-school, also did bjj and muay Thai from 14-22 and got a hand full of medals from various grappling tournaments like NAGA and AGF as well as some smaller names. Then while I was in the Marines I made it to black belt in the mcmap and became an instructor. These days I'll occasionally go do some light sparring at my friends gym but I've had several injuries in training over the years and have no interest in getting any more over something as childish and unnecessary as a street fight, so if I'm in a situation where I'm not able to deescalate and forced to defend myself I'll more than likely end it with lethal force rather than putting myself at risk, broken ribs and torn ligaments suck I have no intention of going through that again, I'm getting too old for that nonsense so I carry a gun.
I was an all state wrestler in middleschool and high-school, also did bjj and muay Thai from 14-22 and got a hand full of medals from various grappling tournaments like NAGA and AGF as well as some smaller names. Then while I was in the Marines I made it to black belt in the mcmap and became an instructor. These days I'll occasionally go do some light sparring at my friends gym but I've had several injuries in training over the years and have no interest in getting any more over something as childish and unnecessary as a street fight, so if I'm in a situation where I'm not able to deescalate and forced to defend myself I'll more than likely end it with lethal force rather than putting myself at risk, broken ribs and torn ligaments suck I have no intention of going through that again, I'm getting too old for that nonsense so I carry a gun.
most american post ever


waiting for Marvel Rivals
I was an all state wrestler in middleschool and high-school, also did bjj and muay Thai from 14-22 and got a hand full of medals from various grappling tournaments like NAGA and AGF as well as some smaller names. Then while I was in the Marines I made it to black belt in the mcmap and became an instructor. These days I'll occasionally go do some light sparring at my friends gym but I've had several injuries in training over the years and have no interest in getting any more over something as childish and unnecessary as a street fight, so if I'm in a situation where I'm not able to deescalate and forced to defend myself I'll more than likely end it with lethal force rather than putting myself at risk, broken ribs and torn ligaments suck I have no intention of going through that again, I'm getting too old for that nonsense so I carry a gun.
I can almost guarantee this mf is 14
I’m confident I can take on your average bloke without professional training.
My college years were kinda calm, mostly friendly wrestling but my school was a bloodbath lmao
My middleschool was like that, I remember a crips vs ms13 gang War in 8th grade. Only some small fights happened at school but people regularly got jumped at the bus stops after school by other kids older friends and family members. Kids started carrying guns and knives to school luckily nobody ever got shot or stabbed AT school but they eventually started making everyone go through a medal detector just to get into the school. Our security guard used to pepperspray the kids that were fighting and everyone around the fight got sprayed and you couldn't even walk through the hallway without coughing and your eyes burning for like an hour afterwards. College was chill for me though, but that was probably because I was taking night classes after work and didn't live at a university, but I always assumed people got that shit out of their systems by the time they made it to college and the ones who kept acting like that never went to college
My middleschool was like that, I remember a crips vs ms13 gang War in 8th grade. Only some small fights happened at school but people regularly got jumped at the bus stops after school by other kids older friends and family members. Kids started carrying guns and knives to school luckily nobody ever got shot or stabbed AT school but they eventually started making everyone go through a medal detector just to get into the school. Our security guard used to pepperspray the kids that were fighting and everyone around the fight got sprayed and you couldn't even walk through the hallway without coughing and your eyes burning for like an hour afterwards. College was chill for me though, but that was probably because I was taking night classes after work and didn't live at a university, but I always assumed people got that shit out of their systems by the time they made it to college and the ones who kept acting like that never went to college
That’s when things go bonkers, outside interference from gangs/ family members
Fortunately for me these fights were mostly limited to school grounds. And you’re probably right about people getting it out of their system, usually the losers are the ones who maintain this attitude after school, or at least this is what my observations tell me. These conflicts between teenage kids are normal, and at some point most people just “grow up” lol
I completed my blackbelt in kickboxing a year ago and am trying brazilian jiu jitsu at the moment so i am confident i can beat any of you weebs
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If you have experience in grappling and confidence there is a chance I will lose but that's it, grappling is not my strongest link thought, I prefer boxing:endthis:
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