General & Others Tobi Roppo are the main opponents of the 6 weaker SHs

Will the Mid/Weak Trio fight the Tobi Roppo?

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I’ve always thought this would be an awesome idea because I’m so keen on seeing Robin vs Black Maria and I’m also keen to see how the others manage against these absolute monsters. But here are some reason why it likely isn’t gonna happen :

- First of all there’s a huge difference against these 6 and the 6 weaker SH’s. Page One who seems to be the weakest was clashing evenly with RS Sanji and that’s crazy considering Base Sanji is already a lot stronger than the weaker 6 SH’s.

- Secondly X Drake isn’t an actual member of the Beast Pirates, He’s only acting like one cause he’s working as an Undercover spy for the Marines. This is important because that means there’s only really 5 members in the flying six, that means not every weaker member will have a fight against a F6 member which defeats the purpose of all the Weaker SH’s getting a fight against a top Beast Pirate member.

- Lastly there’s a lot of other strong fighters taking part in this war who’d stand a much better chance fighting against these monsters. Denjiro, Ashura, Kawamatsu, Killer, Neko, Inu X Drake and more. It’d be pretty stupid Oda to have all these stronger fighters and have guys like Chopper fighting the F6.
- First of all there’s a huge difference against these 6 and the 6 weaker SH’s. Page One who seems to be the weakest was clashing evenly with RS Sanji and that’s crazy considering Base Sanji is already a lot stronger than the weaker 6 SH’s.
That's the point. This is an arc where the Strawhats beat opponents seemingly out of the stratosphere for themselves. Kaido one-shot Luffy, now he's going to get beaten by him.

Also, Page One was not "clashing evenly" with RS Sanji. Far from it. As funny as it was that Sanji said he'd take him out for good and didn't, there's a clear difference in how Page One was taking hits from Sanji, to how Sanji was taking hits from Pay Pay
Secondly X Drake isn’t an actual member of the Beast Pirates, He’s only acting like one cause he’s working as an Undercover spy for the Marines. This is important because that means there’s only really 5 members in the flying six, that means not every weaker member will have a fight against a F6 member which defeats the purpose of all the Weaker SH’s getting a fight against a top Beast Pirate member.
Alabasta has been the only arc in One Piece where everyone got a fight. Yes, someone will have to miss out, but it makes more sense that it's only one Strawhat that misses out, as opposed to six of them. Or maybe, maybe Oda matches some of the WCI group against BM Pirates, but I'm still wary of the role their playing.
Lastly there’s a lot of other strong fighters taking part in this war who’d stand a much better chance fighting against these monsters. Denjiro, Ashura, Kawamatsu, Killer, Neko, Inu X Drake and more. It’d be pretty stupid Oda to have all these stronger fighters and have guys like Chopper fighting the F6.
I'd say it would be stupider for Luffy's crew to play a negligible role in defeating the first Yonko. The Scabbards can beat a few Numbers then get hypetooled by Kaido and the Calamities. Leave the actual fight for the Strawhats.

Also, I find it very hard to think that, in the case of Ashura and Denjiro in particular, that Oda is setting them up to have a focused 1 vs 1 fight. And I say that because, with what's shown so far, the two do not have a unique fighting style. They are (along with Kiku) bog standard swordsmen, with nothing unique about their fighting style. Kawamatsu might be getting set up for something since Oda's actually gave him a distinct moveset, we'll at least see the Minks Su Long.

And that's the thing that is always in the Strawhats favour- they have a unique fighting style. A fight between Franky and Sasaki, or Brook and Who's Who, is always going to be more interesting than anything a plain fighter like Ashura or Denjiro can come up with.
That's the point. This is an arc where the Strawhats beat opponents seemingly out of the stratosphere for themselves. Kaido one-shot Luffy, now he's going to get beaten by him.

Also, Page One was not "clashing evenly" with RS Sanji. Far from it. As funny as it was that Sanji said he'd take him out for good and didn't, there's a clear difference in how Page One was taking hits from Sanji, to how Sanji was taking hits from Pay Pay

Alabasta has been the only arc in One Piece where everyone got a fight. Yes, someone will have to miss out, but it makes more sense that it's only one Strawhat that misses out, as opposed to six of them. Or maybe, maybe Oda matches some of the WCI group against BM Pirates, but I'm still wary of the role their playing.

I'd say it would be stupider for Luffy's crew to play a negligible role in defeating the first Yonko. The Scabbards can beat a few Numbers then get hypetooled by Kaido and the Calamities. Leave the actual fight for the Strawhats.

Also, I find it very hard to think that, in the case of Ashura and Denjiro in particular, that Oda is setting them up to have a focused 1 vs 1 fight. And I say that because, with what's shown so far, the two do not have a unique fighting style. They are (along with Kiku) bog standard swordsmen, with nothing unique about their fighting style. Kawamatsu might be getting set up for something since Oda's actually gave him a distinct moveset, we'll at least see the Minks Su Long.

And that's the thing that is always in the Strawhats favour- they have a unique fighting style. A fight between Franky and Sasaki, or Brook and Who's Who, is always going to be more interesting than anything a plain fighter like Ashura or Denjiro can come up with.
How strong do you believe the tobi roppo to be? Cause if they comparable to drake i just can't see the 6 sh winning especially solo. Ive still have have a hard time seeing the calamities being solod

Imo i don't think this is the arc any of the strawhats are gonna solo their final opponents. Assuming the 6 fight the tobi, monster trio the calamities, and luffy big mom
Imo we just have to many important and arguably more capable allies. Like the samurai, mink, heart and kid pirates, and likely even the whitebeard pirates
Not even including the marines maybe coming too

I think the first time they'll do it on their own is against the big mom or red haired pirates at elbaf. Tho it is just speculation
How strong do you believe the tobi roppo to be? Cause if they comparable to drake i just can't see the 6 sh winning especially solo. Ive still have have a hard time seeing the calamities being solod

Imo i don't think this is the arc any of the strawhats are gonna solo their final opponents. Assuming the 6 fight the tobi, monster trio the calamities, and luffy big mom
Imo we just have to many important and arguably more capable allies. Like the samurai, mink, heart and kid pirates, and likely even the whitebeard pirates
Not even including the marines maybe coming too

I think the first time they'll do it on their own is against the big mom or red haired pirates at elbaf. Tho it is just speculation
I actually agree with you, I really don't see many traditional solo defeats happening here.

When I say that I'm seeing the Strawhats beating the F6 what that really means is that they're the ones who are landing the final hits and taking them down. In a similar (but not identical) fashion to Luffy beating Doflamingo, but Law also playing his part in weakening him.

As for how strong they are, I don't think they're even close to the Calamities, to be quite honest. Who's Who needs to do a lot more than smirk and have a high opinion of himself for me to take him seriously- how often have we had arrogant villains who can't live up to their own hype? And I think there is very much a difference between Oda hyping a character, and Oda making a character hype themselves.

Now, in comparison to the Strawhats- don't think they're all that close to ZSJ either. Those three have moved past them as opponents. I'd bet on any Worst Gen member against them in a 1 vs 1. Given they are all presumably Zoans, and with how Oda's written Zoans in the past, they'll physically be above all the weaker Strawhats, but they crucially won't have any real tricks about them. The Strawhats, on the other hand, do. That's how they'll be able to come out on top. It's basically how Nami and Ussop, for one, have won every fight they've had. So a bit of help, fighting clever, and the Strawhats will be able to win, but be battered by the end of it.
The tobi roppo literally seem like the CP9 guys introduced at Enies Lobby after we already knew Lucci, Kaku, Blueno and Kalifa.
A quirky group with own personality traits and unique appearances that created the impression there are so many agents like Lucci and Kaku.
In the end three were beaten by Franky, Nami and Chopper respectively, the latter basically crushed his opponent.
I actually agree with you, I really don't see many traditional solo defeats happening here.

When I say that I'm seeing the Strawhats beating the F6 what that really means is that they're the ones who are landing the final hits and taking them down. In a similar (but not identical) fashion to Luffy beating Doflamingo, but Law also playing his part in weakening him.

As for how strong they are, I don't think they're even close to the Calamities, to be quite honest. Who's Who needs to do a lot more than smirk and have a high opinion of himself for me to take him seriously- how often have we had arrogant villains who can't live up to their own hype? And I think there is very much a difference between Oda hyping a character, and Oda making a character hype themselves.

Now, in comparison to the Strawhats- don't think they're all that close to ZSJ either. Those three have moved past them as opponents. I'd bet on any Worst Gen member against them in a 1 vs 1. Given they are all presumably Zoans, and with how Oda's written Zoans in the past, they'll physically be above all the weaker Strawhats, but they crucially won't have any real tricks about them. The Strawhats, on the other hand, do. That's how they'll be able to come out on top. It's basically how Nami and Ussop, for one, have won every fight they've had. So a bit of help, fighting clever, and the Strawhats will be able to win, but be battered by the end of it.
That's pretty fair imo
Tho i wonder who the others are gonna fight. Like kinemon, denjiro, and laws sides

Also very random out of my ass theory that wont happen. What if usopp fights yamato and hes the sugar/perona or the beast pirates
That's pretty fair imo
Tho i wonder who the others are gonna fight. Like kinemon, denjiro, and laws sides

Also very random out of my ass theory that wont happen. What if usopp fights yamato and hes the sugar/perona or the beast pirates
Kine'mon is presumably getting Kanjuro.
I'd be amazed if any of Law's crew do more than beat fodder.
Denjiro, along with Ashura, I think has "hype tool" written all over them. We know they're strong, but Oda also hasn't given them a unique fighting style. That to me implies that Oda isn't really planning on having them fight in depth. Them beating a Number before getting defeated quite handily by Kaido or a Calamity is very likely to me.
That's the point. This is an arc where the Strawhats beat opponents seemingly out of the stratosphere for themselves. Kaido one-shot Luffy, now he's going to get beaten by him.
Luffy send Kaido's ass flying and crashing through buildings without even using his ultimate finisher. You not wanting to give him credit is a different story. This is what Chopper and Brook accomplished against Perospero

With Future Sight and Top Tier CoA, Luffy is a Top Tier atm, just like Kaido. He might not be on Kaido's level, but he's certainly within the same tier.

The weaker Straw Hats probably can't even solo Trebol or Diamante right now, let alone people on X-Drake's level competing for Commander spots. Reminder that even a guy without a 380 bounty, got quickly apprehended by Pero:

Reminder also that Pedro has BOTH Armament Haki and Observation Haki, which only 1 of those feats was used once by Usopp.

There is another group of 6 that can handle these guys, whose feats we barely saw. I personally highly doubt Sanji's story with them is over, but we'll see.

Apart from Vinsmokes, only one who can take down Tobi Roppo are, Supernovas, Scabbards or Jinbe.
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Oda created a World and he created Characters in that world that have defined strength and power. If the Strawhat's don't obey those rules then the story suffers, Logic is thrown out of window. Oda disrespected his own Worlds rules plenty of times. It's quiet sad.
Other times he's done fine. I hold the believe that Sanji and Zoro should barely be passable at Doflamingo's Officers, Yonko Crews, not commanders but the people just below them, Should be stronger than Doflamingo's officers. Vergo is an outlier.

I don't think it's right for any of the Strawhats to be able to beat the Flying 6, not without a god damn good reason.
Luffy send Kaido's ass flying and crashing through buildings without even using his ultimate finisher. You not wanting to give him credit is a different story.
Great, Luffy damaged some buildings as collateral. Page One knocked Sanji through a couple of buildings and Sanji's only reaction was it say it hurt a bit. Kaido, who is a vastly superior fighter in every respect to Sanji, wasn't hurt in the slightest, got up and ended Luffy in one hit.

This is what Chopper and Brook accomplished against Perospero
So? Why don't you show what they accomplished later on against a vastly superior opponent, Big Mom?

You're the one who made a thread recently about how matchups matter and nobody pays attention to them. Do you not realise that Perospero's got some hax Paramecia abilities that took out Brook and Chopper (who were already showing signs of fatigue having fought off the attackers to the Sunny, btw) that the presumable Zoan only Flying Six are unlikely to have? And that against the F6 it would actually be the Strawhats who have more unique abilities that can help the man against physically stronger opponent?
The weaker Straw Hats probably can't even solo Trebol or Diamante right now, let alone people on X-Drake's level competing for Commander spots. Reminder that even a guy without a 380 bounty, got quickly apprehended by Pero:
I've said time and time again I don't expect any of the Strawhats to solo their opponents, just to be the ones that are the main figures in their fight
I think people are stuck on the mentality that the strawhats should defeat equal level opponents. That's not the case and will never be in shounen mangas. What is the point if there is no struggle, no level-up or epiphany. It'll be boring and we would've learned nothing after the fight. If overthrowing Kaido and his crew wasn't difficult, anyone can do it.

Again, narratively it makes perfect sense for the mid/weak trio to take out the f6 but Oda doesn't exactly follow logical narrative structure. He can simply pit 2 characters against one another because their abilities or personalities clash.
I think people are stuck on the mentality that the strawhats should defeat equal level opponents. That's not the case and will never be in shounen mangas. What is the point if there is no struggle, no level-up or epiphany. It'll be boring and we would've learned nothing after the fight. If overthrowing Kaido and his crew wasn't difficult, anyone can do it.

Again, narratively it makes perfect sense for the mid/weak trio to take out the f6 but Oda doesn't exactly follow logical narrative structure. He can simply pit 2 characters against one another because their abilities or personalities clash.
The point I've talked about is, they're not even close to being even equals, none of the Strawhats have fought opponents that Luffy has fought, without all the bullshit nuances I doubt Chopper Nami or Usopp beating even the likes of Pre time skip Moria, Lucci... it just seems utterly ridiculous that these strawhats in two years could match with the likes of these enemies, they either dont have Haki or are very underdeveloped Haki. And I'm expected to believe these guys could handle the upper tiers of a Yonko Crew? Holy shit no.
The point I've talked about is, they're not even close to being even equals, none of the Strawhats have fought opponents that Luffy has fought, without all the bullshit nuances I doubt Chopper Nami or Usopp beating even the likes of Pre time skip Moria, Lucci... it just seems utterly ridiculous that these strawhats in two years could match with the likes of these enemies, they either dont have Haki or are very underdeveloped Haki. And I'm expected to believe these guys could handle the upper tiers of a Yonko Crew? Holy shit no.
I think there's some overestimation of the f6 and underestimation of the mid/weak trio here.

No one knows exactly how strong these guys are. Saying they can challenge the all-stars could simply be their pirate captain egos talking, King could maybe 1v6 these guys, we don't know. The only clash we've seen is Sanji vs P1 but that was inconclusive, Sanji wasn't trying for the most part. Some fights in the past looked impossible like Enel vs Luffy, Katakuri vs Luffy, Nami vs Kalifa. But sneak in some ability advantages and shounen powerups, and the fights become much more plausible. I just don't see it as an impossible stretch.

And that's just speaking with the perspective of pure powerscaling structure. Oda hasn't been consistent with this at all.
No. No there isn't. Any veteran level person no diffs weaker SHs.

When Franky is struggling with Baby 5, Buffalo, Senor Pink or even Bastille, thinking he can take out guys around this level is fucking absurd

There are counterexamples like these throughout the entire story. Brooke vs BM, Nami vs BM etc. Zoro random "loss" to how many people now like the Yeti bros. Like I said, Oda isn't consistent with power structure. He uses characters as hypetools all the time. There hasn't been serious fights since Dressrosa and that was multiple arcs ago.