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Formerly Seth

anyway, how garbage this plot is

Apperantly Vegapunk and Bonney ran so far away that no one can find them.... like wut? How many exists does this place have to run to?
Don't they have cameras?

What were they doing when they saw Bonney chasing Vegapunk?
Oda had fuck ton of moments he could stop wasting time on this arc but he turned Vegapunk shit into damsel in distress.


Oda will rlly make goofy go all the way back to the past hahahahahah, it will pretty much be like impel down and marineford where luffy was on his own with a few fodders and past villains who turned friends.

I wonder who are the villains helping him, maybe kaido and big mom get a redemption arc????
Wtf are you talking about then cause we are discussing G5
aye aye chill

Dont "wtf" me if you're willing to start a conversation, have some humility.

Go reread what i said ig

I was talking about luffy's stamina holistically and how much he has pushed himself against Kaido and Kata

compared to that this is a "cute" "human" moment for him

Diggin too much into it is pointless.

Formerly Seth

Reminder that this useless sack of potatoes Dragon still did nothing for almost 26 years of serialization.

Now his son will save his biggest chance at Revolutionary army having success and he will show up with his agenda.
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