Manga Discussion Edens Zero


Formerly Seth

This is getting into very dangerous territory. The usage of "time traveling" or just "time" based powers in mangas is either a hit or miss.

I'm not the biggest fan of "OH SO THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!" that cheapens the EZ story a lot especially with all the character progression we had.

I hope my theory about Rachel is correct, that may be a saving grace.
This is getting into very dangerous territory. The usage of "time traveling" or just "time" based powers in mangas is either a hit or miss.

I'm not the biggest fan of "OH SO THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!" that cheapens the EZ story a lot especially with all the character progression we had.

I hope my theory about Rachel is correct, that may be a saving grace.
I just finished reading Edens Zero‘s available chapters about a week ago. I really enjoyed it!

I haven’t read a manga that played around with time travel as much as Edens Zero has before, so it’s pretty interesting.

I’m not sure how I feel about them losing their memories and going two years in the past. Witch being alive but not remembering anything before Ziggy went to Granbell ruins her character and death. Why is she there? Why does she exist in Universe 0 if she can’t remember anything? What about all those memories she made with the crew? Were they all meaningless?

There’s a few plot holes that could easily be introduced now such as that time during Lendard where Shiki was somehow able to grab forgotten memories from the Androids, like, what was that??

I assume it works in a way similar to how he’s able to pull people together and make them remember things like he appears to be doing now but if the previous timeline is being overwritten then aren’t those memories of the Four Shining Stars we saw also being overwritten to an extent? What is happening?!

I hope Mashima can clear this stuff up, because I’ve been so confused since the start of the arc.

As for Rachel, that part when she said that their next meeting would be “magical” seemed kinda suspicious. I kinda hope she’s not evil or can atleast be redeemed because Kurenai was enough to make me angry. :crazwhat:

She seems to still be a scummy, poor excuse of a parent in this arc though since she’s gone just like she was when Homura was a kid. Maybe she can be redeemed if the timeline has been altered but I wouldn’t mind if her fate was similar to the previous one if that’s not the case. I didn’t expect her to actually die though, so that was kinda surprising. :luchosop:
I’m partially enjoying this current arc to be honest
There are some great moments but also some moments which leave a bad taste in my mouth
I’m torn apart
I think we need to wait and see, nothing is set in stone. The dark shit will start when we go to Mother

Formerly Seth

I just finished reading Edens Zero‘s available chapters about a week ago. I really enjoyed it!

I haven’t read a manga that played around with time travel as much as Edens Zero has before, so it’s pretty interesting.

I’m not sure how I feel about them losing their memories and going two years in the past. Witch being alive but not remembering anything before Ziggy went to Granbell ruins her character and death. Why is she there? Why does she exist in Universe 0 if she can’t remember anything? What about all those memories she made with the crew? Were they all meaningless?

There’s a few plot holes that could easily be introduced now such as that time during Lendard where Shiki was somehow able to grab forgotten memories from the Androids, like, what was that??

I assume it works in a way similar to how he’s able to pull people together and make them remember things like he appears to be doing now but if the previous timeline is being overwritten then aren’t those memories of the Four Shining Stars we saw also being overwritten to an extent? What is happening?!

I hope Mashima can clear this stuff up, because I’ve been so confused since the start of the arc.

As for Rachel, that part when she said that their next meeting would be “magical” seemed kinda suspicious. I kinda hope she’s not evil or can atleast be redeemed because Kurenai was enough to make me angry. :crazwhat:

She seems to still be a scummy, poor excuse of a parent in this arc though since she’s gone just like she was when Homura was a kid. Maybe she can be redeemed if the timeline has been altered but I wouldn’t mind if her fate was similar to the previous one if that’s not the case. I didn’t expect her to actually die though, so that was kinda surprising. :luchosop:
The story cheapens when you sacrifice the character development and sacrifices made along the way for the sore purpose of rewinding/time traveling to the place where everything is okay.

As for Rachel. She feels sus as fuck.

OHAYOOOOOO Edens Crew! I'm Rachel, Rebecca's mom, I'm Saintfire Nox I control time powers and I want you to travel to Universe 0!

Okay? Okay. Deals done. NOW GO!

My theory suggests that she is corrupted by time traveling powers like her mother was. That would only make sense.

I dislike the part where Shiki just meets his former crew in the new universe and they automatically are like:
WOOOOOOOOOO So you are SHIKI! I love you.

This is getting into weird territories...
How's the deal with Shiki's power level. Is he as powerful as he was after the last timeskip before jumping to Universe 0 or he has to go from beginning?
I assume his body has not yet achieved Overdrive in this timeline, so he is weaker than he was back then physically.

He also hasn’t developed a stronger figure, and his mentality is probably not the same either since he‘s younger.

I think he got nerfed. :kobeha:

Formerly Seth

I assume his body has not yet achieved Overdrive in this timeline, so he is weaker than he was back then physically.

He also hasn’t developed a stronger figure, and his mentality is probably not the same either since he‘s younger.

I think he got nerfed. :kobeha:
:pepeke: and what for?

God this time shit is going to cause a lot of bs...

Formerly Seth

There is a way to generate nostalgic moments without sacrificing the plot and character developments your cast went through.

Now it feels cheap. Everyone will be fine and Shiki just recruits them back.

Church of Saintfire better be a decent villain organization or this whole thing is one of the biggest "oof" moments in the series.