ESC - Who shall win?

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    Votes: 1 3.3%
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  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
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  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

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He felt so guilty he subbed out.....

Fake claims are the only real way of playing......i never tell the truth in any game i play especially if i'm town, scum must never now if i'm immune or not to something or if i sent a kill to them or not ( i actually like to pretty much give lots of clues on who my teammates are through all the games i roll scum but no one ever listens to me regardless of my lignment which i guess it works in my favor lol )
i see..:pepecafe:
Which game is it did he die early? The only game I that comes up from the top of my head was the Pokemon game and he died pretty late. Worst looked really towny in the Pokemon game and he doesn't look towny here.
@Worst i remember game where you where going for town president, which game was this? you also got killed early as town and you where tunneling i think mango to die in that game...was it previous weeb game?

not sure tbh


what’s your thought on kagu? Did you give me that already idk I’m tired asf finally in my own bedz
coincidence, or makeshift claim?

Okay Fuji wants to play hard ball. So I'll tell you who I am. A protown killer. My wincon is to eliminate all threats to town. You guys know who Jigen is right? Well when I die I force someone to leave their original wincon and adopt mine.

One way or another Fuji your days as Mafia stops here.
Oh this is getting good...


no way naomi can scum hunt or she to stupid.

Ummm are you accusing me of calling you stupid? When have I done that? I called you scummy for reacting to a post that wasn't for you, not sure why everyone mad at me when I barely trust anyone. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.

Also WIFOM?? Isn't that what you were doing with Al?

btw, so either AM or mango (Watson) submitted making fake WUs
Vote lynch fujitota
And people say I'm playing bad.
@Worst i remember game where you where going for town president, which game was this? you also got killed early as town and you where tunneling i think mango to die in that game...was it previous weeb game?
Running for president was the Pokemon game. The game where I got killed early and tunneling Mango I don't remember which game that was with you in it. My recent games with you I ended up surviving till end game and winning.
Oh this is getting good...

Ummm are you accusing me of calling you stupid? When have I done that? I called you scummy for reacting to a post that wasn't for you, not sure why everyone mad at me when I barely trust anyone. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.

Also WIFOM?? Isn't that what you were doing with Al?

And people say I'm playing bad.

no i was not, good job pointing out you call people who sus others as wifom though.

what a game to just sit there and not try to solve. while other people are trying to form shade on you.

all those poor town, past game being pushed, not defending themselves or wifom.

the cringe lv thinking.
no i was not, good job pointing out you call people who sus others as wifom though.

what a game to just sit there and not try to solve. while other people are trying to form shade on you.

all those poor town, past game being pushed, not defending themselves or wifom.

the cringe lv thinking.
I never cried, you all are mad at me for not giving reads. Based on this post you are still mad. I already told you, the majority of the thread is unreadable. I read what I can which is why I came across your BS post and you calling my name in something that doesn't involve me. Which prove my last point, useless arguments is what I usually see, when I actually read.

Ignore me if my play bothers you that much. The only person crying in that discussion was you. You were too heated to even see Al's point. Imma steer clear of all the nonsense.

At the risk of sounding redundant, imma vote with majority. If I plan to do otherwise I will say so. If that aint good enough for yall lynch me and be done with it.
I never cried, you all are mad at me for not giving reads. Based on this post you are still mad. I already told you, the majority of the thread is unreadable. I read what I can which is why I came across your BS post and you calling my name in something that doesn't involve me. Which prove my last point, useless arguments is what I usually see, when I actually read.

Ignore me if my play bothers you that much. The only person crying in that discussion was you. You were too heated to even see Al's point. Imma steer clear of all the nonsense.

At the risk of sounding redundant, imma vote with majority. If I plan to do otherwise I will say so. If that aint good enough for yall lynch me and be done with it.
narrative where i am mad, then crying...just wow
You know what. I'm just gonna go ahead and sub out. I knew this was a mistake to think playing here with t-pein was gonna be different this time.
You gotta be unbothered like myself when you play in a game with Ekko and Pein.

You're basically scum though, so don't use that as your reason. Kinda funny watching you cry not gonna lie :suresure:
Honestly Soul, I tried to ignore your bs all game but its pissing me off. Go fuck yourself.

You are literally geting pinged by me trying to get people to vote for an entry that might give us a night lynch.

Go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself.
You know I find it funny that you advocate playing nice and not be toxic, but then you throw a tantrum like this like a 10 years old. Cry me a river and then sub out and say that mafia makes you too emotional. You reacting like this makes you even look worse. I seen you throw tantrums like this as scum multiple times.
At least I know why Fuji sub out now.

This is why everyone needs to chill and have them a good old time like me and Kagu.
Running for president was the Pokemon game. The game where I got killed early and tunneling Mango I don't remember which game that was with you in it. My recent games with you I ended up surviving till end game and winning.
also he didn't look town in weeb game, where he was mosquito. and he was scum, so if he was acting town pokemon game, that show lv confidence in his play as town/scum.

though with potential slip of kagura/worst on role fake claim... and him stating he would shade his own teamates/hint it.

do you recall him shading his team mates in pokemon game before they where discovered?
also he didn't look town in weeb game, where he was mosquito. and he was scum, so if he was acting town pokemon game, that show lv confidence in his play as town/scum.

though with potential slip of kagura/worst on role fake claim... and him stating he would shade his own teamates/hint it.

do you recall him shading his team mates in pokemon game before they where discovered?
Worst was town in the Pokemon game. In last years Weebs he was scum who slipped when he saw the role pm and he fake claimed survivor. I don't remember him shading his team mates.
Again I provided the facts.

Not excuses. Facts. Cold hard facts.

T-Pein made up the shittiest miller claim and it blows my mind people are even believing it.
Define people....

Aye Soulkiller calmness is cracking me up :gokulaugh:
When the players were told to create an ability, what was the motive to creating that ability.
Unless you know who created what ability then I don't see the point in this.

To whom it may concern I can no longer read the rest of the thread. Once it stop being funny or informative I stop wasting my time. Imma be back in morning.
Al-claims town miller, but he fake claim in past before, no problem open shading his scum mates for town cred, the question on me explaining kagura as town/ping me she could be either/town or scum, which would explain his question, zoning in on my read. so can push me later if she flips scum or town, as tmi. as seen other in this thread accuse me of being lazy/passive/defensive/wifom, his reason for kagura as scum was she was rude.. also al this is not wifom, but analyze of you.

udell-your not allowed to talk to him, or he will call you wifom attempt. because he 100% town 🤡 also will resort to name calling other as a baby by crying. do not respond to this udell. i will be ignoring you. injoy your space!

Fuji-distant themselves from me, did read me town, question other. am curious, and disappointed he sub out.....

kagura, claimed seller and survived lynch, her response look town, but so far for someone stating they wanna play, there not much active, making me think scum would push there mate if they have the day 0 shield healer dummy roll. also worst asking if she was seller, then 2 pages later she claims seller/merchent with chat...

Worst-to be honest i might confused him with tac, so not sure how he plays as town, as only seen mosquito roll he was more calm in that game. here he posting more which could be sign of town play, but juliet also stated he played town vibe while scum. also he said winning d3? and asked kagura about her selling stuff, before she even claimed....!? :sus:

Juliet, fuji had her on scum pile. i noted null lean early/sus her to beside fuji and muugen. she seemed upset worst shading her, though agree with her, on people throwing false narrative to downplay other people, is rude/sus she looks better.

-claim false narrative, where i was defensive/agressive as scum. claims i am eyesore but keeps mentioning me,🤡

Soul killer: day 0 called me scum, asked other about me.

Ekko, calling me scum while i am town, what else is new. :pepecafe:

T-pin leaning town, and his playstyle, looks to beat ekko at being town leader atm.
Destroyer-leaning town from past game with him, looks similar to this, i see juliet sus him. :feelsokeman:

Muugen- leaning town, based on past experience playing with him.

Michelle-leaning town, she has jump on current as town past games, and has asked for summeries.

-town lean

Dr watson-town lean

Blue-indie waifu

Alwaysmind, wanted to create a fake wu, kek. scummy reason.

will do future updates.
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