ESC - Who shall win?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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also check the wagons when I voted and you will notice I town read the other wagons.
how did you have town reads with only being able to play for like 5 mins - by @Ekkologix logic you must have tmi, right ekko?
i will keep this in mind.
i tend to trust miller claims who are posted very early in the game and about Pein I know he did it before
keep what in mind exactly?
@Ekkologix this isnt majority lynch anyways so why you upset about people having votes elsewhere than the main wagon? I dont get this logic.
he says theyre wasteful if you arent voting the main wagon and resistence to his wagons is a scumtell but its not level 1 solving.....
I'm skim reading and I'm seeing alot of naked sheep voting which looks scummy. Some players said they will vote when someone tells them to which looks sus when they don't develop their own reads.
how far behind are you?
ah so we r going to be doing level 1 solving here
i mean..
its great that you admitted how bad youre playing.
72h DP1 thats great!

Than I might be able to participate a little in DP1.
if youre still alive.
playing to safe, need to see more from him.
Did Mango post some more since I went to sleep.
nah he hasnt shown up. maybe hes subbing out i wouldve expected him to show up by now.
Annoyance is an emotion and it's not like scum can't have emotions.
I want more than Ate and accusations for her voters from her and no, I don't remember meta in detail from past games.
i mean flower plays solely based off emotion and she gets a free pass every time, why is this case any different when it read genuinely annoyed with ekko?


Lead them to paradise.
null/town from his recent posts i guess?
havent said anything that stood out but havent extended his neck either

charlie fwiw is probably just waiting for the actions so there is that. like about half the players who signed dup for "weebs"
This is Vanilla Weebs, actions are an illusion cast by Rej to lure us into playing this game :feelsokeman:

Did you read his scum reads list? It feels safe to me.
Udell, Kagurashi, Fuji, scum leans
Charles is acting a little bit weird w me just for giving odd a town lean, but then again last game he called me skom d1 also, he cant read me well
You, Ekko and SK are good for now
got many people in the null zone
Can you explain your view on Kagu? I mean, many people sus her rn from what I've seen but tbh, I the worst thing from her i remember was this god awkward introduction. I'd like to understand where exactly are you coming from.

Same for Fuji actually. He reminds me of his town game from last game I've played with him.

I wasnt in the waifu game kek, Who did you confuse me with?
I want to read that thing
I confused you with Dninesbobby :s My bad. DB, BD, stuff like that

Your scum reads are very safe Charlie.
That's my whole thing
Can you explain your view on Kagu? I mean, many people sus her rn from what I've seen but tbh, I the worst thing from her i remember was this god awkward introduction. I'd like to understand where exactly are you coming from.
gut feeling, her focus was to much on a random PR, read her last interactions in this thread and tell me your vibes


No dude... that's a bike...!!
This is Vanilla Weebs, actions are an illusion cast by Rej to lure us into playing this game :feelsokeman:

Did you read his scum reads list? It feels safe to me.
the problem is u can say the same for other read lists. look at naomi's for instance.. they r very similar to mine but she scum reads me lol

charlie isnt a player i consider a strong day 1 player, by his own admission. as scum he doesn't have early scum reads. and he did provide reasons for his reads so they cant be that safe

not gna defend him tho fr fr
how did you have town reads with only being able to play for like 5 mins - by @Ekkologix logic you must have tmi, right ekko?
Idk how you evaluate my thread presence at 5 minutes, but let's say i played only 5 mins and I read exactly the posts I needed for these reads who are gth reads.

Imo the reads have to be discussed to have time to check them. Keeping reads for myself are not useful for town, so I post them when I have them.
gut feeling, her focus was to much on a random PR, read her last interactions in this thread and tell me your vibes
Yeah, that's bit of overreaction xd

What I agree with: Flower's vote "stinks" here. Like, if you're subbing in and asking for summary, wouldn't it make more sense to try to form own reads instead of jumping on whoever's leading rn? Could be just for reaction obviously, but idk.

What I disagree with: Well, it's pretty clear that AL never was PRd and if he really tried to fake it, he would be doing shetty job considering that his like first 10 posts don't include "kuma" anyway. Like, noone would've bought it anyway so i don't think it's attempt on faking it.

So basically it's one of 2 things:
frustrated scum - she's acting differently and she's caught anyway, for wrong reasons from her pov (been there, done that)

frustrated town - came in with no ill intentions and got somehow jumped on for really no good reason imo and it escalated to the point she scum read everyone who questions her

if we're going by guts, i'd say later one is more likely

this and fact that nobody really tries to defend her or push different wagon from what i can see, like if she's mafia, her situation isn't terrible so her scummates would've done something by now imo

or maybe option 3 - frustrated indie with cool role mad she could be lynched before even using it xd would explain noone backing her up really

for reads she's probably slight town for me, not really because of what she does but rather what happens around her

so, if i had to guess which alignment is the most likely here based on what i've seen town > indie > mafia
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