Nah bro.. just a lot of "thing" (matter/energy/masses combined)
And according to One Piece, dreams can become reality..
Actually we have a pretty clear understanding of it. We are just not sure how it began in the first place and/or it came from.
Where this "thing" comes from?
One Piece story matters only in it's universe, so Bible story matters only if it is true.
We are not, theories that worked 100 years ago didn't work today. This is why nowadays it is easier to believe that humanity and organic life come from space then from Darvin theory.
Again for example:
1. It was confirmed oficially that Cro-Magnon have no difference between modern human beign. Then why "people" draw em like apes? Because this is politic nowadays and it is hard to accept fact that we know nothing about themselves;
2. Legends of whole world says there was Great Flood that destroyed previous civilization. It was written in Bible, in hindu kshatras, in story of Atlantis(greek) that was even mentioned by Platon and others. We also have world wonder Pyramids that was build by people who suppose not beign able to build something like that. More to that we have similar pyramids in Egypt and America, which is something tgat archeology can't explane right now. Why? Because instead od accepting ecistance of event Great Flood so called scientist created Ice Age, that have no mention in human history and use evidence that actually confirms Great Flood to prove own agenda about Ice Age.
Now that's the problem, to make us independant beign in universe humanity decided to rewrite own history. And because of that it is hard right now to find the real true. Case if you start to talk about fact that we come from somewhere else then evolution you will be on place of Galileo Galiley, where all so called scientist will call you idiot and stupid, ignoring your evidence.