Kids will never know pornography until their later life if they never get exposed to nudity lol? Thats clearly the correlation
You are derivating again with fallacies..
- First you tell us that Nudity is the problem
- Then you tell us that Pornography is the problem
- Then you tell us that nudity is the problem because nudity exposition leads to pornography..
... without even the mear tiny bit of fact to sustain that affirmation.
Dude.. you are literally exposed to nudity since the moment you are born. The exposure to it won't throw you toward pornography, what is throwing teenagers toward pornography is the prohibition (which is normal for pornography) not nudity.
The more you hide something, the more you are gonna want to see it.. it's human.
So youre okay if two people doing incest in public is okay as long as they are consent to it?
Lol ok
Me : "I don't care about incest as long as people don't make babies and are consentant adults"
Photon: "So youre okay if two people doing incest in public is okay as long as they are consent to it?"
The fallacy is strong with this one...
Consent is merely a cooperation to willingly do something lol. If the animal like to get intimate, it means they are consent and it is as simple as that
Consent is consent. It's "Yes, I agree" and a consentent relationship following that statement. Nothing less.
If someone gives you a kiss, it doesn't mean they want you to frick them, first. And second, Animal don't give consent, period. So let's stop with the rape culture rethoric please
You are the one saying they are not affected, so youre the one needed to give the proof
Also, this is irrelevant, numerous studies have shown that what i said is factual and is happening in our society
Actually I don't. Those people live peacefully at least without capitalism behind them, so its YOU who has the burden of proof here once again.
Also, this is irrelevant, numerous studies have shown that what i said is factual and is happening in our society
Let's be clear:
Give the humanity full and unlimited access to an average temperature of 25 to 27 degree celcius at all time in all situation in public and private spaces and in all societies... and you will see ALL human societies go full nude in the span of 300 to 500 years.