As mentioned here, God is a)learning despite being all knowing and b)playing with the Leviathan? . And in Genesis I believe there is a verse that says that God regretted creating mankind? Against the backdrop of all the attributes mentioned of God, Islam’s conception of God by far makes the most sense.
I always viewed the islamic interpretation as being basically the same as the jewish interpretation. If I'm not wrong, isn't the Torah and Psalms considered holy books by muslims?
Not directly on hand but off the dome it seems like the prevailing doctrine of the trinity for example is inherently influenced by other pagan religions in the nearby localities/cultures of Babylon, Egypt, Ancient Greece as well etc. With the triple deity even present in Roman folklore with Diana I believe it’s called? And then when it comes to the nature of Jesus again the prevailing idea of a god man also has inherent pagan roots with that being directly tied to Greco-Roman folklore with demi gods everywhere. That and the fact that the trinity is nowhere to be found in the Bible itself is enough to see how Paul and other early Christians misinterpreted the actual realities of Jesus. I can give you stuff to read up on if I can find it and if you are interested.
You are indeed correct
The idea of a trinitarian System in christianity
Came over 300 years after Jesus's (pbuh) death in what is known as The First Counvil of Nicaea
The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (from the Latin trinus, meaning "threefold") professes that there is one God, but three eternal and consubstantial persons (aspects): the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is the God of Israel (the creator God of Genesis), the Son is the historical Jesus of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit is the presence or spirit of God that binds them together. The word 'trinity' appears nowhere in the Bible; the concept was finalized at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE after years of debate. It was an attempt to articulate Christianity’s belief in the oneness of God with their claims about Jesus and their experiences of the spirit."
And if you read further you'll notice that the debate that was meant to settle this was settled through philosophy not the biblic scripture itself
" The debates on the Trinity were quite esoteric and included philosophical ideas of the universe. Was Christ homo-ousios, a being like the Father, or was he homoi-ousios, of the identical essence of the Father"
It wouldn't be wrong to assume that the idea of physically human god like Greeks believed were incorporated into it.
I always viewed the islamic interpretation as being basically the same as the jewish interpretation. If I'm not wrong, isn't the Torah and Psalms considered holy books by muslims?
They are holy books that we believe were revealed to Moses and David (peace be upon them) but we don't believe their current variations since they have been altered over time.. So we don't take anything from them.
I always viewed the islamic interpretation as being basically the same as the jewish interpretation. If I'm not wrong, isn't the Torah and Psalms considered holy books by muslims?
Well not exactly as you may be thinking. Muslims hold the original, unadulterated and first hand copies of those books to be holy, which is nowhere to be found today. If whatever is mentioned in the modern Bible goes against what is mentioned in the Quran or authentic narrations regarding the core theology then it is rejected. The Islamic interpretation of God is not entirely same either in finer details, however the general overall belief in one God closely resembles.
Not directly on hand but off the dome it seems like the prevailing doctrine of the trinity for example is inherently influenced by other pagan religions in the nearby localities/cultures of Babylon, Egypt, Ancient Greece as well etc. With the triple deity even present in Roman folklore with Diana I believe it’s called?
Well these influences you claim has no connections what so ever as you just gave the wrong understanding/definition on what Trinity means on how it has been understood through out the people who believed in it. You claimed that Trinity means "triple deity" and thus your whole cases points out calling out polytheistic deity's assuming to be the same case. This sounds like poor studying on your behalf tbh. I'm assuming this is from your research, parroting from an Islamic background? Even Muhamad had it completely wrong on what Trinity means.
And then when it comes to the nature of Jesus again the prevailing idea of a god man also has inherent pagan roots with that being directly tied to Greco-Roman folklore with demi gods everywhere.
Not historically possible as Jesus own claims have been backed up and prophecies from the Tanakh itself, which the Tanakh is older then Greco-Roman's domination over the "world" and influence. Jesus made claims that he has been prophesied for that coming Messiah explained in the Tanakh and by extension the Tanakh also expresses the Messiah's NATURE, of what the Messiah would be like. And this nature of Messiah was never to be understood as a demi-god.
Someone making such claims would have to be completely ignorant in their history and understanding of the Old Testament.
That and the fact that the trinity is nowhere to be found in the Bible itself is enough to see how Paul and other early Christians misinterpreted the actual realities of Jesus. I can give you stuff to read up on if I can find it and if you are interested.
This is not a good standard to judge a belief for not having a "definition" in their scripture, in order for it to be true. If people actually understand the definition of what Trinity means then you can truly conclude if that MEANING is accurate and harmonic to it's doctrine.
@Psalm tbh the reason why the polytheistic diversions persist is coz the understanding provided is a dichotomy
The 3 parts are independent, Co-equal, 100% god on their own yet are 1 in the same.
You could argue its just 1 being posing as other 2 but that would Riddle the biblical framework with narrative holes... Like for instance what does Jesus mean when he says “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" if Jesus is god he should know the hour.. But if the assumed argument is considered that they are one in the same then.. Is Jesus saying... "i dunno the hour but only when I'm posing as the father ik of it"
That's seems problematic given Jesus is 100% god according to the Trinity.
Not only that this also means that when God is posing as Jesus he knows lesser than angles.. If nit wouldn't he have said that he ( Jesus) knows the hour
Bible is still considered A relegious text and believed too unlike Zeus and Odin there info are out of verbally spread stories and old weird rock/paper written records. Hence not considered much reliable. And who worships Odin and zues in this era? Whereas Jesus got more followers than whole of Valhalla and Olympus combined lmao.
Bible is still considered A relegious text and believed too unlike Zeus and Odin there info are out of verbally spread stories and old weird rock/paper written records. Hence not considered much reliable. And who worships Odin and zues in this era? Whereas Jesus got more followers than whole of Valhalla and Olympus combined lmao.
Interesting thing about Christianity was the way how quickly they spread in the world, when first christians was litteraly burned by Neron to death. And still this religion just have won.
@Psalm tbh the reason why the polytheistic diversions persist is coz the understanding provided is a dichotomy
The 3 parts are independent, Co-equal, 100% god on their own yet are 1 in the same.
You could argue its just 1 being posing as other 2 but that would Riddle the biblical framework with narrative holes... Like for instance what does Jesus mean when he says “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" if Jesus is god he should know the hour.. But if the assumed argument is considered that they are one in the same then.. Is Jesus saying... "i dunno the hour but only when I'm posing as the father ik of it"
That's seems problematic given Jesus is 100% god according to the Trinity.
Not only that this also means that when God is posing as Jesus he knows lesser than angles.. If nit wouldn't he have said that he ( Jesus) knows the hour
It’s because Christianity is based off lies and the only way it makes sense is of you just accept the theology is beyond comprehension, which is basically what the trinity is.
Christian pastors have deadass told me this, that you simply cannot understand the trinity.
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Christians need a trinity because without it, either:
They’d need to accept that they are blatantly violating the commandments by creating an idol out of Jesus
All religions are (pretty much) equal in term of the facts. The difference lies on the number of believers and therefore the attractiveness of said religion.
While some religion can be more attractive than others, it's not a matter of facts, it's all about power and social domination.
It’s because Christianity is based off lies and the only way it makes sense is of you just accept the theology is beyond comprehension, which is basically what the trinity is.
Christian pastors have deadass told me this, that you simply cannot understand the trinity.
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Christians need a trinity because without it, either:
They’d need to accept that they are blatantly violating the commandments by creating an idol out of Jesus
It’s because Christianity is based off lies and the only way it makes sense is of you just accept the theology is beyond comprehension, which is basically what the trinity is.
Christian pastors have deadass told me this, that you simply cannot understand the trinity.
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Christians need a trinity because without it, either:
They’d need to accept that they are blatantly violating the commandments by creating an idol out of Jesus
If you a human being have a son. Is your son human? Yes or no?
So logically is christ as he is called is the actual son of God that also makes him God? No?
The Bible makes it clear that christ is the human version of the "word" in whom which was always with God "as stated in creation". Never understood why people don't understand the notion of a supreme diety separating his roles into 3. Don't understand why the most powerful being can't do something as simple as that lol
Because in the Bible, there is only one true God (Yahweh), while other Gods are False Gods.
I don't know why we should believe that Yahweh is the true big G though. Other Pantheons and religions are as legitimate as him, they even were imagined earlier than the first Judo-Christian dogma was written.
It’s because Christianity is based off lies and the only way it makes sense is of you just accept the theology is beyond comprehension, which is basically what the trinity is.
Concept of Jesus and Holy Spirit couldn't be more simpler to anyone that knows very basic of Christianity
Jesus is Mortal Son of God sent to Earth to establish the way of God and save humanity from Sin.
Upon death of Jesus his Apostles hid, Jesus found them and through the Holy Spirit he imbued them with Godly Gifts and making them first Christians and spread his word
And that is represented in 3 aspects of Christianity
The Baptism
(Idk english name so i'll sure literal translation for last 2)
The First Swearing
The Last Swearing
In Baptism your parents introduce you to the God and his way - God aspect done
In First Swearing you are introduced to Jesus through accepting his flesh and blood - Jesus aspect done
In Last swearing you are introduced to Holy Spirit through accepting his gifts and confirming yourself as a Christian - Holy Spirit done
There is one God, The Top G but there are 2 godly beings with him. The Jesus that represents the flesh aspect of a human and a Holy Spirit that represents the Soul aspect of a human, and together they are united through God
just a small question to show if the existence of god logical and valid.
if you see , a car , a plane , or any other functioning instrument. what is your thoughts about its creation and if it has a certain plan for it creation. would you think those instruments has created themselves or think that there is a creator (or creators) of those instrument?
then let us see the bigger picture. How big is the universe ? how many creations are there , stars , planets , moons etc? how are functioning , for example , animals , plans or humans . Do you think , is there a planer or a creator? or are of those thing are just a question of a probabilities? and even if you say so , then where is the beginning? how would anything will be created if there is no force behind it? especially if you know about the principle of the conservation of energy? from nothing you get nothing.
the known 3 religions say that is the origin of those creations is a force they call it God or Allah or another names but the meaning is God, who created everything.
you just need to look carefully on the amazing universe around yourself , there is a creations with certain plans , they functions and are never something the probability could create or let me quote Elbert Einstein : "God does not play dice"
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