I'm not a scientist so you might have more insight that me on that, but the "abstract" section of this article pretty much confirms what Greta is saying, no ?

It's not so much the content of Greta 's rant but the hypocrisy exhibited by the kid that's being criticized.

Cutting so many trees for Wasting so much paper for a book about environment in the age of Ebooks is legit hypocrisy


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I'm not a scientist so you might have more insight that me on that, but the "abstract" section of this article pretty much confirms what Greta is saying, no ?

Let me elaborate

- Afforestation and Reforestation has two crucial aspects

1) Number of trees itself and area to be covered

2) Types - Is it native or exotic or mixed or monoculture

Now planting exotic species or monoculture can alter habitat of native species and could prove harmful that's why we need planned approach which factor in local conditions

Plantation itself isn't harmful. Its really beneficial if we factor in local conditions.

Now let's look at BBC article headline - "Planting new forests can do more harm than good"

What Greta says - to plant trees can backfire and reduce biodiversity"

Both BBC headline and Greta took things out of context. That's why I said Greta lacks understanding
It's not so much the content of Greta 's rant but the hypocrisy exhibited by the kid that's being criticized.

Cutting so many trees for Wasting so much paper for a book about environment in the age of Ebooks is legit hypocrisy
Sure sure.. & you surely want her to militate with a bike and a telegraph.

Let me elaborate

- Afforestation and Reforestation has two crucial aspects

1) Number of trees itself and area to be covered

2) Types - Is it native or exotic or mixed or monoculture

Now planting exotic species or monoculture can alter habitat of native species and could prove harmful that's why we need planned approach which factor in local conditions

Plantation itself isn't harmful. Its really beneficial if we factor in local conditions.

Now let's look at BBC article headline - "Planting new forests can do more harm than good"

What Greta says - to plant trees can backfire and reduce biodiversity"

Both BBC headline and Greta took things out of context. That's why I said Greta lacks understanding
OH I see. Yes in those case it's indeed innacurate.

Now. She is bound to make some mistakes, she is not an expert, she is just their voice. What is important with Greta is not really her content, it's what she can inspire. And there is indeed an effect. We need person like her for that reason, but we also need those who fact check her in the case she makes a mistake.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
it's indeed innacurate.

That was my point.

Now. She is bound to make some mistakes, she is not an expert, she is just their voice. What is important with Greta is not really her content, it's what she can inspire. And there is indeed an effect. We need person like her for that reason, but we also need those who fact check her in the case she makes a mistake.
Tell me one thing -

Don't you do research on the topics you care about? Forget issues, you did extensive research on a fictional character carrot because you liked her and debated on her.

Thing is when you are invested in something or takes interest in something then you do your research well and build understanding.

And, if you can't then you might not be that interested in the cause as you proclaimed to be.

As I said, I do admire her efforts and how she is raising voice but she has many followers and experts can't be alongside her everytime to fact check her. So she has to do her own research and build understanding if she is really serious about climate change
Interesting, how many share this view
Many. Although they will not admit it. Watch peoples behavior and not their words.
this thought process is wrong and narrow minded
Sorry that you are squeamish about reality. You will grow out of it eventually.
so what you’re saying is, you’re racist
Being racist only means that you accept that fact that races exist. It does not mean that you are hostile to others.
I can aknowledge differences without hating someone for them.
What is more worthy of investment: Landing a man on the moon or healthcare?

The facts:
Project Apollo [1961 - 1972] cost [adjusted for inflation 2020]: $257 billion
annual US expenditures for health care goods and services 2021: $4.3 trillion >> Apollo cost

Is this because healthcare is inefficient or is it because landing a man on the moon is always less expensive than treating the
chronically ill, ill, handicapped, obese and addicted?

Btw I doubt project apollo could be repeated for the same cost again ... why is it so much more expensive now -- high security standards?
Tell me one thing -

Don't you do research on the topics you care about? Forget issues, you did extensive research on a fictional character carrot because you liked her and debated on her.

Thing is when you are invested in something or takes interest in something then you do your research well and build understanding.

And, if you can't then you might not be that interested in the cause as you proclaimed to be.

As I said, I do admire her efforts and how she is raising voice but she has many followers and experts can't be alongside her everytime to fact check her. So she has to do her own research and build understanding if she is really serious about climate change
Sadly no one is perfect, I Greta is bound to make some hard mistake as she is - like me - blocked by her knowledge.. For example me.. I did make research, I went to the source article of Nature. But it didn't stop me from missunderstanding the article, simply because I don't have the knowledge to really pay attention to certain words like you did or because I was told to. So there need to be someone to fact check her at all times, it a necessity if she wants to stay credible.

Errors are ok, I don't mind them as long as we aknowledge them. What counts is the fight to change things.
Sadly no one is perfect, I Greta is bound to make some hard mistake as she is - like me - blocked by her knowledge.. For example me.. I did make research, I went to the source article of Nature. But it didn't stop me from missunderstanding the article, simply because I don't have the knowledge to really pay attention to certain words like you did or because I was told to. So there need to be someone to fact check her at all times, it a necessity if she wants to stay credible.

Errors are ok, I don't mind them as long as we aknowledge them. What counts is the fight to change things.
People who lose their shit about Greta's small mistakes should check their own behavior first.
Cutting so many trees for Wasting so much paper for a book about environment in the age of Ebooks is legit hypocrisy
This is one of the worst arguments i ve ever read. I don't care about this girl actions, i dont even know her. I care generally about books. I can't imagine how the world would be without books..
I have in my library some books with 700 or 800 pages. Is it really possible for anyone to read this on a screen?
So the best for our lives is live with a mobile/laptop screen burning our eyes and mind?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Sadly no one is perfect, I Greta is bound to make some hard mistake as she is - like me - blocked by her knowledge.. For example me.. I did make research, I went to the source article of Nature. But it didn't stop me from missunderstanding the article, simply because I don't have the knowledge to really pay attention to certain words like you did or because I was told to. So there need to be someone to fact check her at all times, it a necessity if she wants to stay credible.

Errors are ok, I don't mind them as long as we aknowledge them. What counts is the fight to change things.
Of course. Everyone makes mistakes. My point was she needs to learn some fundamentals of climate change if she wants to carry this fight forward.

It's essential for her own credibility and you know this very well.

As long as she keeps on putting efforts it's all good to me.
Of course. Everyone makes mistakes. My point was she needs to learn some fundamentals of climate change if she wants to carry this fight forward.

It's essential for her own credibility and you know this very well.

As long as she keeps on putting efforts it's all good to me.
In that case it was not some foundamental but a specific niche topic and not about climat change but replantation. But yeah, even on those specific subject we must be careful.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
In that case it was not some foundamental but a specific niche topic and not about climat change but replantation. But yeah, even on those specific subject we must be careful.

It's fundamental and it's not niche topic per se. It comes under Climate change mitigation - exactly what Greta wants