Red Night

Chise and Joseph
I never veilled anything about my opinions. Why should I?
Immigration is a net negative for anyone already in the country, including the immigrants that are already here.
It usually gets spun as an us vs them thing when in reality its an everyone getting fucked over thing.

The turkish immigrants from the 70s are just as displeased with feeding 2mio useless Syrian mouths as native germans are.
It simply common sense.
Turkish integrate better to Europe nations than arabs. A cultural thing I guess.
Turkish integrate better to Europe nations than arabs. A cultural thing I guess.
Integration is a pipedream. They identify as Turkish mostly. With their own communities. Which is the opposite of integration.
Self segregation is human nature I guess.
Immigrants should oppose immigration as well. As it hurts them too.
Integration is a pipedream. They identify as Turkish mostly. With their own communities. Which is the opposite of integration.
Self segregation is human nature I guess.
Immigrants should oppose immigration as well. As it hurts them too.
Right, better make sure there are no reasons for people to migrate.

Don't fuel proxy wars, don't exploit natural resources, don't sell weapons to foreign warlords and dictators, fight climate change.

Much better than having millions of people migrate. Nobody would leave their homes under such circumstances if they had a chance for a good and safe life in their country of origin

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
Integration is a pipedream. They identify as Turkish mostly. With their own communities. Which is the opposite of integration.
Self segregation is human nature I guess.
Immigrants should oppose immigration as well. As it hurts them too.
It depends on where you live. If the state which welcomes the immigrants do no even try to integrate them, they'll never want to.

In France, we talk of intégration, which means you have to integrate to the French administration(School, taxes and more). We also talk of assimilation which vowes to destroy the foreign identity of immigrants coming here by replacing their culture. It's a civic nationalist process.

Assimilationists are mostly from far-left and far-right program. It's a heritage from the jacobins cultural uniformisation program.
Yes i read about this
It's here in the media too

Shows again that nobody and nothing can be trusted in our day and age

Globalisation was a mistake
theyre admitting they interfere in United States elections but also if you're in the US and say our elections are interfered with you get banned off of every social media platform and called a fascist, and if you go protest about it you get thrown in jail without trial. Great place.
theyre admitting they interfere in United States elections but also if you're in the US and say our elections are interfered with you get banned off of every social media platform and called a fascist, and if you go protest about it you get thrown in jail without trial. Great place.
omg but president jo said it's the most secure election in history 😭😭
omg but president jo said it's the most secure election in history 😭😭
Democracy is dead

theyre admitting they interfere in United States elections but also if you're in the US and say our elections are interfered with you get banned off of every social media platform and called a fascist, and if you go protest about it you get thrown in jail without trial. Great place.

This entire project began because of Indian journalist Gauri Lankesh, who was murdered while combating fake news.

Project initiated and coordinated by @FbdnStories
, w 100 amazing journalists from LeMonde, Der Spiegel, The Guardian, OCCRP, Die Zeit.
Those are the heroes of our time.
May they be rewarded for their sacrifice
Don't fuel proxy wars, don't exploit natural resources, don't sell weapons to foreign warlords and dictators, fight climate change.

Much better than having millions of people migrate. Nobody would leave their homes under such circumstances if they had a chance for a good and safe life in their country of origin
All for it.
As racist as I am, I only wish the best for everyone.
I would very much prefer if Europe went back to the 30s tech wise and leave the rest of the planet be.
We should all be friends and help each other and stay where we are.

@Maschenny we need that here. Forced assimilation or prison. No exceptions.
Post automatically merged:

It never lived. It was dead on arrival. A trojan horse to undermine nations.
Also, representative republics are not democracies. The name is even misused.

Democracy just means kleptocratic oligarchy, basically.
I would very much prefer if Europe went back to the 30s tech wise and leave the rest of the planet be.
Yeah no, Europeans are responsible for most advancements of this world and it is cultural center of the world in a way.

Others can cry as much as they want but Europeans were strongest and ruled over others before others can rule over them
but Europeans were strongest and ruled over others before others can rule over them
Things can be true and also shit.
You want to learn from past mistakes or what?
It is.
I will not even bother with an example as its so damn fucking obvious.
I for one do not particularly enjoy this race to the bottom for wages.
Immigration is basically putting corporate interests above those of the people.