Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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I still stand by Gyou'un > Bananji for now but let us face it Gyou'un bros, we are kinda at a disadvantage here since one of them is dead and can't get anymore feats (unless Hara has a flashback that connects with Gyou'un for some reason, which sounds pretty unlikely) while the other is alive and ya know, can get more feats. Lol.
It's all fine as long as we all agree unmounted Renpa low diffs any of these Zhao brats.
Is Renpa dismounted in this scenario because some Mougou level character overpowered him and shattered the leg bones of his horse again? :madmonk:
I still stand by Gyou'un > Bananji for now but let us face it Gyou'un bros, we are kinda at a disadvantage here since one of them is dead and can't get anymore feats (unless Hara has a flashback that connects with Gyou'un for some reason, which sounds pretty unlikely) while the other is alive and ya know, can get more feats. Lol.
ahhh yess brudda Owl, I sense a change... for the day you will stand with us is surely on the horizon.

Gyou'un and BNJ are only close in physical might. In every other regard, Gyou'un is far superior. And even then, despite their relative closeness at arms, I don't foresee many Gyou'un losing many if any duels to BNJ on account of his superior skill.

With the exception of Tou, Gyou'un is the best vassal we've seen so far - and he wasn't even serving his master.
ahhh yess brudda Owl, I sense a change... for the day you will stand with us is surely on the horizon.

Hey man, I'm just acknowledging that Gyou'un isn't exactly in the best position to get more feats since he caught a spontaneous case of death. :goatasure:

Anyway, I want to see less talk about old Battledome topics and focus on more important stuff, like the thought of Kanki's head decorating a fine Zhao spear. :sadgrin:
The feats we did witness of Gyou'un, impressive as they were, were nevertheless those of a dulled blade.

In my headcanon, Gyou'un was strong enough to justify a STR 96 in his prime, with a "weight cap" that allowed him to beat opponents as strong as 98s - a true threat to Great Generals, the spear Rin Shou Jo pointed at the throats of his foes.

BNJ feels right at 94. I regard him as a Duke Hyou analogue, though obviously not quite as talented or skilled. In my mind, BNJ is one of the few characters I think should have a modifier in his stats to indicate a "Demon of Ganmon" rage mode. In my mind, BNJ at his absolute best has like a STR 98 - but that's just raw strength, not the skill to match it (which is why I think a STR 96 Gyou'un would still win pretty much every match up).
From a writing perspective, the obvious thematical follow-through and conclusion to Kan Ki's arc, which is presently in what you might consider its "fall phase", is comeuppance in the form of terrible consequences for past misdeeds. That is to say, at his end, Kan Ki begets what he has inflicted upon everyone he's come across: pain.

In other words, Kan Ki being tortured to death is what seems like the most obvious if not most conventional route for Hara to go.

Perhaps he subverts those expectations. Perhaps not.

It's entirely possible Hara's twist end to Kan Ki will come in the form of Rin Gyoku suddenly - and to everyone's collective shock - decapitating Kan Ki to spare him an ugly end, taking his leader's life in a most grotesque and final expression of loyalty and love. (If that did happen, I imagine Fu Tei would then quickly end Rin Gyoku's life as a final courtesy).

It could be something else entirely. Whatever it is, I'm very curious to see how Hara is going to kill off the first Six Great General since Ou Ki, i.e. since practically the beginning of the manga. I am reminded of how much I posted this arc was similar to Bayou. That may come full circle.
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