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I don’t know why but an interesting idea came to my mind when I read the chapter. I think it would be interesting if Kaido’s son was terminally ill. That would be the reason why Kaido wants to spend time with his son. And he tries to commit suicide because he thinks a father shouldn’t outlive his own son, to the point where he’s ready to start a war just to die before him. It would give so much depth to Kaido’s character.
I will reconsider Kaido to be a well-written character if this was truly the reason behind his suicide hobby.
Potentially the least surprising survival of WCI with Pound, but still, Oda, the fake out deaths really aren't good. On the bright side, more potential for my Grand Fleets Grand Event plan happening on Elbaf- Lola needs to finish her story with BM off, she's got a relationship with Loki, maybe Leo heads over with them to Elbaf and that's not her one of them there.

When did Shinobu show up? TBH I totally forgot about her after Kanjuro left on her on the beach. Anyway, seems this chapter is moving the pieces in place and setting up the Onigashima groups- perhaps Robin and Jinbei will split up and go looking for the RP. Expect the F6 to move out in their search to find Yamato and get put in place for the fights. Enjoyed the Strawhat interactions, Jinbei showing that although he's clever and experienced, he doesn't yet know enough about the crew. And Brook cock-blocking Franky in spectacular circumstances.

My guess on the silhouette (is it just me, or has Oda gone silhouette daft on Wano) is for it to be a stowaway Tama. Second place Hiyori, distant third random Beast Pirate/ninja. Fourth place Yamato

The Beast Pirates all basically hate each other then, that's not overly surprising. Wonder if the Calamities are also former captains Kaido's pummelled into submission. I'm guessing the big announcement related to Yamato is he's to marry into BM's family, but that might be a bit too obvious after WCI. Also seems like confirmation that Fukurokujoo's the only remaining fighter of worth in Orochi's side given he gets to toast the Calamities.

As for the great mystery of "who finds Yamato", I'm guessing everyone's going for it being Zoro entirely by accident. Who best to find someone that's totally hidden himself other than the guy with the catastrophically bad sense of direction that isn't actually looking for him?

Luffy's getting piiiiiiiised. Someone's getting whacked in the face soon enough.

And now we enter the great Covid 19 phase of One Piece. Wouldn't be surprised if for the foreseeable future we're going basically biweekly- I notice this chapter was one or two pages short.
I smell a family reunion happening at Elbaf with Bege, Lola, Chiffon, Pez, Pound, Big Mom and the rest of the Charlotte family. That would be the only real purpose of this tedious cover story.

I am curious to see where Yamato and Hawkins are (Yamato may be the one in the shadows who spotted the Straw Hats).

The F6 are going over their head if they think that they can beat a Calamity. I imagine that X-Drake and possibly P1, Ulti and Black Maria too will abstain from defying the All-Stars unlike Who Who and Sasaki.
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